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Kamala Harris holds first rally as 2020 presidential candidate (1 Viewer)


Social Democrat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2015
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Third Coast
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I'm tossing this video here in this forum, simply as a departure point for discussion. But I think her speech is pretty good and worth watching, if you're interested. (speech starts at approx 1:05:00)

I've followed Kamala since mid last year, and did a bit of mild research on her over the months. I liked what I saw then, and now after watching her first speech live, contained in the video above, I really like what I saw today.

She has a compelling story. She was born of Indian and Jamaican immigrant parents, who both became educated professionals and succeeded in staking their place in this great American dream of ours. She is a lifetime prosecutor, yet seems to show reasonable benevolence to finding societal solutions to crime besides simply locking citizens up. She also has a fairly strong leaning to social-democracy with her platform of Medicaid for all, along with subsidized higher education.

She pushes "truth" and "unity", which is quite refreshing and in stark contrast to the present administration. She believes as Americans we have more in common, than what tears us apart. She seems to be promoting an "upbeat", rather than "anger" campaign. And she wants to promote science.

I like her "For the People" slogan, referring to her being a life-long prosecutor, and even her campaign sign's lettering is both blue & red. I really like the blue & red bit

Right now, I like what I see - a lot. She checks a lot of my boxes. She also reminds me a lot of Obama, to be honest. And that's a good thing (IMO). Time will tell.

So, anyone have any thoughts on her?

I'm tossing this video here in this forum, simply as a departure point for discussion. But I think her speech is pretty good and worth watching, if you're interested. (speech starts at approx 1:05:00)

I've followed Kamala since mid last year, and did a bit of mild research on her over the months. I liked what I saw then, and now after watching her first speech live, contained in the video above, I really like what I saw today.

She has a compelling story. She was born of Indian and Jamaican immigrant parents, who both became educated professionals and succeeded in staking their place in this great American dream of ours. She is a lifetime prosecutor, yet seems to show reasonable benevolence to finding societal solutions to crime besides simply locking citizens up. She also has a fairly strong leaning to social-democracy with her platform of Medicaid for all, along with subsidized higher education.

She pushes "truth" and "unity", which is quite refreshing and in stark contrast to the present administration. She believes as Americans we have more in common, than what tears us apart. She seems to be promoting an "upbeat", rather than "anger" campaign. And she wants to promote science.

I like her "For the People" slogan, referring to her being a life-long prosecutor, and even her campaign sign's lettering is both blue & red. I really like the blue & red bit

Right now, I like what I see - a lot. She checks a lot of my boxes. She also reminds me a lot of Obama, to be honest. And that's a good thing (IMO). Time will tell.

So, anyone have any thoughts on her?

There's a year and a half to go before the Democratic primary, but for now she's my favorite. She has always struck me as an eminently serious person with a thick hide.

I'm tossing this video here in this forum, simply as a departure point for discussion. But I think her speech is pretty good and worth watching, if you're interested. (speech starts at approx 1:05:00)

I've followed Kamala since mid last year, and did a bit of mild research on her over the months. I liked what I saw then, and now after watching her first speech live, contained in the video above, I really like what I saw today.

She has a compelling story. She was born of Indian and Jamaican immigrant parents, who both became educated professionals and succeeded in staking their place in this great American dream of ours. She is a lifetime prosecutor, yet seems to show reasonable benevolence to finding societal solutions to crime besides simply locking citizens up. She also has a fairly strong leaning to social-democracy with her platform of Medicaid for all, along with subsidized higher education.

She pushes "truth" and "unity", which is quite refreshing and in stark contrast to the present administration. She believes as Americans we have more in common, than what tears us apart. She seems to be promoting an "upbeat", rather than "anger" campaign. And she wants to promote science.

I like her "For the People" slogan, referring to her being a life-long prosecutor, and even her campaign sign's lettering is both blue & red. I really like the blue & red bit

Right now, I like what I see - a lot. She checks a lot of my boxes. She also reminds me a lot of Obama, to be honest. And that's a good thing (IMO). Time will tell.

So, anyone have any thoughts on her?

