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John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2012
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Libertarian - Right
Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government.

The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit.

OBAMA TO REPUBLICANS: Reopen the government

As of this morning, Senate Democrats, acting in concert with President Obama, have rejected four different proposals from the House of Representatives to keep the government running and fund basic services.

OUR VIEW: The Shutdown Party

REP. CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS: It's up to the Senate

On Friday, September 20, 2013, the House of Representatives passed legislation to keep the government running – funding Medicare, Social Security, veterans benefits, and more – while removing funding for the president's health care law, which is driving up costs and hurting our economy.

The Democratic-controlled Senate rejected this measure.

On Saturday, September 28, 2013, the House passed another measure to keep the government running, delay the president's health care law for one year, and permanently repeal Obamacare's tax on pacemakers and children's hearing aids.

Senate Democrats rejected the measure on a party-line vote.

(The House also passed the Pay Our Military Act, which ensures our troops are paid during a government shutdown. Thankfully, that measure was adopted by the Senate and signed by President Obama.)

On Monday, September 30, 2013, the House passed yet another measure to keep the government running and ensure fairness for all Americans under the president's health care law. President Obama delayed the law's mandates on big businesses and insurance companies; this bill would delay the law for everyone.

The Senate rejected this measure too.

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now
I would say good old Henery "get the job done" Reid is to blame for not letting the Senate vote on the bills passed by the house.
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I would see good old Henery "get the job done" Reid is to blame for not letting the Senate vote on the bills passes by the house.

The senate has voted on the house bills. It's the house thats been refusing to go to conference committee with the senate.
If Boehner thinks the American people aren't going to see through this, he's even more delusional than I thought.
I would say good old Henery "get the job done" Reid is to blame for not letting the Senate vote on the bills passed by the house.

the leadership gets to decide what bills get to the floor.

and what many of these bills that harry reid tabled were bills trying to gut EPA regulations, or gutting Financial regulations.
If Boehner thinks the American people aren't going to see through this, he's even more delusional than I thought.

If the American people think that this is anyone but Obama and Reid's fault they ARE as delusional as I thought...
The Senate has sent clean continuing resolutions to the House and House hasn't considered those either...

Seems appropriate to conference in order to settle some differences...
The simple fact is Obama and the Democrats vowed to shut down the entire government if the House won't fund Obamacare.

THUS, the TRUTH is that Republicans have shut down Obamacare and Obama and Democrats have shut down everything else. Yet not one media source is reporting that obvious truth.
except one difference is the existence of the affordable care act.

Okay, let's discuss substance instead of ideology. If individuals need subsidies to purchase mandated government insurance, how will he/she ever be able to afford the co-pays much less the deductibles?
The Senate has sent clean continuing resolutions to the House and House hasn't considered those either...

did they use bleach? Obama was once characterized as "clean", we see how that turned out...
did they use bleach? Obama was once characterized as "clean", we see how that turned out...
Yep, it works wonders to get rid of all the ideological whine over a law that was passed 3 years ago.
Okay, let's discuss substance instead of ideology. If individuals need subsidies to purchase mandated government insurance, how will he/she ever be able to afford the co-pays much less the deductibles?

Very good point, AP! :thumbs:

I guess the conjecture that Single Payer has always been the ultimate goal may be accurate. IOW, make it so difficult that people will demand change, which will be "reluctantly" granted with much fanfare, and a speech by BHO, "for the good of the country." There will be dancing in the streets by those who believe that they had just won something! :happy: :2dance:
did they use bleach? Obama was once characterized as "clean", we see how that turned out...

Focus, focus. Take your mind off your irrational hatred of the black president and focus.
If Boehner thinks the American people aren't going to see through this, he's even more delusional than I thought.

He's not playing it for the masses. He's playing it for the party.

Boehner knows the only people going to buy his line are those already drinking the kool-aid. Boehner's #1 goal right now is to prevent an open civil war within the GOP's ranks. Hence why he won't bring the Senate bill to the floor despite having enough moderates and Democrats to vote for it. He lets that pass, he potentially gives the House to the Dems in 2014. It's kind of like you know any move you make will bring your defeat, so you simply refuse to do anything.
Yep, it works wonders to get rid of all the ideological whine over a law that was passed 3 years ago.

Well, you have a law that just is no good, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get rid of it.

Look at slavery...
Focus, focus. Take your mind off your irrational hatred of the black president and focus.

another race baiting non sequitur...

Who called him clean again?

Oh, that's right, his VICE PRESIDENT!!!!!! :lamo
Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government.

The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit.

OBAMA TO REPUBLICANS: Reopen the government

As of this morning, Senate Democrats, acting in concert with President Obama, have rejected four different proposals from the House of Representatives to keep the government running and fund basic services.

OUR VIEW: The Shutdown Party

REP. CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS: It's up to the Senate

On Friday, September 20, 2013, the House of Representatives passed legislation to keep the government running – funding Medicare, Social Security, veterans benefits, and more – while removing funding for the president's health care law, which is driving up costs and hurting our economy.

The Democratic-controlled Senate rejected this measure.

On Saturday, September 28, 2013, the House passed another measure to keep the government running, delay the president's health care law for one year, and permanently repeal Obamacare's tax on pacemakers and children's hearing aids.

Senate Democrats rejected the measure on a party-line vote.

(The House also passed the Pay Our Military Act, which ensures our troops are paid during a government shutdown. Thankfully, that measure was adopted by the Senate and signed by President Obama.)

On Monday, September 30, 2013, the House passed yet another measure to keep the government running and ensure fairness for all Americans under the president's health care law. President Obama delayed the law's mandates on big businesses and insurance companies; this bill would delay the law for everyone.

The Senate rejected this measure too.

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

The Rebublicans should reopen the government and then Democrats should sit down to bipartisan talks. The Republicans should not win a single cent of concessions from Democrats during this shutdown.

I'm sure you are.

".....The House's final pre-shutdown move came after Republicans have rejected the idea of going to conference on the budget for months. Citing that fact — Republicans have opposed 18 opportunities to go to conference on the federal budget....

Read more: Government Shutdown: House To Appoint Conference Committees - Business Insider

The blame lies squarely on the republicans heads.

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