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Look out Conservative Radio - Air America is Here (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
I stopped listening to most of Conservative radio a long time ago, except for Savage Nation. I was turned off by the hate that oozed from my radio every time I turned it on.

Well, today, Conservative radio got its ass literally kicked in the hate market.

My wife subscribes to The Nation magazine. Yup, she is a devout Liberal in every sense of the word. She is always trying to convince me that she is right, and always wants me to read her magazine, although she never reads The American Conservative, which is the magazine I get. Yea, the mailman always gives us funny looks. LOL. Even funnier is the night she and I were arguing politics and the police showed up at our front door. A neighbor had called in a domestic disturbance complaint on us. Thought we were about to beat the crap out of each other. Before the officer left, we were all laughing about it. My wife and I have been married for 35 years. I guess opposites attract. :)

Anyways, there was an ad for Air America in The Nation, and my wife talked me into going to the website and listening to the webcast. Guess what it was about? Some guy (I forget his name) spewing the same kind of stuff that used to turn me off about Conservative talk radio, and every other sentence, he would scream "Those sons of bitches". It went on like this for about 20 minutes, when my wife, as Liberal as he is, killed the Windows Media player screen, and said "What an asshole". LOL.

Yup, I can see it now. Conservative hate radio is dying, and Liberal hate radio is taking its place. More channels to turn off.
There's only 2 people I listen to from time to time, and that's for when I want a good laugh.

Randi Rhodes and Savage. They are both extreme opposites and both of them make ridiculous comments on a daily basis. The only difference though is that Savage is an INDEPENDENT conservative, and I hear him rail against Bush and republicans all the time especially on Bush's new appointee. Randi Rhodes is the epitome of a partisan demagogue hate monger, and she's good for a laugh as she preaches to the choir much in the way that Rush does.

There is another person on Air America who seems to be a lot more open minded and middle road but for the life of me I can't remember his full name. I believe his show is titled the "Lionel Show," or something to that effect.
I listen to Rush Limbaugh all the time, believe it or not. He is a jerk and an asshole but he can be funny at times. I have more fun though lsitening to people try to argue with him and hearing Rush just turn his volume down lmao.
I listen to the Savage Nation,Lara Ingram,Glen Beck show,Bill O'Rilly and a few local talk radio host.

Yup, I can see it now. Conservative hate radio is dying, and Liberal hate radio is taking its place. More channels to turn off.

You actually thought liberal radio would be any different?Look at the topics that some of the liberals post.
"Conservative radio is dying" is not an accurate statement. "Liberal radio and both its listeners have taken hate radio far passed anywhere conservatives ever even attempted" would be more accurate.

Ratings for liberal radio are embarrasing. Almost as bad as liberal books. Even though liberal writers get gigantic multi-million-dollar grants upfront, instant glorification from the New York Times, and gleaming, softball interviews from biased, left-wing activists like Katie Couric, their books almost always bomb. My conclusion from this lengthy history is that liberals don't read. Nothing else could explain it. Conservatives have a very hard time getting published (or at least they did until Regnery came along), almost never get grants from anyone, get downplayed by the media, and yet they still sell books like nothing I've ever seen.

Conservatives read. Liberals scream.
I listen to a bunch of them

Hannity and Rush make absurd points-but you normally have to check an objective source to know they fibbed

Ranting Rhodes contradicts herself frequently-she has neither the delivery nor the touch of the two big name GOP shills. She is a amateur in terms of skills as a talking head compared to those two

Savage is a freakin nut case. arrogance unleashed
Michael Medved is the man..........He loves for liberals to call in then he tear them a new AHole........After that they just call him names and hang up.......

Sounds like the liberals in this forum......:lol:
Navy Pride said:
Michael Medved is the man..........He loves for liberals to call in then he tear them a new AHole........After that they just call him names and hang up.......