I have been waiting for Democrats to begin the campaign. Opening speeches don’t get me excited anymore. The next few weeks will tell. Out of the three declared, I would say Harris is the strongest, but as noted, we are way early and I agree with the sentiment that Democrats need something more than “but Trump” to run on.
Trump didn't win. Hillary lost. The sooner the Dems realize that, the better. Then they can put forward someone with real credibility.
If she stays away from identity politics and encourages the rest of her party to, she may have a shot. And the latest Willie Brown news doesn't help.

I'm tossing this video here in this forum, simply as a departure point for discussion. But I think her speech is pretty good and worth watching, if you're interested. (speech starts at approx 1:05:00)

I've followed Kamala since mid last year, and did a bit of mild research on her over the months. I liked what I saw then, and now after watching her first speech live, contained in the video above, I really like what I saw today.

She has a compelling story. She was born of Indian and Jamaican immigrant parents, who both became educated professionals and succeeded in staking their place in this great American dream of ours. She is a lifetime prosecutor, yet seems to show reasonable benevolence to finding societal solutions to crime besides simply locking citizens up. She also has a fairly strong leaning to social-democracy with her platform of Medicaid for all, along with subsidized higher education.

She pushes "truth" and "unity", which is quite refreshing and in stark contrast to the present administration. She believes as Americans we have more in common, than what tears us apart. She seems to be promoting an "upbeat", rather than "anger" campaign. And she wants to promote science.

I like her "For the People" slogan, referring to her being a life-long prosecutor, and even her campaign sign's lettering is both blue & red. I really like the blue & red bit

Right now, I like what I see - a lot. She checks a lot of my boxes. She also reminds me a lot of Obama, to be honest. And that's a good thing (IMO). Time will tell.

So, anyone have any thoughts on her?

Her religious bigotry doesn't do much for me.
If she stays away from identity politics and encourages the rest of her party to, she may have a shot. And the latest Willie Brown news doesn't help.

You're projecting. The only one engaging in "identity politics" is Trump every time he vilifies minorities and Muslims to a crowd almost exclusively of white people.

And to hear a Trump supporter referring to the possibility of an extramarital affair as a campaign killer in the age of Trump is pure comedy.
You're projecting. The only one engaging in "identity politics" is Trump every time he vilifies minorities and Muslims to a crowd almost exclusively of white people.

And to hear a Trump supporter referring to the possibility of an extramarital affair as a campaign killer in the age of Trump is pure comedy.

Relatively certain this thread isn't about Trump.

(*checks again*)

Nope, definitely not about Trump.

You're projecting. The only one engaging in "identity politics" is Trump every time he vilifies minorities and Muslims to a crowd almost exclusively of white people.

And to hear a Trump supporter referring to the possibility of an extramarital affair as a campaign killer in the age of Trump is pure comedy.

What a ****in joke. "I'm with her" isn't identity politics? You aren't "woke", you are fully asleep.
What a ****in joke. "I'm with her" isn't identity politics? You aren't "woke", you are fully asleep.

If your incoherent nonsense is the best Republicans have then a box of tic-tacs could win the Democratic Primary and beat Trump.

At this point, your only hope is a third party candidate siphoning off votes away from the Democratic candidate. That's it. If that doesn't happen, Trump is losing.
If your incoherent nonsense is the best Republicans have then a box of tic-tacs could win the Democratic Primary and beat Trump.

At this point, your only hope is a third party candidate siphoning off votes away from the Democratic candidate. That's it. If that doesn't happen, Trump is losing.

Hopeless. You claimed Democrats don't engage in identity politics, that's clearly wrong by my example and you are bleating about the best Republicans can do? Its just the tip of the iceberg about how you are wrong.
Hopeless. You claimed Democrats don't engage in identity politics, that's clearly wrong by my example and you are bleating about the best Republicans can do? Its just the tip of the iceberg about how you are wrong.

Your "example" is incoherent nonsense. I can only assume you entered this thread believing your "example" was your winning hand. If that's the case then a chicken sandwich could beat Trump in the national election.
Anyway, back on topic.

Here's Kamala Harris on the issues.

Kamala Harris on the Issues

Her stat sheet is lacking in consumer protections and the web page doesn't have anything on her for corporations, so in my opinion a ticket with Warren or Sanders would fill in the remaining gaps.
Your "example" is incoherent nonsense. I can only assume you entered this thread believing your "example" was your winning hand. If that's the case then a chicken sandwich could beat Trump in the national election.

