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Looks like another Islamic terrorist attack (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
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Political Leaning
In Germany. Details sketchy, but the money is on ISIS.
In Germany. Details sketchy, but the money is on ISIS.


What are you talking about?

And what did the Iowa Singing Ice Sculpturers do now...those rascals?
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In Germany. Details sketchy, but the money is on ISIS.

We've been talking about this on this very forum for 3 hours now.
It is SUPPOSED TO look like another Islamic terrorist attack, just like San Bernardino and Pulse and Paris and so many others.
We've been talking about this on this very forum for 3 hours now.

But this thread is different because it has all the inside poop.
It is SUPPOSED TO look like another Islamic terrorist attack, just like San Bernardino and Pulse and Paris and so many others.

Ah, but it's all a grand conspiracy, huh? Who is it? The Jews? :roll:
Ah, but it's all a grand conspiracy, huh? Who is it? The Jews? :roll:

It might actually BE Islamic terrorists, or it might not....
It is SUPPOSED TO look like another Islamic terrorist attack, just like San Bernardino and Pulse and Paris and so many others.
Seeing as there is an entire section dedicated to CT nonsense why exactly do you constantly feel the need to
spread your BS all over this forum. If people want to get a laugh out of your nonsense they can just go to that section. No need to derail actual adult discussions with your silliness.
It is SUPPOSED TO look like another Islamic terrorist attack, just like San Bernardino and Pulse and Paris and so many others.

Wait... huh... what? You thinknit is a conspiracy?
Nobody ever lost money betting on the Muslims.

That would be an ISIS money maker. Take bets. Give odds and DONT commit a terrorist attack but everybody thinks they did. Go to Vegas and make a killing... well, not literally.
Wait... huh... what? You thinknit is a conspiracy?
Apparently you don't know Thoreau. Along with the twin towers being brought down with nukes, Sandy Hook being a fake and the US being responsible for shooting down that Russian plane over Egypt he thinks pretty much every bad incident in the world is a false flag by the evil US government.
Apparently you don't know Thoreau. Along with the twin towers being brought down with nukes, Sandy Hook being a fake and the US being responsible for shooting down that Russian plane over Egypt he thinks pretty much every bad incident in the world is a false flag by the evil US government.

Lol. No. Didnt know that. Thnx...
Perhaps we should take down the word Islamic in the title thread?

Jeez, how racist! It is a terrorists attack... mmmokay? No need to target Islam/Muslims by saying it is a Islamic attack.
Well, what's been happening is that we've (the west) have been making all of these attacks on ISIL positions and people, and ISIL is saying "oh yeah!?!".

We'll try and get serious about all of this in a minute or two; I'm banking on another couple of years before anybody notices.
Perhaps we should take down the word Islamic in the title thread?

Jeez, how racist! It is a terrorists attack... mmmokay? No need to target Islam/Muslims by saying it is a Islamic attack.

Islam isn't a race...lol
Perhaps we should take down the word Islamic in the title thread?

Jeez, how racist! It is a terrorists attack... mmmokay? No need to target Islam/Muslims by saying it is a Islamic attack.

Nobody objected when they labelled them IRA catholic terrorists...
Perhaps we should take down the word Islamic in the title thread?

Jeez, how racist! It is a terrorists attack... mmmokay? No need to target Islam/Muslims by saying it is a Islamic attack.

Really? You're kidding me, right?

This is coming from the guy that wants to throw all Muslims into internment camps and ban all hijabs.
Perhaps we should take down the word Islamic in the title thread?

Jeez, how racist! It is a terrorists attack... mmmokay? No need to target Islam/Muslims by saying it is a Islamic attack.

Muslim is a race now?

If the terrorists belonged to a radical group like ISIS, then it was an Islamic terrorist attack
Perhaps we should take down the word Islamic in the title thread?

Jeez, how racist! It is a terrorists attack... mmmokay? No need to target Islam/Muslims by saying it is a Islamic attack.

Islam isn't a race. Rent a clue.

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