Sounds like the liberals in this forum......:lol:

He isn't on in our area to the best of my knowledge but I have heard him as a guest host-very good

another good one is right leaning local Mike McConnell (not the lawprofessor/judge) from CIncinnati.
aquapub said:
"Conservative radio is dying" is not an accurate statement. "Liberal radio and both its listeners have taken hate radio far passed anywhere conservatives ever even attempted" would be more accurate.

Ratings for liberal radio are embarrasing. Almost as bad as liberal books. Even though liberal writers get gigantic multi-million-dollar grants upfront, instant glorification from the New York Times, and gleaming, softball interviews from biased, left-wing activists like Katie Couric, their books almost always bomb. My conclusion from this lengthy history is that liberals don't read. Nothing else could explain it. Conservatives have a very hard time getting published (or at least they did until Regnery came along), almost never get grants from anyone, get downplayed by the media, and yet they still sell books like nothing I've ever seen.

Conservatives read. Liberals scream.
I really don’t know where to begin. Sometimes when I read your posts, I think that obviously you are trolling or something because no reasoned and sane individual regardless of their ideological beliefs would hold such irrational views. However, I think you honestly do believe this stuff.

First off, if you are going to rant about how much more well read you think that conservatives are compared to liberals, then you would think that you would bother to spell check your post.

Secondly, you are flat wrong. Liberal authors outsell conservative authors by wide margins these days. Ann Coulter’s Slander was on the New York Times best seller list for 15 weeks. However, Michael Moore’s book, Stupid White Men, was on the New York Times best seller list for 37 weeks. For 2004, Bill Clinton’s my life was the best selling political book and the 7th best selling book overall that year. Al Franken’s Lies Liars and the Lying Liars who tell them was Amazon’s forth best seller of 2003. Al Franken’s book, and Michael Moore’s book Dude Where is My Country, dominated the best sellers list for political books in 2003. I can go on and on, these are only a few examples.

That is the problem that liberals have with having success in liberal talk radio. Liberals tend to be more interested in reading a book than listening to some shouting match on television or listening to talk radio.
Conservatives read. Liberals scream.

I don't know what the **** is your problem dude but that phrase made me want to smash something as I am probably the biggest reader I know. Stupid ****ing conservative bastard piece of ****.
I don't know if I agree that liberal "hate" radio will replace conservative "hate" radio. While there are tons of conserative talkshow hosts, they each have a little niche, or take on things that make the same issues interesting. I use to be a Limbaugh listener, but I'm now more inclined to tune in to Glenn Beck. While I don't agree with him on a lot of issues, I do believe that he is entertaining and his views on family and morality are somewhat akin to mine.

I'm not a Randi Rhodes fan at all, though I do love Ed Schulz, Al Franken, and a guy they have on late night who injects more humor and skits in his show than Schulz or Franken do. I listen via online through AM760.
FinnMacCool said:
aquapub said:
Conservatives read. Liberals scream
I don't know what the **** is your problem dude but that phrase made me want to smash something as I am probably the biggest reader I know. Stupid ****ing conservative bastard piece of ****.

judging by this post, aqua may be right :lol:
My apologies. That post was the direct result of too much caffiene and over-sensitivity caused by the constant rain we are getting here on Long Island.
Conservatives read. Liberals scream.

WTF are you talking about? NO ONE reads anymore. Its all about 24 hour news networks baby!
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
WTF are you talking about? NO ONE reads anymore. Its all about 24 hour news networks baby!
I just read that comment...

It's been nullified...:2wave:
Huh what? I'm sorry could you put that on a television screen for me? I dont read you see.... ;)
danarhea said:
I stopped listening to most of Conservative radio a long time ago, except for Savage Nation. I was turned off by the hate that oozed from my radio every time I turned it on.

Well, today, Conservative radio got its ass literally kicked in the hate market.

