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It was Republican who leaked CIA secret jails (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Seems that, nowadays, the Bushneviks can no longer torture people in secret jails without members of their own party spilling the beans. Said Trent Lott, "we can't keep our mouths shut". That is good, and to the Republican Senator or staffer who let the cat out of the bag, kudos to you, and may you have a long and successful political career. We need more like you in government.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Seems that, nowadays, the Bushneviks can no longer torture people in secret jails without members of their own party spilling the beans. Said Trent Lott, "we can't keep our mouths shut". That is good, and to the Republican Senator or staffer who let the cat out of the bag, kudos to you, and may you have a long and successful political career. We need more like you in government.

Article is here.

Oh, ..I get it! Now that Lott is helping to serve your side he is considered, "acceptable".

Never mind that the democrat bozo's in the senate tried to destroy him, & label him as a racist not that long ago because he said some words to make an old fart feel good about his 100th birthday.(Strom Thurmon)

Maybe that will shorten Lott's pennance time, ..& make him almost human again to the senate democrats?:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Oh, ..I get it! Now that Lott is helping to serve your side he is considered, "acceptable".
He's helping the American side dipstick. Can you stop acting like politics is a team sport FOR ONCE?
Stu Ghatze said:
Oh, ..I get it! Now that Lott is helping to serve your side he is considered, "acceptable".

Never mind that the democrat bozo's in the senate tried to destroy him, & label him as a racist not that long ago because he said some words to make an old fart feel good about his 100th birthday.(Strom Thurmon)

Maybe that will shorten Lott's pennance time, ..& make him almost human again to the senate democrats?:smile:

Stu, please provide me evidence that it was solely the democrats who tried to "destroy" Lott.

He is a racist, by the way.
danarhea said:
Seems that, nowadays, the Bushneviks can no longer torture people in secret jails without members of their own party spilling the beans. Said Trent Lott, "we can't keep our mouths shut". That is good, and to the Republican Senator or staffer who let the cat out of the bag, kudos to you, and may you have a long and successful political career. We need more like you in government.

Article is here.

What is a Bushnevik? Is that a way of insulting people who support the president?
I thought Bush and Cheney didn't torture people or have any secret CIA prisons....
KCConservative said:
What is a Bushnevik? Is that a way of insulting people who support the president?

Actually, the far left, if that is who you are referring to, dont like the term either, since it associates Bush with a few of their own heroes. The term itself was coined by Conservative writer Lew Rockwell, and has been used by other true Conservatives. It stems from Neocon, which embraces parts of Communist philosophy - Not the economic part, but the big government and Machiavellian parts of Communism. Irving Kristol, the father of Neoconservatism, was a card carrying member of the Communist party. His son, William Kristol, has frequently stated that he would support a Liberal who was also a hawk over a Conservative.

In short, Bushnevik is as Bushnevik does.
danarhea said:
Actually, the far left, if that is who you are referring to, dont like the term either, since it associates Bush with a few of their own heroes. The term itself was coined by Conservative writer Lew Rockwell, and has been used by other true Conservatives. It stems from Neocon, which embraces parts of Communist philosophy - Not the economic part, but the big government and Machiavellian parts of Communism. Irving Kristol, the father of Neoconservatism, was a card carrying member of the Communist party. His son, William Kristol, has frequently stated that he would support a Liberal who was also a hawk over a Conservative.

In short, Bushnevik is as Bushnevik does.
In other words, the typical hate agenda toward this president.
KCConservative said:
In other words, the typical hate agenda toward this president.

hmm as opposed to worshipping Bush/Cheyney and the Republican Congress, believing everything they do/say is for the good of the country, and never being able to admit that any of those 3 make errors? riiiiiight.
debate_junkie said:
hmm as opposed to worshipping Bush/Cheyney and the Republican Congress, believing everything they do/say is for the good of the country, and never being able to admit that any of those 3 make errors? riiiiiight.
Wrong. When criticism is based in reality, then it is worth considering. The left has no solutions or plan....just hate Bush, no metter what. America sees through it.
KCConservative said:
Wrong. When criticism is based in reality, then it is worth considering. The left has no solutions or plan....just hate Bush, no metter what. America sees through it.
Hey, it's a Navy Pride clone! He also likes to say the left has "no solutions or plan". I'll ask you the same question I asked him, which he never answered by the way. If the left has no solutions, then what the hell do you call the entire liberal ideology then?

