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Let me introduce myself (1 Viewer)

This is on the Oloololo Escarpment, the western wall of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya.
I was just about to ask if that was Kenya! :thumbs: When was that, Jack?
Despite many (which would be an understatement) disagreements, it is still nonetheless a pleasure to see a pic of you. Very nice-looking and beautiful scenery.
Good seeing ya' Jack... The location brings to mind a picturesque scene in the movie "Out Of Africa" ....

Have a terrific day Jack

Thom Paine
Beautiful scenery! Where is this?
TeleKat;bt2774 said:
Beautiful scenery! Where is this?

Oloololo Escarpment -- west wall of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. Mara Triangle is in the background.
That shade tree looks like a nice place for a break.

Anyone who's 63-years old deserves one once in a while, eh?

I like your hat.
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Only 59 then, you did better than I have as I am 59 now.

Keep kicking the can down the road!

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