My wife subscribes to The Nation magazine. Yup, she is a devout Liberal in every sense of the word. She is always trying to convince me that she is right, and always wants me to read her magazine, although she never reads The American Conservative, which is the magazine I get. Yea, the mailman always gives us funny looks. LOL. Even funnier is the night she and I were arguing politics and the police showed up at our front door. A neighbor had called in a domestic disturbance complaint on us. Thought we were about to beat the crap out of each other. Before the officer left, we were all laughing about it. My wife and I have been married for 35 years. I guess opposites attract. :)

Anyways, there was an ad for Air America in The Nation, and my wife talked me into going to the website and listening to the webcast. Guess what it was about? Some guy (I forget his name) spewing the same kind of stuff that used to turn me off about Conservative talk radio, and every other sentence, he would scream "Those sons of bitches". It went on like this for about 20 minutes, when my wife, as Liberal as he is, killed the Windows Media player screen, and said "What an asshole". LOL.

Yup, I can see it now. Conservative hate radio is dying, and Liberal hate radio is taking its place. More channels to turn off.

Who are you trying to bullcrap, ...liberal radio shows DO NOT LAST very long, ..because the majority does NOT buy into its CRAP!

Their ratings are crap as well, 'IF' they are honest enough to even publiscize them:2razz: ..giving further proof of liberal radio's irrelevance!

Its okay, ..you can always pretend THEY have a majority of listeners in the same fashion that liberals PRETEND to represent the majority!

If it makes liberals feel good about themselves, ..I suppose thats all that matters. :smile:
Rush and friends came into vogue during the Clinton era and bashing Clinton made them all big bucks. Heck, they're still doing it to this day. :roll:

I think it makes perfect sense for the rise of liberal talk, whether it's Air America, Ed Shultz, The Young Turks, Stephanie Miller or my favorite Thom Hartman, in an era dominated by Republicans.
Stu Ghatze said:
Who are you trying to bullcrap, ...liberal radio shows DO NOT LAST very long, ..because the majority does NOT buy into its CRAP!

Their ratings are crap as well, 'IF' they are honest enough to even publiscize them:2razz: ..giving further proof of liberal radio's irrelevance!

Its okay, ..you can always pretend THEY have a majority of listeners in the same fashion that liberals PRETEND to represent the majority!

If it makes liberals feel good about themselves, ..I suppose thats all that matters. :smile:

I was going to respond, then I saw it was Stu....
hipsterdufus said:
Rush and friends came into vogue during the Clinton era and bashing Clinton made them all big bucks. Heck, they're still doing it to this day. :roll:

I think it makes perfect sense for the rise of liberal talk, whether it's Air America, Ed Shultz, The Young Turks, Stephanie Miller or my favorite Thom Hartman, in an era dominated by Republicans.

The only talk radio personality is listen to is Mihael Medved.............He is a Conservative and invites Liberals to call and debate him.........It is really funny when they end up getting frustrated and resort to their name calling and insults then hang up.......
hipsterdufus said:
I was going to respond, then I saw it was Stu....
yeah dude, not worth wasting your time dude, it's like yelling at a really confused brick wall
Navy Pride said:
The only talk radio personality is listen to is Mihael Medved.............He is a Conservative and invites Liberals to call and debate him.........It is really funny when they end up getting frustrated and resort to their name calling and insults then hang up.......

What time is he on?

Listen to Medved's meltown on Social Security here: Pretty funny!


When radio host Michael Medved challenged Rock the Vote Washington director Hans Riemer's use of the term "privatization" to describe President Bush's proposed changes to Social Security, Riemer confronted Medved with a quotation of Bush describing his proposed private accounts as "privatization." Yet Medved insisted that the claim that Bush supports privatization is "a bloody lie" and challenged Riemer to name a single U.S. politician who said he wanted to "get rid of Social Security." When Riemer presented a November 11, 2000, quote from Rep. Chris Chocola (R-IN), who said he would "like to see the entire system privatized," Medved responded: "I'm not even sure he is a member of Congress." Chocola was elected to Congress in 2002.
I understand fully why people get a kick out of listening to a drug-addicted freak like Rush Limbaugh. Hell, I'd give any drug addicted freak a shot on the radio.

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