Its an example of identity politics. I know you don't like being wrong but you are. Learn how to deal.
There's a year and a half to go before the Democratic primary, but for now she's my favorite. She has always struck me as an eminently serious person with a thick hide.

That's one thing I like, too. She has a thick hide.

I do have concerns about how the mongrels in the GOP are going to attack her, Warren (they already have) and other women who will run. They won't spare anything and they'll have douchebags like Hannity and Carlson to back them.
That's one thing I like, too. She has a thick hide.

I do have concerns about how the mongrels in the GOP are going to attack her, Warren (they already have) and other women who will run. They won't spare anything and they'll have douchebags like Hannity and Carlson to back them.

They're going to attack every candidate for everything. They're going to attack their race, their gender, their hair, their face, their religion, their ear lobes...everything. Don't worry about the mean things Republicans will say. They've spent the last two years flushing their moral currency down the toilet, so nothing they say matters.
They're going to attack every candidate for everything. They're going to attack their race, their gender, their hair, their face, their religion, their ear lobes...everything. Don't worry about the mean things Republicans will say. They've spent the last two years flushing their moral currency down the toilet, so nothing they say matters.

This, this, a thousand times this.
Its an example of iden-

That's one thing I like, too. She has a thick hide.

I do have concerns about how the mongrels in the GOP are going to attack her, Warren (they already have) and other women who will run. They won't spare anything and they'll have douchebags like Hannity and Carlson to back them.

Let's see:

She ****ed her way up.

She harbored a sex offender.

She's a gun grabber.

She's named after a professional wrestler.

And we're still early into this.
It was a nice speech. I like the part where she stated there was a foreign infestation in the White House like malware.

I'm tossing this video here in this forum, simply as a departure point for discussion. But I think her speech is pretty good and worth watching, if you're interested. (speech starts at approx 1:05:00)

I've followed Kamala since mid last year, and did a bit of mild research on her over the months. I liked what I saw then, and now after watching her first speech live, contained in the video above, I really like what I saw today.

She has a compelling story. She was born of Indian and Jamaican immigrant parents, who both became educated professionals and succeeded in staking their place in this great American dream of ours. She is a lifetime prosecutor, yet seems to show reasonable benevolence to finding societal solutions to crime besides simply locking citizens up. She also has a fairly strong leaning to social-democracy with her platform of Medicaid for all, along with subsidized higher education.

She pushes "truth" and "unity", which is quite refreshing and in stark contrast to the present administration. She believes as Americans we have more in common, than what tears us apart. She seems to be promoting an "upbeat", rather than "anger" campaign. And she wants to promote science.

I like her "For the People" slogan, referring to her being a life-long prosecutor, and even her campaign sign's lettering is both blue & red. I really like the blue & red bit

Right now, I like what I see - a lot. She checks a lot of my boxes. She also reminds me a lot of Obama, to be honest. And that's a good thing (IMO). Time will tell.

So, anyone have any thoughts on her?

I think a slogan that better fits her views is “For the people... of color”

I do hope she’s the nominee because her experience will be easy to attack. She’s going to get it from both sides because she’s so old. She was there when Democrats were tough on crime so she will get attacked from the left and she evolved with the current democrats which are soft on crime and she will be attacked from the right.
They're going to attack every candidate for everything. They're going to attack their race, their gender, their hair, their face, their religion, their ear lobes...everything. Don't worry about the mean things Republicans will say. They've spent the last two years flushing their moral currency down the toilet, so nothing they say matters.

To you and me, maybe, but there's a groundswell of idiots out there who listen to them. Unfortunately. They did in 2016.

I'm not committed yet, but so far Klobuchar has impressed me.

But today I thought of a Harris-Warren ticket. Now that would be interesting.
To you and me, maybe, but there's a groundswell of idiots out there who listen to them. Unfortunately. They did in 2016.

I'm not committed yet, but so far Klobuchar has impressed me.

But today I thought of a Harris-Warren ticket. Now that would be interesting.

I don't think Warren would run as VP. She knows she could do more as a senator than a VP.
I think a slogan that better fits her views is “For the people... of color”

That is a remarkably candid window into your mind.

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