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Joseph Smith Conviction - Death Penalty (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
He was caught on tape kidnapping Carly Bruscha . he sexually abused her, killed her. He took that little girl's future from her, he took her life from her, and he destoyed her family, leaving a whole in their lives they will have forever.

Today he asked the judge to spare his life for the sake of his own family. he wasn't thinking about Carly's family when he kidnapped, raped, and killed their daughter. He wasn't thinking about his own family either. So I see no reason for the judge to be forced to have the responsibility of Smith's family to be forced upon HIM! The judge did not kill Carly! No one will be there for Carly's family.

I believe Smith should get the death penalty, as the jury urges. I also have a problem with opponents of the death penalty who argue that these murderers' deaths, if indeed they should get the death penalty, should be humane. I argue that Carly's final hours in this life were horrific! They were filled with extreme fear, pain, despair, and agony beyond any of our comprehension. I can just imagine this little girl screaming out for her mommy and daddy to save her! I think about that and can not bring myself to argue that we should in turn make their killers' passing as serene as possible.

If it were up to me, I would be inclined to force their killers to experience the extreme fear, the horror, the pain, and the desperation that they have forced on their victims. I fall short of suggesting that every murderer be put to death in the exact same way in which they murdered their victims, but I would almost have no problem with going back to the electric chair or even public hangings instead of the simplicity of a needle in the arm and then them just falling off to sleep. I am sure carly Bruscha would have pleaded and beggged for such an alternative given the choice!
How about we do this the easy way. Hang the man from his testicles about 4-5ft off the ground. Take a medium cheese grater and run it over every inch of his body. Then slowly lower him into a large tub of Alcohol. Repeat and rinse until he either begs for death or actually dies. After he is dead for 30 minutes ask him if he wants to request a stay of the death penalty. This seems fair giving him the same choice in his future as he did for her.
Calm2Chaos said:
How about we do this the easy way. Hang the man from his testicles about 4-5ft off the ground. Take a medium cheese grater and run it over every inch of his body. Then slowly lower him into a large tub of Alcohol. Repeat and rinse until he either begs for death or actually dies. After he is dead for 30 minutes ask him if he wants to request a stay of the death penalty. This seems fair giving him the same choice in his future as he did for her.

:shock: Whoa! NOW you're just being ridiculous!

If you wait a full 30 minutes, he starts getting stiff as a board. At least ask him in the 1st minute or 2 so you can actually help shake his head 'no' for him! :doh
easyt65 said:
:shock: Whoa! NOW you're just being ridiculous!

If you wait a full 30 minutes, he starts getting stiff as a board. At least ask him in the 1st minute or 2 so you can actually help shake his head 'no' for him! :doh

Damm.. your right.... I should have thought of the rigomortis factor... My Bad
This is the left wings big lie........They say that its much worse to give a murderer or rapist life in prison........As I type this I am watching Smith Beg for life in prisonment and not be executed..........My question for my liberal friends is if life in prisonment is so much worse then the death penalty why is Smith begging for life in prison?:confused:
Prison now comes with 3 squares a day, better food than many Americans get, a bed, TV, better gym equipment than i have access to, libraries, education, continued violence and access to drugs and just about anything you can get on the outside, and more! All at tax payer expense.

I like south Korea's idea. If you get put in jail, I hope you have friends or family that will feed you because the goverment doesn't pay to do it/provide it.

I also like this one prison in Texas:
PINK jumpsuits, cells painted pink, no TV, no computers, limited books, limited weight room equipment, food is like beans/bread/water, and every inmate must work on a chain gang. He says prison isn't supposed to be a country club and should be so bad no one wants to come back! The chief says if anyone has a problem with his jail, don't get arrested in his county! Hu-ah!
Navy Pride said:
This is the left wings big lie........They say that its much worse to give a murderer or rapist life in prison........As I type this I am watching Smith Beg for life in prisonment and not be executed..........My question for my liberal friends is if life in prisonment is so much worse then the death penalty why is Smith begging for life in prison?:confused:

Talk about big lie.:roll:

I lean pretty far to the left and nothing would give me more pleasure than watching the maggots eat this guys eyes out. Is everything a "left/right" thing with you?

Don't be rediculous.

Nevermind. That's like asking a baby not to cry. I've known you too long.

Disclaimer to forum: Please do not judge all Navy veterans by the actions of
a few. I cringe everytime I see the word "Navy" in your posts.

Go Navy.
Captain America said:
Talk about big lie.:roll:

I lean pretty far to the left and nothing would give me more pleasure than watching the maggots eat this guys eyes out. Is everything a "left/right" thing with you?

Don't be rediculous.

Nevermind. That's like asking a baby not to cry. I've known you too long.

Disclaimer to forum: Please do not judge all Navy veterans by the actions of
a few. I cringe everytime I see the word "Navy" in your posts.

Go Navy.

Here ye, here ye, let it be known to all that I, Easyt65, do not equate automatically a Democrat/liberal to being anti-Death Penalty!

:roll: HAD to get that one out there before I was accused of stero-typing as well. :2razz:
Captain America said:
Talk about big lie.:roll:

I lean pretty far to the left and nothing would give me more pleasure than watching the maggots eat this guys eyes out. Is everything a "left/right" thing with you?

