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Liz Cheney - Republican Party "must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution" (1 Viewer)

She talked about truth and fidelity to the Constitution. What is she talking about? What "basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process” does she think her fellow republicans arent willing to defend?
She tells you in the piece. You could read it, or not. Asking dumb questions answered in the opinion piece is a good strategy I think.
So you moved the goal posts.

FWIW, as she notes in the article, Trump is still making those claims, and GOP leadership including that cowardly POS "my integrity is worth nothing!!" McCarthy is trying to oust her from leadership for not kissing Trump's fat loser ass and repeating them like a good little lemming. The ouster attempt is happening as we speak.
No one is talking about the election, no one is refusing to support the Constitution. Cheney is full of crap
What have you added but telling us you're not interested enough to read the op-ed then dismissing what's quoted with a hand wave? Oh, and insults - those are good!
Its not spelled out in the OP and if its too much trouble for you to answer the questions I pose, then dont answer them. I never asked you in the first place and your reply would likely be little more than hackish crap anyhow.
I must have misinterpreted, "I said it was meaningless not incorrect."

So you said it was meaningless but did not mean to imply you thought it was meaningless. English is subtle language, I suppose.
Go back and start from the beginning. You should be able to figure out your own mistake without me holding your hand
Go back and start from the beginning. You should be able to figure out your own mistake without me holding your hand

Hmmm. I disagree. I don't believe I have made a mistake. I think you are merely full of shit.
"The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution," the Wyoming Republican wrote in the op-ed. “History is watching. Our children are watching. We must be brave enough to defend the basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process.”

That is nothing but meaningless platitudes. She is going to have to come up with better lines than that if she wishes to convince anyone other than the mindless left.
Meaningless platitudes like the oath of office, truth and our Constitution. :rolleyes: Nobody can say that you're not smart as a 1789 whip. Are you on board with (S/I/T) Trump and his Big Lie? If so, how long do you think his Big Lie will hold out for? ! year? 2 years? 3 years? 4 years? Longer??
No one is talking about the election, no one is refusing to support the Constitution. Cheney is full of crap
Well, people are still talking about the election. There are several threads right here on DP about a stupid recount in AZ. She's being ousted over her unwillingness to embrace those idiotic claims like a mindless Trump sycophant. So who do you think this ignorant gaslighting is going to convince?
What have you added but telling us you're not interested enough to read the op-ed then dismissing what's quoted with a hand wave? Oh, and insults - those are good!
Well....he did say.."Her goose is cooked"....that was pretty clever.
Hurrah for Fletch !!
Well, people are still talking about the election.

Former President Trump talks about it constantly. He shows up randomly at Mar-a-Lago to talk about it.
Its not spelled out in the OP and if its too much trouble for you to answer the questions I pose, then dont answer them. I never asked you in the first place and your reply would likely be little more than hackish crap anyhow.
I quoted from the opinion piece and bolded parts just for you. If you're not interested enough in your question to read the opinion piece, or even what I quoted for you, I guess we'll just have to leave it there.
Well, people are still talking about the election. There are several threads right here on DP about a stupid recount in AZ. She's being ousted over her unwillingness to embrace those idiotic claims like a mindless Trump sycophant. So who do you think this ignorant gaslighting is going to convince?
Bull****. She is being ousted because she makes dishonest Opeds like the one she just did. She claimed the "Republican Party" was at a crossroads not some kooks doing a recount.
I quoted from the opinion piece and bolded parts just for you. If you're not interested enough in your question to read the opinion piece, or even what I quoted for you, I guess we'll just have to leave it there.
Yes. And the things you bolded only go to show that Cheney is full of ****. She is going to lose her position and in two years, lose her seat. Then you can get to hear her berate republicans from some CNN panel.
The republicans should consider changing the name to the Grand Trump Party.

It seems rather apropos...
If I may add to your Grand Trump Party offering with a GD Trump Party. I very rarely use those words GD, but it truly fit well with the moment.
she's got balls unlike most in the GOP.
That's for certain. It's also the GOP early on that seemingly week by week placated to (S/I/T) Trump that emboldened him to become this bloviating shitbag traitor and get away with it. This is why Liz Cheney appears to be the lone wolf staying true to her oath of office and our Constitution in this Trumplican Party of today.
Bull****. She is being ousted because she makes dishonest Opeds like the one she just did. She claimed the "Republican Party" was at a crossroads not some kooks doing a recount.
The Republican party is a bunch of Trump ass kissing sycophants - that's the signature characteristic. If you're not that you're being disowned, see Cheney and Romney. McCarthy is the minority leader and even he is getting on his knees for Trump these days.
She talked about truth and fidelity to the Constitution. What is she talking about? What "basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process” does she think her fellow republicans arent willing to defend?

Answer my question.
She talked about truth and fidelity to the Constitution. What is she talking about? What "basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process” does she think her fellow republicans arent willing to defend?

Answer my question.
Bull****. She is being ousted because she makes dishonest Opeds like the one she just did. She claimed the "Republican Party" was at a crossroads not some kooks doing a recount.

You still haven't told us what is dishonest about it. You are dancing instead, to the BIG LIE of "election fraud".
That's for certain. It's also the GOP early on that seemingly week by week placated to (S/I/T) Trump that emboldened him to become this bloviating shitbag traitor and get away with it. This is why Liz Cheney appears to be the lone wolf staying true to her oath of office and our Constitution in this Trumplican Party of today.

And her "reward" from the GOP is to get "primaried".
I am wondering what organization will pick up the mantle of conservativism, now that the republican party is nothing but a cult of personality to Trump.
I am wondering what organization will pick up the mantle of conservativism, now that the republican party is nothing but a cult of personality to Trump.
do not know. Maybe the Tea Party will resurrect.
do not know. Maybe the Tea Party will resurrect.

The Tea Party has already taken over the Republican Party and its standard bearer is Trump.
I am wondering what organization will pick up the mantle of conservativism, now that the republican party is nothing but a cult of personality to Trump.

"Conservatism" will just mean what it became under rump - a mix a nationalism and racism.
I never thought that I'd ever agree with Liz Cheney, but because of (S/I/T) Trump and his Trumplicans, she stands for honoring the oath of office and our Constitution. I'm on board! She just penned an op-ed that truly touches those with a heart and soul who believes in our Founding Fathers and the nation for which we live in and defend. Those of us who will not attack our Capitol like what happened on 1/6. The take-over isn't over until justice wins out over evil.

Facing removal from party leadership, Rep. Liz Cheney doubled down on Wednesday, saying in a Washington Post op-ed that the GOP is at a "turning point" and calling on Republicans to turn away from former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric, which she argued "can provoke violence again."

"The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution," the Wyoming Republican wrote in the op-ed. “History is watching. Our children are watching. We must be brave enough to defend the basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process.”

In the op-ed, Cheney slammed Trump and said she would continue to do so “no matter what the short-term political consequences might be.”

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