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Kinzinger's comments open the floodgates (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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Kinzinger's comments open the floodgates.

Adam Kinzinger commented on tRump's obsession with "manliness". The responses are hilarious!

well worth the time to read.
Kinzinger's comments open the floodgates.

Adam Kinzinger commented on tRump's obsession with "manliness". The responses are hilarious!

well worth the time to read.
Any time spent on reading anything Dead Politician Walking Kinzinger says or anything some echo chamber Trump haters has to say about what he says...is time wasted.
Here he is in his safe space.


Any time spent on reading anything Dead Politician Walking Kinzinger says or anything some echo chamber Trump haters has to say about what he says...is time wasted.
I just imagine trump reading it on the toilet and blowing his sphincter in impotent rage.

That makes it super funny and totally worth the read.

You’re just worried he’ll blame you and you’ll have to get a real job.
Kinzinger's comments open the floodgates.

Adam Kinzinger commented on tRump's obsession with "manliness". The responses are hilarious!

well worth the time to read.
I'm finding it immensely intriguing how some people can be so obsessed with Trump they literally cannot stop thinking about him.
I just imagine trump reading it on the toilet and blowing his sphincter in impotent rage.

That makes it super funny and totally worth the read.

You’re just worried he’ll blame you and you’ll have to get a real job.

Any time spent on reading anything Dead Politician Walking Kinzinger says or anything some echo chamber Trump haters has to say about what he says...is time wasted.
Speaking of wasting time, shouldn’t you be working to contribute to Trump’s new jet instead of wasting time posting here? He’s counting on you! Don’t be a globalist elite RINO Biden puke like Kinzinger and not donate to the Trump Plane cause.
Any time spent on reading anything Dead Politician Walking Kinzinger says or anything some echo chamber Trump haters has to say about what he says...is time wasted.

Is that so?

How do you think people see the posts of someone who only ever posts dumbassed knee-jerk anti-left lies or dumbassed knee-jerk Trump-worshipping lies, and does it in the first few slots of every thread....as if he really is literally required to get his posts in those early slots?

See, the thing is this: everyone else can guess what that poster has posted simply by reading the title of a thread. This one said "Kinzinger's comments". You know Trump told you to hate Kinzinger. So anyone who sees that avatar on the left knows that if they move their eyes to the right, the post they see will inevitably be some kind of content-free crap thrown at Kinzinger.

Any time spent on reading anything Dead Politician Walking Kinzinger says or anything some echo chamber Trump haters has to say about what he says...is time wasted.

Checks out.

Starting to see where I'm going with this?
Is that so?

How do you think people see the posts of someone who only ever posts dumbassed knee-jerk anti-left lies or dumbassed knee-jerk Trump-worshipping lies, and does it in the first few slots of every thread....as if he really is literally required to get his posts in those early slots?

See, the thing is this: everyone else can guess what that poster has posted simply by reading the title of a thread. This one said "Kinzinger's comments". You know Trump told you to hate Kinzinger. So anyone who sees that avatar on the left knows that if they move their eyes to the right, the post they see will inevitably be some kind of content-free crap thrown at Kinzinger.

Checks out.

Starting to see where I'm going with this?
Usually a #2 seed, though…..
We’re just pointing and laughing at the clown you worship, and at you for worshipping him.
Shows how truly little you know.

...while at the same time proving my point.
Is that so?

How do you think people see the posts of someone who only ever posts dumbassed knee-jerk anti-left lies or dumbassed knee-jerk Trump-worshipping lies, and does it in the first few slots of every thread....as if he really is literally required to get his posts in those early slots?

See, the thing is this: everyone else can guess what that poster has posted simply by reading the title of a thread. This one said "Kinzinger's comments". You know Trump told you to hate Kinzinger. So anyone who sees that avatar on the left knows that if they move their eyes to the right, the post they see will inevitably be some kind of content-free crap thrown at Kinzinger.

Checks out.

Starting to see where I'm going with this?

If you don't want to read what I post...don't read it.

Nobody's forcing you, you know.
Kinzinger's comments open the floodgates.

Adam Kinzinger commented on tRump's obsession with "manliness". The responses are hilarious!

well worth the time to read.

Adam Kinzinger.....lol, the cry baby RINO, now that's funny......followed up by a bunch suffering from TDS, posting comments to keep the disease alive and well.....too funny! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
How much time does Trump spend on hair and makeup?

If you don't want to read what I post...don't read it.

Nobody's forcing you, you know.

See, folks. Even his attempt at a rejoinder is canned dumbassery. Nobody forced him to listen to Kinzinger either, yet here he is. Shat yourself again, Mycroft.

The point is simple Mycroft: Kinzinger's last far is more interesting than the best post you have ever made. All anyone needed to do to read your post actually does not involve reading it at all.
All they need, and all they've ever needed, is the thread title and your name.

Of course you would run here with a knee-jerk attack on Kinzinger, who smacked down your corrupt criminal of a God.

Kudos to Rep Kinzinger.

Do not agree with him on certain issues, but support his stance against Trumpism.
The dude isnt insignificant. He drags a major political party around on a leash.
I don't know about a political party - but he's certainly got your collars leashed. :LOL:
Shows how truly little you know.

...while at the same time proving my point.
And you prove all of my points all by yourself.

Good job!

(Evidently you don’t know what the word “class” means, for instance.)

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