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Liberals are sick! (1 Viewer)

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Mar 7, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
Liberals just say feotus just to cover up how sick they really are. What if you were an aborted baby? Would you say to your mom-" Mom it's ok that you didn't want to take care of me. You were right. Killing me was the best thing that you have ever done." KILL KILL KILL!
I find it really interesting how cons moan so much about abortion, yet are completely willing to cut benefits to underprivileged children and parents. I guess fro them life is only precious when it is in the womb.
satinloveslibs said:
Liberals just say feotus just to cover up how sick they really are. What if you were an aborted baby? Would you say to your mom-" Mom it's ok that you didn't want to take care of me. You were right. Killing me was the best thing that you have ever done." KILL KILL KILL!
well, first off if a fetus could talk, i might have a different view. a fetus is not a human being, its human life, but not a human being, because it can not consciously think. and to be able to talk, which you brought up, requires that.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
I find it really interesting how cons moan so much about abortion, yet are completely willing to cut benefits to underprivileged children and parents. I guess fro them life is only precious when it is in the womb.

Well said! Abortion sin, death penalty, good!
satinloveslibs said:
Liberals just say feotus just to cover up how sick they really are. What if you were an aborted baby? Would you say to your mom-" Mom it's ok that you didn't want to take care of me. You were right. Killing me was the best thing that you have ever done." KILL KILL KILL!

Why do you consistently make stupid threads that have no value? This is nothing but to **** off Liberals and show how stupid you really are. There's REASON why abortion is legal. Why do you insist on calling yourself a conservative when you want things to change.. I was under the impression that conservatives wanted traditional values and tend to hate change.

It doesn't say anything about Abortion in the bible but it does say things about Executions.

I'm starting to think you have no real comprehension of politics, instead you want to create mocking threads and think you're brilliant.
ShamMol said:
well, first off if a fetus could talk, i might have a different view. a fetus is not a human being, its human life, but not a human being, because it can not consciously think. and to be able to talk, which you brought up, requires that.

Do you belive in killing dogs and cats and all kinds of innocent animals just because they can't talk. It's illegal to murder dogs and cats, but not a baby?

Thanks for the "retard" comments about me. Do you think that everyone with a different viewpoint than you is stupid?
Liberals just say feotus just to cover up how sick they really are. What if you were an aborted baby? Would you say to your mom-" Mom it's ok that you didn't want to take care of me. You were right. Killing me was the best thing that you have ever done." KILL KILL KILL!

Unfortunatly, there are many Republicans that agree with abortion.
This is a shallow argument, IMO, to lump everyone together. There are just as many liberals that think that abortion should be illegal as well. It is not as cut and dry and many would think.

Well said! Abortion sin, death penalty, good!
I could equally say, "Abortion good, death penatly bad" in retaliation.
The logic in both of these statements are quite the same.
satinloveslibs said:
Do you belive in killing dogs and cats and all kinds of innocent animals just because they can't talk. It's illegal to murder dogs and cats, but not a baby?

Thanks for the "retard" comments about me. Do you think that everyone with a different viewpoint than you is stupid?

This again rolls around to the republican side of the table as well. If you haven't noticed it yet but some American soldiers are actually killing animals they find in the streets of Iraq mainly dogs.. They would shoot the dog in the head and if it doesn't die they'd shoot the dog on all of it's limbs till it bleeds to death.

Obviously our Government haven't handled this matter yet so until you can back up reasoning for this don't make such comments.
satinloveslibs said:
Do you belive in killing dogs and cats and all kinds of innocent animals just because they can't talk. It's illegal to murder dogs and cats, but not a baby?

Thanks for the "retard" comments about me. Do you think that everyone with a different viewpoint than you is stupid?
Let's see, you start this thread...you call us sick, we have the right to call you whatever the F()ck we want.

its not a baby. its a fetus and by calling us names, you aren't going to change our f*cking opinion.
I'm liberal, and I will admit that I, on several occasions have made love with the devil and we aborted the anti-christ everytime.

But seriously folks

I'm fairly liberal, but I consider myself pro life on everything (generally), not just the crap-that-comes-out-Jerry-Falwell's mouth a.k.a. the abortion issue. Anti-war, anti-death penalty, anti-abortion, (yet strangely I have no problem with assisted suicide.) etc.

And on a more serious note: This is no way to conduct a debate. Calling names like you're four. Perhaps you're so passionate about this issue is because you are a fetus and your brain has yet to develp. This is not a forum to just come to and look down and crap on people with apposing view points. So please, mr. satanloveslibs (as in mad libs I assume) try to conduct yourself appropriately.
First of all, if satinloveslibs, would you say cottonlovescons? I'm sure you mean Satan, and with a name like that I can already tell I'm dealing with someone with very high "Christian" moral standards. :roll:

But back to the topic at hand...

Actually, I've found that many liberals are in fact against abortion, except in extreme cases, such as rape or if the mother's life is at stake. And you'll find that many conservatives feel the same way, even while calling themselves "pro-life".

My guess is that you are upset about the conservative portrayal of the liberal view on abortion. Listening to too much Rush, are you?
nope, he is just an idiot who decided not to debate but to call us sick...insert explicative here.
KansasMeg said:
First of all, if satinloveslibs, would you say cottonlovescons? I'm sure you mean Satan, and with a name like that I can already tell I'm dealing with someone with very high "Christian" moral standards. :roll:

But back to the topic at hand...

Actually, I've found that many liberals are in fact against abortion, except in extreme cases, such as rape or if the mother's life is at stake. And you'll find that many conservatives feel the same way, even while calling themselves "pro-life".

My guess is that you are upset about the conservative portrayal of the liberal view on abortion. Listening to too much Rush, are you?

