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Malware redirecting thread to another website (1 Viewer)

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Check your computer.
I don't how to do that. From what I see in a similar thread, malicious resources are not locally sourced, but remotely sourced from a website which I did not access.
I don't how to do that. From what I see in a similar thread, malicious resources are not locally sourced, but remotely sourced from a website which I did not access.
1. Have you done other surfing to see if it is redirecting on other pages?
Like off of a google search?

2. To where is it redirecting you?
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I don't how to do that. From what I see in a similar thread, malicious resources are not locally sourced, but remotely sourced from a website which I did not access.

If you are being re-directed, it's your computer that is infected. There's nothing wrong with the link you provided. Try Malware Bytes.
If you try the suggested Malware Bytes and you still have issues, don't hesitate to ask for more assistance because sometimes it just doesn't take care of the issue.
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Yep, Malware Bytes is, IMO, the best out there for removing Malware. That should fix your problem.
I believe this may be related to Java, since I recently downloaded a failed update. Thanks.
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