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Kemp says the quiet part out loud (1 Viewer)

I wish all the people bashing on everything else would stop for just a moment and ponder the notion that one of the major parties has been actively and OPENLY promoting the idea of doing away with voting unless it's a vote for their party only, also known as one-party fascist dictatorship.

Is this REALLY what America is supposed to stand for?
He just admitted they passed a voter suppression law because they lost.
No...he didn't.

Oh...he was "frustrated at the results"??? He should have been ****ing OUTRAGED at the results!

Senate Bill 202 is like closing the barn door after the crooks left with all of your horses. A real man would have hunted down the horse thieves and hung them from the nearest tree.
No...he didn't.

Oh...he was "frustrated at the results"??? He should have been ****ing OUTRAGED at the results!

Senate Bill 202 is like closing the barn door after the crooks left with all of your horses. A real man would have hunted down the horse thieves and hung them from the nearest tree.
Don't like to face the reality of losing, and want to hang people in America in 2022? You really need to seek help, before you do any harm to yourself or others. I never thought "conservatives" were as disturbed as they have shown in the last six years or so. Read post #2 when you can think straight and are not seething with hatred.
I wish for the same, but don't feel very hopeful it will happen. America should not stand for what the trump party wants, a one-party fascist dictatorship. I can't believe we're even having this discussion in our country in 2022, very sad what some people here have become.


I wish all the people bashing on everything else would stop for just a moment and ponder the notion that one of the major parties has been actively and OPENLY promoting the idea of doing away with voting unless it's a vote for their party only, also known as one-party fascist dictatorship.

Is this REALLY what America is supposed to stand for?
I wish for the same, but don't feel very hopeful it will happen. America should not stand for what the trump party wants, a one-party fascist dictatorship. I can't believe we're even having this discussion in our country in 2022, very sad what some people here have become.


I would just like to get a rough estimate of how many Americans take the "OVER MY DEAD BODY" view on plans to make this nation into the functional equivalent of a one-party nation.

You need to understand that since CPAC convened in Hungary, the playbook is to set up what is being called an "illiberal democracy".
That's just a euphemism for cardboard democracy or managed democracy, which is where the dog and pony show of voting continues on but
the results are always "managed" so that the predetermined "legitimate" or "established" party ALWAYS wins.

Examples include the old PRI in Mexico which did exactly that for SEVENTY-ONE YEARS, until Vicente Fox BROKE the grip of the PRI in 2000.
Prior to that it didn't matter who you voted for in MX, a PRI candidate was guaranteed to win.

The current fash group now wants to include the CHURCH as a partner to establish and enforce hierarchies such as castes and classes of people:
The wicked, the unfaithful or unbelievers, the "low" people. (liberals, democrats, gay community, minorities, disabled, etc)

Fascism LOVES using religious institutions as partners for that very reason.
Together with the elite wealthy and corporate class, the church serves a partner function in setting the tone for authoritarian state fascism by enforcing its predetermined moral arguments for political repression, while the corporate does the same in the economic realm.

But on the surface, it preserves the VISUAL aspects of a "democracy"....approved speech is "free speech" while speech that attacks the status quo is not, voting happens, and is even encouraged, and few people dare to refuse to vote or to vote "NO", while opposition votes are simply skipped, thrown out or otherwise invalidated, and opposition candidates are repressed and even punished.
Don't like to face the reality of losing, and want to hang people in America in 2022?
I don't like the idea of criminals stealing elections.

You really need to seek help, before you do any harm to yourself or others. I never thought "conservatives" were as disturbed as they have shown in the last six years or so. Read post #2 when you can think straight and are not seething with hatred.
Post #2 is nonsense.
No...he didn't.

Oh...he was "frustrated at the results"??? He should have been ****ing OUTRAGED at the results!

Senate Bill 202 is like closing the barn door after the crooks left with all of your horses. A real man would have hunted down the horse thieves and hung them from the nearest tree.
and what if the horse thieves were his own brothers? I say this because if there truly was election fraud, it was in favor of Trump and not in favor of Biden. Where did Trump end up getting an additional 7 million votes over his 2016 totals when most everyone (other than his cult) had grown to hate him after 4 years of his incompetent administration. More than 5 million Democrats voted in 2020 than in 2016 and hundreds of thousands of Republicans either did not vote, or voted for Biden in 2020. Case in point over 200,000 registered Republicans left the party. So, who the heck stepped up to add 7 million votes for Trump? I say that it was election fraud by the con man that "before" the election even occurred was already saying there would be election fraud? He knew there would be election fraud because he was the one doing it..................in his benefit.