Don't be rediculous.

Nevermind. That's like asking a baby not to cry. I've known you too long.

Disclaimer to forum: Please do not judge all Navy veterans by the actions of
a few. I cringe everytime I see the word "Navy" in your posts.

Go Navy.

With all respect, you are a newbie here... You really need to go back and read some of the death penaltys threads......We have had polls and the people on the left all seem to think it is much worse to be sentenced to life in prison then it is to be executed.......The people on the right seem to think that execution of this scum is better.........

I have just watched Mr. Smith beg for life in prison so if it is a much worse sentence..........Why would he do that?

Oh and this is not WS when all the members are left wingers and not attack me personally.........Thanks........
I think the only thing better than frying this guy up would be to watch him beg for his life first. You lucky guy! Maybe I'll catch it on the 6 o'clock news.

You should visit WS these days. It's so right wing, they might even welcome you back in there. They banned me. I bitch-slapped one of their right wing mods in a debate. So they sent me to the "free-speech" zone. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, ban 'em!

Come to think of it, I don't recall you ever NOT claiming a site was all left-wing and out to get you. This is a first!
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Captain America said:
I think the only thing better than frying this guy up would be to watch him beg for his life first. You lucky guy! Maybe I'll catch it on the 6 o'clock news.

You should visit WS these days. It's so right wing, they might even welcome you back in there. They banned me. I bitch-slapped one of their right wing mods in a debate. So they sent me to the "free-speech" zone. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, ban 'em!

Come to think of it, I don't recall you ever NOT claiming a site was all left-wing and out to get you. This is a first!

I still visit there..Don't post........I would say the breakdown there us is about 10-1 lib........Much more balanced here...........
easyt65 said:
He was caught on tape kidnapping Carly Bruscha . he sexually abused her, killed her. He took that little girl's future from her, he took her life from her, and he destoyed her family, leaving a whole in their lives they will have forever.

Today he asked the judge to spare his life for the sake of his own family. he wasn't thinking about Carly's family when he kidnapped, raped, and killed their daughter. He wasn't thinking about his own family either. So I see no reason for the judge to be forced to have the responsibility of Smith's family to be forced upon HIM! The judge did not kill Carly! No one will be there for Carly's family.

I believe Smith should get the death penalty, as the jury urges. I also have a problem with opponents of the death penalty who argue that these murderers' deaths, if indeed they should get the death penalty, should be humane. I argue that Carly's final hours in this life were horrific! They were filled with extreme fear, pain, despair, and agony beyond any of our comprehension. I can just imagine this little girl screaming out for her mommy and daddy to save her! I think about that and can not bring myself to argue that we should in turn make their killers' passing as serene as possible.

If it were up to me, I would be inclined to force their killers to experience the extreme fear, the horror, the pain, and the desperation that they have forced on their victims. I fall short of suggesting that every murderer be put to death in the exact same way in which they murdered their victims, but I would almost have no problem with going back to the electric chair or even public hangings instead of the simplicity of a needle in the arm and then them just falling off to sleep. I am sure carly Bruscha would have pleaded and beggged for such an alternative given the choice!

The frickin' coward ought to be strung up by his entrails and drug thru the street. That would please me greatly!
easyt65 said:
He was caught on tape kidnapping Carly Bruscha . he sexually abused her, killed her. He took that little girl's future from her, he took her life from her, and he destoyed her family, leaving a whole in their lives they will have forever.

Today he asked the judge to spare his life for the sake of his own family. he wasn't thinking about Carly's family when he kidnapped, raped, and killed their daughter. He wasn't thinking about his own family either. So I see no reason for the judge to be forced to have the responsibility of Smith's family to be forced upon HIM! The judge did not kill Carly! No one will be there for Carly's family.

I believe Smith should get the death penalty, as the jury urges. I also have a problem with opponents of the death penalty who argue that these murderers' deaths, if indeed they should get the death penalty, should be humane. I argue that Carly's final hours in this life were horrific! They were filled with extreme fear, pain, despair, and agony beyond any of our comprehension. I can just imagine this little girl screaming out for her mommy and daddy to save her! I think about that and can not bring myself to argue that we should in turn make their killers' passing as serene as possible.

If it were up to me, I would be inclined to force their killers to experience the extreme fear, the horror, the pain, and the desperation that they have forced on their victims. I fall short of suggesting that every murderer be put to death in the exact same way in which they murdered their victims, but I would almost have no problem with going back to the electric chair or even public hangings instead of the simplicity of a needle in the arm and then them just falling off to sleep. I am sure carly Bruscha would have pleaded and beggged for such an alternative given the choice!