- Keep abortion legal, minimize unwanted pregnancies through education
- Federal funding for stem cell research
- Abolish Federal death penalty, encourage States to do the same
- Civil unions for homosexuals
- Higher taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the middle class
- War is a last resort, not a preemptive strike

Nope, no solutions here. I guess the Democrats don't have any legitimate arguments against Bush at all, they only exist for the purpose of hating him. :shock:
Binary_Digit said:
...the Democrats don't have any legitimate arguments against Bush at all, they only exist for the purpose of hating him.

I agree with you completely.
KCConservative, you are pathetic at debating and you make your party look bad. Have a nice day!
KCConservative said:
Wrong. When criticism is based in reality, then it is worth considering. The left has no solutions or plan....just hate Bush, no metter what. America sees through it.

The left.. the left... I love it how anyone who isn't on the right, are automatically Bush haters. You say criticism worth considering is based on reality.. my question is who's reality? Because according to some on this board, George Bush is worthy of no criticism. So who's reality, KC?
KCConservative said:
Wrong. When criticism is based in reality, then it is worth considering. The left has no solutions or plan....just hate Bush, no metter what. America sees through it.
Which America is that? Look at any current poll and you'll see that Bush is in serious trouble. America, as you put it, does not approve of him, his war, his ideas. You should be damn happy that there weren't any mid-term elections this year...
Binary_Digit said:
Hey, it's a Navy Pride clone! He also likes to say the left has "no solutions or plan". I'll ask you the same question I asked him, which he never answered by the way. If the left has no solutions, then what the hell do you call the entire liberal ideology then?

- Keep abortion legal, minimize unwanted pregnancies through education
- Federal funding for stem cell research
- Abolish Federal death penalty, encourage States to do the same
- Civil unions for homosexuals
- Higher taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the middle class
- War is a last resort, not a preemptive strike

Nope, no solutions here. I guess the Democrats don't have any legitimate arguments against Bush at all, they only exist for the purpose of hating him. :shock:

You talk as if the battle is between Liberals and Conservatives, when the battle is really between Conservatives and those who call themselves Conservative and are not, and have hijacked the Republican party.

Keep abortion legal? Actually, Roe v. Wade must be overturned, and not because of any ethical argument one way or the other, but because of what our Consitution tells us we must do and not do. The Federal government, which should not be banning abortion, should not be condoning it either. This is best left up to the states.

Federal funding for stem cell research? This is best served by private enterprise. If the Federal government nationalized the beer industry, they could not make it for under 100 bucks a six pack. We need to keep the Federal government's greasy fingers off the taxpayers' money.

Abolish the Federal death penalty? Actually, I agree with that one, but I only agree with it because once in a while, innocent people are executed. If it was foolproof, I would be the first to volunteer to pull the switch on a condemned man. However, my thoughts on this are neither here nor there. While I agree with banning the death penalty, I do not agree in forcing the states to do the same. It is up to them, and the Federal government should not rule on it one way or the other.

Civil unions for homosexuals? Again, this is up to the states, and not the Federal government's business. If states want to outlaw civil unions, thats up to them. If they want civil unions, that is also up to them.

Higher taxes? How about replacing the income tax with a national sales tax? Exemptions on food, education, mortgage or rent, and medical costs. That way, the poor pay nothing, and the rich do pay their fair share, but are not unnecessarily overburdened either. This can be done by starving the Federal government to an appropriate level. It is way to big for its britches, and a huge and powerful central government is the antithesis of freedom.

Finally, war as a last resort? I absolutely agree with you on that one, and this is not an area that Liberals and Democrats excel in. Just look at Vietnam, which was a Democrat war.

