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Listing President Obama and the Democrats positive accomplishments (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
DP Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
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Since we are so close to the mid-term elections, I thought I would start a thread where the Democrats/Obama supporters could list the positive accomplishments that have been achieved by the administration and the Democrat controlled house in the last 19 months. All I ever see is the left attacking the previous administration and I would just like to see a list of what they have done for America.
Since we are so close to the mid-term elections, I thought I would start a thread where the Democrats/Obama supporters could list the positive accomplishments that have been achieved by the administration and the Democrat controlled house in the last 19 months. All I ever see is the left attacking the previous administration and I would just like to see a list of what they have done for America.

Might want to adjust the time alloted for congress since the democrats have been in power in both the house and senate for 45 MONTHS.
Might want to adjust the time alloted for congress since the democrats have been in power in both the house and senate for 45 MONTHS.

I'm fully aware of that. They have had complete control of Washington only since Obama was elected though, and that is what I'm focusing on.
got a black man elected, won a peace prize and made vast, positive improvements to healthcare.
Don't know how getting a black man elected and him getting a prize has helped the country?? Obamacare isn't anything worthwhile for most americans. Don't think there's anything to mention unless the "Summer of Recovery" is considered :roll:
I'm fully aware of that. They have had complete control of Washington only since Obama was elected though, and that is what I'm focusing on.

Yes, but I was making a snide dig at the liberals who tend to forget that little factoid...so thanks for ruining that... ;)
got a black man elected, won a peace prize and made vast, positive improvements to healthcare.

That same 'black man' that has stirred up racial tension since the democrat primaries? THAT was helpful...and which positive improvement to healthcare do you mean? The 1 trillion in cost overages? The fact that it wont even kick in for another 3 years? That it doesnt 'cover' anywhere near what they thought it would? That it is the death knell for private coverage and will end up putting everyoen but the very wealthy on medicare? That improvement?

ON the plus side...I think he has done a decent job fighting terrorism...for what its worth...and he was smart enough to not close Gitmo and to open a new secret secure interrogation facility that is out of sight and out of mind of the liberals..and he has denied terrorists their 'constitutional' rights...
got a black man elected, won a peace prize and made vast, positive improvements to healthcare.
Spud, I can tell you as an expert in the health industry(insurance end) that bill they passed is the worst piece of **** ever voted on in congressional history loaded with pitfalls and expenses that the american working public cannot even fathom. The most telling part of it without getting into details is that they backloaded it into Obama's last term if he can even be lucky enough(and I can't stress lucky any more strongly) to be re-elected. If people saw the damage of the healthcare bill in real time the DNC couldn't run a successful candidate anywhere in these United States.
Spud, I can tell you as an expert in the health industry(insurance end) that bill they passed is the worst piece of **** ever voted on in congressional history loaded with pitfalls and expenses that the american working public cannot even fathom. The most telling part of it without getting into details is that they backloaded it into Obama's last term if he can even be lucky enough(and I can't stress lucky any more strongly) to be re-elected. If people saw the damage of the healthcare bill in real time the DNC couldn't run a successful candidate anywhere in these United States.

I think they are counting on their being enough unemployed or underemployed and crippled dependent pets reliant on the govt to keep them in power. If the senior citizens groups get wind of how it will impact their care I doubt they will vote for the 'other guys' but I wouldnt be surprised if they just dont vote.
I think they are counting on their being enough unemployed or underemployed and crippled dependent pets reliant on the govt to keep them in power. If the senior citizens groups get wind of how it will impact their care I doubt they will vote for the 'other guys' but I wouldnt be surprised if they just dont vote.
Seniors as a group are the largest per capita voting block. I think they'll vote and vote opposition which is why ya just don't screw them over.......ever. This is a group that remembers when you voted no matter what because it was a duty and not just a right.
Healthcare is most notable. It may not be the perfect bill, but the Democrats are actually interested in providing healthcare to American citizens. People need coverage of some form, and also not to be dropped from insurance and not be discriminated against based on pre-existing conditions.
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I got one that you conservatives would like; he made the GOP popular again. The whole republican party was a collapsing pile of s*** before Obama took office.
Lessee ... accompishments.