If morons buy his fake apology and he gets life then I guess the bright side would be this- http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/77937
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Ya know, I think we should fry him, but we do have an issue of the cost of executing these scumbags that are nailed dead to rights. WE MUST CONTROL THE COSTS!!
Therefor, since reality TV is so very popular, as is the lottery, we'll combine the two? Lets set up a lottery. $1.00 a ticket. What is the prize? The winner gets to spin the wheel that determines what manner of execution that the maggot gets.
We've got those ignorant faces of death videos of people being killed and maimed, right? People pay to watch pro-wrestling, too.
Well, now, for $39.99, you can watch a real live execution!! Give all those dirtbags that are planning something heinious a personal scared straight moment. And, we will operate our prisons for a profit!!
Now...how do I copywright this? Can't have Fox News stealing my ideas.
Blue Collar Joe said:
Ya know, I think we should fry him, but we do have an issue of the cost of executing these scumbags that are nailed dead to rights. WE MUST CONTROL THE COSTS!!
Therefor, since reality TV is so very popular, as is the lottery, we'll combine the two? Lets set up a lottery. $1.00 a ticket. What is the prize? The winner gets to spin the wheel that determines what manner of execution that the maggot gets.
We've got those ignorant faces of death videos of people being killed and maimed, right? People pay to watch pro-wrestling, too.
Well, now, for $39.99, you can watch a real live execution!! Give all those dirtbags that are planning something heinious a personal scared straight moment. And, we will operate our prisons for a profit!!
Now...how do I copywright this? Can't have Fox News stealing my ideas.

I totally agree Joe.......There is another thread in the basement titled Televised exectuions or something to that effect......I said I was all for it and recommended pay for view..........Of course I was chastised by a few of our far out left wing friends in the forum for that thinking.....They have such compassion for the Joseph Smiths if the world who murder and rape 11 year old girls but very little for the victums or the families that are affected by these barbaric acts............
Do kindly remember that we, as law-abiding American citizens, are supposed to be morally superior to this creature.

He may not deserve a clean and painless death, but he should get one anyway; we are better than those who torture, rape, and kill the innocent.
Korimyr the Rat said:
Do kindly remember that we, as law-abiding American citizens, are supposed to be morally superior to this creature.

He may not deserve a clean and painless death, but he should get one anyway; we are better than those who torture, rape, and kill the innocent.

Nowhere did I say it should be a painful death. Just public. May as well try to get that budget under control, right? And, in my opinion, my cat, who is sitting on the floor licking his nethers is superior to this creature.
I hear hanging is a quick, near painless death. The floor drops out, the rope straightens, the neck pops with the sudden stop.

I guess he will get his real judgement from the man upstairs. I can not imagine anything we do to him here being any more frightening, horrible, or painful as what waits for him. I know the awful feeling it was to stand before my own dad after i had done something wrong, afreaid of what punishment HE would dish out. Standing before God after raping, torturing, and murdering a child must be infinitely worse!
It's said that child killers are the lowest life form in the prison food chain. If this guy thinks life in prison is preferrable to the death penalty, he might change his tune after being there a year or two. I say send him to prison, toss him into the yard with the announcement 'Fresh meat! Child killer!' and let them have the same fun a dog has with a chew toy.
Death penalty is too good for that scum-bucket. UGH!
That is an excellent point. Dahmer, for instance, made it about a day before he got a shiv to the Medula Oblongata. 'Honor among Thieves' - even the criminals know you don't hurt a child!
easyt65 said:
I hear hanging is a quick, near painless death. The floor drops out, the rope straightens, the neck pops with the sudden stop.

I guess he will get his real judgement from the man upstairs. I can not imagine anything we do to him here being any more frightening, horrible, or painful as what waits for him. I know the awful feeling it was to stand before my own dad after i had done something wrong, afreaid of what punishment HE would dish out. Standing before God after raping, torturing, and murdering a child must be infinitely worse!

Hanging someone is tricky. The knot has to be perfect, and, if the person has too thick a neck, they can survive the drop, thus strangling. Make for good viewing, but the ultra left would probably get a bit upset.
It cracks me up these child murderers and other people like them do the " facing the death penalty" appology to the family and bleeding hearts feel sorry for this vermin.
easyt65 said:
I hear hanging is a quick, near painless death. The floor drops out, the rope straightens, the neck pops with the sudden stop.

I guess he will get his real judgement from the man upstairs. I can not imagine anything we do to him here being any more frightening, horrible, or painful as what waits for him. I know the awful feeling it was to stand before my own dad after i had done something wrong, afreaid of what punishment HE would dish out. Standing before God after raping, torturing, and murdering a child must be infinitely worse!


But, the last I heard, all's you gotta do is repeat a few magic words, get "reborn" and you're tight with god again. So I suppose we're gonna just have to be happy with frying him to a crisp. Hell, I think one Joseph Smith even invented his own religion once upon a time.
I am thrilled he has gotten the death penalty. I saw him begging for his pathetic life saying that he was a heroin addict. Shut up. I don't care. You took the life of someone else, after you raped her. He is the scum of the scum. I would prefer he get the death penalty like Dahmer did because I think injecting him is much too kind. I want him to suffer the way his victim did.
aps said:
I am thrilled he has gotten the death penalty. I saw him begging for his pathetic life saying that he was a heroin addict. Shut up. I don't care. You took the life of someone else, after you raped her. He is the scum of the scum. I would prefer he get the death penalty like Dahmer did because I think injecting him is much too kind. I want him to suffer the way his victim did.

So aps you are pro death penalty then.

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