That is why he was outraged!! He was outraged because his con did not work out as he expected it would. The hate for him turned out to be more than the election votes he fraudulently created. He did not expect that (I always said he was incompetent). Hahahaha

The con man doing his con failed and in the process has brought all of his minions down with him. He has turned his minions into suckers for his lie.

As such, "you" should be ****ing OUTRAGED that Trump considers you to not be smart enough to figure out what is the truth.

Wow, Mycroft. You really took the bait hook, line, and sinker and now you are wallowing and flapping about on the deck of the boat while the fishermen are waiting to de-gut you.

Hey, I like eating de-gutted fish.
and what if the horse thieves were his own brothers? ~snipped the nonsense~

If your "brothers" steal your horses, then they are obviously NOT really your brothers, are they? Hang 'em.
If your "brothers" steal your horses, then they are obviously NOT really your brothers, are they? Hang 'em.
Absolutely. Then again, it is incredible that you are not "able" to realize that your own brothers are thieves. It does mean that you have your eyes closed.............by choice.
He just admitted they passed a voter suppression law because they lost.

Says the man who oversaw his own election results because he refused to recuse himself as GSoS while running for Governor.

Come on, man.

Mother****er purged voter rolls of active voters, shut down polling places in primarily black communities, and the state had numerous issues with voting equipment.

That election was stolen, yet now he's whining about voter fraud?

Physician, heal thyself.
Absolutely. Then again, it is incredible that you are not "able" to realize that your own brothers are thieves. It does mean that you have your eyes closed.............by choice.
So...you are going to double down on the nonsense. Okay.

You are dismissed.
No...he didn't.

Oh...he was "frustrated at the results"??? He should have been ****ing OUTRAGED at the results!

Senate Bill 202 is like closing the barn door after the crooks left with all of your horses. A real man would have hunted down the horse thieves and hung them from the nearest tree.

Why we he be outraged at the results? Because your boy Trump lost?
So...you are going to double down on the nonsense. Okay.

You are dismissed.
It is identical "nonsense" to what you supply, meaning that if I am "dismissed" you are "dissolved".

Then again, the data that is available for evaluation does show that your nonsense is more nonsensical than my nonsense. After all, Trump is a con man and calling for voter fraud "before the elections happened" is the kind of thing that a con man would do...............it is called "setting the stage" for a con.
No...he didn't.

Oh...he was "frustrated at the results"??? He should have been ****ing OUTRAGED at the results!

Senate Bill 202 is like closing the barn door after the crooks left with all of your horses. A real man would have hunted down the horse thieves and hung them from the nearest tree.
You can't "do something" about "the results" if the results are legitimate, and you can't conclude that the results are illegitimate if you can't prove it with evidence. Doing both is called "insurrection."
I wish all the people bashing on everything else would stop for just a moment and ponder the notion that one of the major parties has been actively and OPENLY promoting the idea of doing away with voting unless it's a vote for their party only, also known as one-party fascist dictatorship.

Is this REALLY what America is supposed to stand for?
LOL! What hogwash. The democrats are so messed up that our country is suffering from their many messes, but it's getting ready to change.
You can't "do something" about "the results" if the results are legitimate, and you can't conclude that the results are illegitimate if you can't prove it with evidence. Doing both is called "insurrection."
Neither is called insurrection.

And you certainly CAN do something: Investigate.

Kemp doesn't want to do that.
No...he didn't.

Oh...he was "frustrated at the results"??? He should have been ****ing OUTRAGED at the results!

Senate Bill 202 is like closing the barn door after the crooks left with all of your horses. A real man would have hunted down the horse thieves and hung them from the nearest tree.

When y'all fascists come for the horse thieves (aka, liberals, gays, etc.) In my neighborhood, the trees will already be full of "real men". Be careful what you wish for.
When y'all fascists come for the horse thieves (aka, liberals, gays, etc.) In my neighborhood, the trees will already be full of "real men". Be careful what you wish for.
I'm not targeting "(aka, liberals, gays, etc.)". Let not your heart be troubled.

The perpetrators of the 2020 election fraud were Trump haters and included so-called conservatives like Kemp.
LOL! What hogwash. The democrats are so messed up that our country is suffering from their many messes, but it's getting ready to change.

You have no response to the points I referenced so in essence you're just sitting on the porch yelling "LIBTARD".
Debate doesn't work that way.

I'm not targeting "(aka, liberals, gays, etc.)". Let not your heart be troubled.

The perpetrators of the 2020 election fraud were Trump haters and included so-called conservatives like Kemp.

Paranoid drivel. There was NO fraud that any of you fascists have proven, except by Republicans.

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