Errr ....

Sheesh ...

There has to be some, SOMETHING.



Damn, nope. The 'tard has no guts to change it.

Yep, thanks to the 'tard in the White House who has no backbone, balls, cajones ... we still must serve in the closet.


I got one that you conservatives would like; he made the GOP popular again. The whole republican party was a collapsing pile of s*** before Obama took office.

Being a conservative NOT a republican I can easily say they still are and I dont see a whole lot of difference between the two parties and dont know its going to get any better. Its not like the republicans were exactly staunch fiscal conservatives...

I know...I know...ALWAYS contrary...bitch bitch bitch...
Since we are so close to the mid-term elections, I thought I would start a thread where the Democrats/Obama supporters could list the positive accomplishments that have been achieved by the administration and the Democrat controlled house in the last 19 months. All I ever see is the left attacking the previous administration and I would just like to see a list of what they have done for America.

got a black man elected, won a peace prize and made vast, positive improvements to healthcare.

Don't know how getting a black man elected and him getting a prize has helped the country?? Obamacare isn't anything worthwhile for most americans. Don't think there's anything to mention unless the "Summer of Recovery" is considered :roll:

And thats how this thread will continue. OP makes a challenge, someone answers, than they go "not that"

Kind of makes it impossible if the people who don't see anything positive want to redefine anything that someone might believe to be an accomplishment as a negative.
Yeah he probably started this thread just so he could hear what he wanted to hear and not what others had to say. :b
Yeah he probably started this thread just so he could hear what he wanted to hear and not what others had to say. :b

Unlike 90% of the threads Mega starts??? seriously??? :lamo

For what its worth...I threw in the fighting terror thing!
Unlike 90% of the threads Mega starts??? seriously??? :lamo

For what its worth...I threw in the fighting terror thing!

Obviously I start threads to see what I wanted to be typed, not hear what I wanted to hear. Duh :2razz:
And thats how this thread will continue. OP makes a challenge, someone answers, than they go "not that"

Kind of makes it impossible if the people who don't see anything positive want to redefine anything that someone might believe to be an accomplishment as a negative.

Well, why don't you list some then?

Then out of the ones you listed, show me a democratic senate or congressional campaign somewhere that's using that accomplishment to run on.

The way I see it... If it ain't good enough for your own party, then why would you think it would be good enough for anyone else?
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Well, why don't you list some then?

Then out of the ones you listed, show me a democratic senate or congressional campaign somewhere that's using that accomplishment to run on.

The way I see it... If it ain't good enough for your own party, then why would you think it would be good enough for anyone else?

Whats the point? Stuff I think is positives are things that you do not, so it is a wasted effort.
Whats the point? Stuff I think is positives are things that you do not, so it is a wasted effort.

Well, I didn't ask for people to list the things I approve of. I asked them to list what they believe to be positive accomplishments of the first year and a half of democratic control.

I am curious though, if you can point out a democrat using anything you believe to be a positive accomplishment, for their re-election campaign. And if you can't, could you explain to me why they aren't trying to get re-elected if such an accomplishment was as good as you believe it to be?
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Well, I didn't ask for people to list the things I approve of. I asked them to list what they believe to be positive accomplishments of the first year and a half of democratic control.

If I believe you asked this question with an open mind than I probably would respond.

I am curious though, if you can point out a democrat using anything you believe to be a positive accomplishment, for their re-election campaign. And if you can't, could you explain to me why they aren't trying to get re-elected if such an accomplishment was so good as you believe it to be?

I am not following your reasoning here.
Gee wadda surprise. More troll bait.

I take it you have nothing then?

Or is trying to discredit the thread so you can avoid such an uncomfortable question all you have to offer?

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