I would not say that you Liberals dont have solutions, but I believe they are the wrong solutions. Once the Neocons are gone, then you and I can have honest debate about what is good for America.
Binary_Digit said:
KCConservative, you are pathetic at debating and you make your party look bad. Have a nice day!

:roll: brilliant. :mrgreen:
KCConservative said:
:roll: brilliant. :mrgreen:
I'm sorry for being so disrespectful to you. When someone's only rebuttal is to blatently take my words out of context, it kinda ticks me off. That's not debate, it's childish. So I got childish in return. Sorry. :3oops:

Danarhea, I don't necessarily agree with all those liberal "solutions" either, so I wasn't planning on defending them hehe! I only wanted to show that it's untrue to say they have "no solutions."

But on stem cell research, I will argue that it's not comparable to beer, because it's not just some private industry producing consumer goods. It's the cure for cancer, diabetes, paralysis, and maybe AIDS. I don't want another permanent Federal bereaucracy, I want to accelerate this research and perfect the techniques so the private doctors can start treating their patients. Once the technique is actually in use, there is probably no need for Federal help, but until then it does need help to get off the ground. It costs money to research and test a new medical discovery enough so that it's safe to use on people. I'd be happy for my tax dollars to help move potentially the biggest medical breakthrough since penecillin from the lab to the clinic.
KCConservative said:
Wrong. When criticism is based in reality, then it is worth considering. The left has no solutions or plan....just hate Bush, no metter what. America sees through it.
Quit using the term "left" as if its all unified and the same. The reason why you say that "the left" has no plan is because there is little unity, too many groups.
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Binary_Digit said:
Hey, it's a Navy Pride clone! He also likes to say the left has "no solutions or plan". I'll ask you the same question I asked him, which he never answered by the way. If the left has no solutions, then what the hell do you call the entire liberal ideology then?

- Keep abortion legal, minimize unwanted pregnancies through education
- Federal funding for stem cell research
- Abolish Federal death penalty, encourage States to do the same
- Civil unions for homosexuals
- Higher taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the middle class
- War is a last resort, not a preemptive strike

Nope, no solutions here. I guess the Democrats don't have any legitimate arguments against Bush at all, they only exist for the purpose of hating him. :shock:

These aren't solutions. These are beliefs and issues. A solution implies something's being solved like the problem of healthcare costs, terrorism etc..

Question is what problems do democrats acknowlege as important and how do they intend to solve those problems?
Binary_Digit said:
Hey, it's a Navy Pride clone! He also likes to say the left has "no solutions or plan". I'll ask you the same question I asked him, which he never answered by the way. If the left has no solutions, then what the hell do you call the entire liberal ideology then?

- Keep abortion legal, minimize unwanted pregnancies through education
- Federal funding for stem cell research
- Abolish Federal death penalty, encourage States to do the same
- Civil unions for homosexuals
- Higher taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the middle class
- War is a last resort, not a preemptive strike

Nope, no solutions here. I guess the Democrats don't have any legitimate arguments against Bush at all, they only exist for the purpose of hating him. :shock:

Tax and spend for everything but the protection of the country, yep, you have nailed it down pretty well sir.;)
Binary_Digit said:
I'm sorry for being so disrespectful to you. When someone's only rebuttal is to blatently take my words out of context, it kinda ticks me off. That's not debate, it's childish. So I got childish in return. Sorry. :3oops:

Danarhea, I don't necessarily agree with all those liberal "solutions" either, so I wasn't planning on defending them hehe! I only wanted to show that it's untrue to say they have "no solutions."

But on stem cell research, I will argue that it's not comparable to beer, because it's not just some private industry producing consumer goods. It's the cure for cancer, diabetes, paralysis, and maybe AIDS. I don't want another permanent Federal bereaucracy, I want to accelerate this research and perfect the techniques so the private doctors can start treating their patients. Once the technique is actually in use, there is probably no need for Federal help, but until then it does need help to get off the ground. It costs money to research and test a new medical discovery enough so that it's safe to use on people. I'd be happy for my tax dollars to help move potentially the biggest medical breakthrough since penecillin from the lab to the clinic.