I think you’re making a valid point. I think many on the left are very interested in, if nothing else, reducing the number of abortions. There are many programs including sex ed. that have been shown to do exactly that. The GOP leaders in DC seem to want no part of any of these programs. Nor do they appear interested in programs that provide long term care for the individual. Once the fetus becomes a child- it’s on its own. Doesn’t have health care? Probably only because his or her parents are lazy.
ShamMol said:
nope, he is just an idiot who decided not to debate but to call us sick...insert explicative here.

I realize you didn’t start this- but just because someone starts a thread and calls everyone on the left sick, do you have to sink to his level and call him/her an idiot? I think it’s apparent to all that name calling doesn’t lend anything to the debate.
KansasMeg said:
First of all, if satinloveslibs, would you say cottonlovescons? I'm sure you mean Satan, and with a name like that I can already tell I'm dealing with someone with very high "Christian" moral standards. :roll:

But back to the topic at hand...

Actually, I've found that many liberals are in fact against abortion, except in extreme cases, such as rape or if the mother's life is at stake. And you'll find that many conservatives feel the same way, even while calling themselves "pro-life".

My guess is that you are upset about the conservative portrayal of the liberal view on abortion. Listening to too much Rush, are you?

Are you against abortion? ( sorry about the satin thing )

To everyone else who hates this thread don't post. Then you can't complain.
What ever happened to love thy enemy?

What ever happened to turning the other cheek?
Satanloveslibs ~ I'm against abortion with the exceptions of rape, when the mother's life is at stake, and other rare and extreme cases. I do not support abortion used as birth control. You'll find many, if not most, other liberals feel the same way. Yes, there are people out there who support a woman's right to choose in ANY case, but I think you'll find those to be a minority.

The "pro-life" vs. "pro-choice" distinction seems to be only in that pro-lifers want to see it banned, while pro-choicers want to see it safe, legal, and rare. We want the option there if it becomes NECESSARY.
KansasMeg said:
Satanloveslibs ~ I'm against abortion with the exceptions of rape, when the mother's life is at stake, and other rare and extreme cases. I do not support abortion used as birth control. You'll find many, if not most, other liberals feel the same way. Yes, there are people out there who support a woman's right to choose in ANY case, but I think you'll find those to be a minority.

The "pro-life" vs. "pro-choice" distinction seems to be only in that pro-lifers want to see it banned, while pro-choicers want to see it safe, legal, and rare. We want the option there if it becomes NECESSARY.

I think most liberals feel this way. The distaste and dislike of abortion is widespread. The ideology of how to deal with reducing those numbers seems to be greatly debated. Seems there’s a great many on the right who feel that if you outlaw it then the numbers will all but disappear. While many on the left believe outlawing it lead to back alley abortions and other problems. I think the two sides are closer on this then their respective Medias put forth. If the two sides would work together more instead of fighting in opposite directions maybe the numbers could be reduced.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the same people who are against abortion as birth control (as a whole) support and institution (catholic church) that is strongly opposed to birth control?

Abortions are not done as often as it seems to be said. No one is out there having sex, aborting and repeating. And no one wants to actually terminate the fetus. But the cold, sad truth is it's a fetus. Yes, we wish to think of it as a baby. But it's a fetus. The Right wing has it's heart in the right place, they really care for this, but it is simply a mass of cells. And yes, i was a mass of cells once. We all were. So don't try to guilt trip anyone into "ohhh you were that zygote once what if you were aborted blahhhh". No one wishes for abortions to be done, but they must be kept legal. Otherwise, children will be abandoned or women will turn towards back door methods (i.e., coat hangers and other infamous ways).

Thats my two cents at least.
V.I. Lenin said:
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the same people who are against abortion as birth control (as a whole) support and institution (catholic church) that is strongly opposed to birth control?

Abortions are not done as often as it seems to be said. No one is out there having sex, aborting and repeating. And no one wants to actually terminate the fetus. But the cold, sad truth is it's a fetus. Yes, we wish to think of it as a baby. But it's a fetus. The Right wing has it's heart in the right place, they really care for this, but it is simply a mass of cells. And yes, i was a mass of cells once. We all were. So don't try to guilt trip anyone into "ohhh you were that zygote once what if you were aborted blahhhh". No one wishes for abortions to be done, but they must be kept legal. Otherwise, children will be abandoned or women will turn towards back door methods (i.e., coat hangers and other infamous ways).

Thats my two cents at least.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Interesting. I think I follow your logic here. I know I went to a link recently that made the argument that some 85% of 8oz Preemie babies were able to survive if given the “proper care.” I find that extremely hard to believe.

I also find it interesting that the same people so interested in outlawing abortion seem to have little or no interest in providing funding for any care for that individual once it’s a child and no longer a fetus.
I believe only when we are able to discover if a fetus will develop into a homosexual or a liberal will the Right support abortions

Dark Humor :mrgreen:
I do not believe in abortion. There are always some exceptions but on the whole that is my personal view.
I would not make the presumption that my view, beliefs etc, are what is good for all of society.
If a fetus could talk it may say " I understand your decision. It's what I was chosen for."
MOZO said:
I do not believe in abortion. There are always some exceptions but on the whole that is my personal view.
I would not make the presumption that my view, beliefs etc, are what is good for all of society.
If a fetus could talk it may say " I understand your decision. It's what I was chosen for."
Well said!

MOZO said:
I do not believe in abortion. There are always some exceptions but on the whole that is my personal view.
I would not make the presumption that my view, beliefs etc, are what is good for all of society.
If a fetus could talk it may say " I understand your decision. It's what I was chosen for."
Jeez, where have you been hiding...I love you and your respect for law.
The difference between a Zygote and a Baby is the difference between a 2 month year old child a 11 month year old child.


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