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Katy Perry marries Ugly Man (1 Viewer)

The Giant Noodle

DP Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
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Northern Illinois
Political Leaning

The Associated PressActor Russell Brand and singer Katy Perry were married Saturday in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony at a luxury resort in a tiger reserve in northwestern India.


What in the HELL man!?!?!? I wouldnt let this guy walk my dog!
:shrug:it seems women dont put as much value in looks as us guys......i think who knows
I don't think she's all that pretty. and maybe he's built like a decathalete
I don't think she's all that pretty, nor do I think he's all that ugly.
They're pretty evenly matched, aesthetically speaking.
Well I think she is beautiful. And he looks like a freakin bum. I will never understand women.
None of us will. I would say it's the price of being a man, but I'm not entirely sure women understand women.
Russell Brand is hillarious!

And love isn't all about looks.
I bet he has a big penis:)
I bet he has a big penis:)

Ooh! And maybe she has a gigantic gaping snatch. :confused:

Or, more probably, they're just normal.
Well I think she is beautiful. And he looks like a freakin bum. I will never understand women.


he looks like he should be hiding in the bushes outside some 13 y/o girl's bedroom window.
Well I think she is beautiful. And he looks like a freakin bum. I will never understand women.

If you remember back, people said the same thing when Julia Roberts married country singer, Lyle Lovett.
If you remember back, people said the same thing when Julia Roberts married country singer, Lyle Lovett.

I will bet this current marriage will last equally as long
Of course they do. But what matters most to a women is $.

So sorry you feel this way. You should have met better women in your life. It shows in your comment.

I've met men who had plenty of money and had the personality of a snail. Figured their money was all they needed as their personality. Conversely, some of what you might consider to be the poorer types had the best personalities and we had the best times.

In reality, each man is his own. Up to him to win the woman over.
Most inadequate males would envy his reputation as a swordsman.
So sorry you feel this way. You should have met better women in your life. It shows in your comment.

I've met men who had plenty of money and had the personality of a snail. Figured their money was all they needed as their personality. Conversely, some of what you might consider to be the poorer types had the best personalities and we had the best times.

In reality, each man is his own. Up to him to win the woman over.

But you at least gave guys with money a chance? You see, women need a guy to have money first before they give him a chance. That is why I said women like $ and not so much looks. Money means a lot to a women and the uglier a guy is the more $ he will need to have to even be considered. Sorry it is the truth.

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