We still disagree. Although I concur that stem research is a noble cause, having the government being responsible for it is irresponsible. Private enterprise is the only sensible way to do this, in order to avoid the increased costs and corruption which are associated with government. That is why my beer analogy. :)
Crispy said:
These aren't solutions. These are beliefs and issues. A solution implies something's being solved like the problem of healthcare costs, terrorism etc..
Ok, I'll reword them so they imply something's being solved. :2razz:

- Keep abortion legal, minimize unwanted pregnancies through education
- Federal funding for stem cell research to cure cancer, diabetes, paralysis, and maybe AIDS
- Abolish Federal death penalty, encourage States to do the same to remove the possibility of terminating the innocent, and to declare at the national level that it's wrong to kill in order to say killing is wrong
- Civil unions for homosexuals to end that stupid debate before I gouge my eyeballs out
- Higher taxes for the rich, lower taxes for the middle class so the middle class will spend more and stimulate the economy
- War is a last resort, not a preemptive strike so we don't attack countries based on shaky intelligence and end up looking like fools

Crispy said:
Question is what problems do democrats acknowlege as important and how do they intend to solve those problems?
I can't speak for all Democrats, but I should imagine national security is high on the list. I'm inclined to believe that both sides (most people) have similar overall goals for the country, they would agree on what problems are important to address, but the only debate is over the best way to solve them.

One thing I will agree on is that Kerry never really said what he would do differently. He spent too much of his campaign putting Bush down, and when it came to how he could do better, he'd just say "I have a plan...visit www.johnkerry.com...this President has done this and that..." But Kerry's election campaign was poorly handled and didn't persuade very many swing voters, because he focused too much on putting Bush down and not enough on presenting himself as a capable and qualified alternative. But even though Kerry wasn't very clear on his stance, that doesn't mean a democratic solution (good or bad) doesn't exist.

On health care, if I'm not mistaken, democrats tend to give federal money to people who can't afford the health care they need. Some want to federalize health care altogether so it will be free for everyone, but I think that would be a mistake.

On terrorism, I think democrats tend to focus more on the fuel rather than the flame. IAW democrats are more willing to admit the foreign policy mistakes America has made that has tarnished our reputation in the Middle East. Quite a few liberals take it to the extreme and blame America for everything. They aren't completely wrong, but they are completely biased.

Deegan said:
Tax and spend for everything but the protection of the country, yep, you have nailed it down pretty well sir.
Haha! Actually, I support a strong military. I'm especially in favor of giving them all the equipment they need. I think too many liberals have forgotten the "walk softly but carry a big stick" philosophy. There's nothing wrong with having a military, or a gun for that matter. A tool is only as good as the tool who uses it. :lol:

danarhea said:
We still disagree. Although I concur that stem research is a noble cause, having the government being responsible for it is irresponsible. Private enterprise is the only sensible way to do this, in order to avoid the increased costs and corruption which are associated with government. That is why my beer analogy. :)
Oh, I totally agree that stem cell technology and the entire medical industry should remain privatized. I'm saying the federal funding should be temporary, just to fund the research until safe methods are developed for humans. Is that not a good idea, even if it's temporary? Kick-start the industry and push ahead the date we can start curing people of these ailments.
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Stinger said:
So you want more people in government who leak classified information? Does this signal your new found support for Libby and perhaps Rove?

There is a big difference:

On one hand, you have a Republican Senator or staffer who, out of a sense of morality, told America that we are running secret torture prisons in old Soviet gulags located in Eastern Europe.

On the other hand, you have a petty and vindictive man who not only outed a CIA agent, but destroyed the front company she worked for, which was looking for weapons of mass destruction. Libby compromised the security of the United States in order to exact a petty and vindictive retribution on someone who told Americans that the documents which helped lead us to war were as phoney as a three dollar bill.

Of course, I can understand how some ethically challenged people would not understand the difference. Or do they know the difference, and like Machiavelli and Karl Marx, take the position that the ends justify the means, no matter how repulsive and immoral those means are?
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