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It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies (1 Viewer)


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Mar 22, 2018
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Very well done...it pretty much sums up the entire phenomena we are watching play out in a very entertaining yet accurate way! His characterization of "normals" in the article meaning - "sane people" is spot on correct.

It's a fun read. Link included at the bottom.

It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

Donald Trump goes to Europe, scandalizes the Euroweenies, libs, and cruise-shilling grifters of Never Trump, and comes back victorious. He’s about to get his second SCOTUS justice confirmed – all they have on Brett Kavanaugh is that he likes beer and is named “Brett.” In Congress, the Democrats decided to go all in on abolishing ICE because Americans love open borders and welcome MS-13 or something. In the Mueller farce, the Dems decided that the smart play was to publicly run interference for creepy weirdo Peter Strzok when he went on national TV doing his impression of Lotion Boy from Silence of the Lambs. Hey Pete, what do those Trump voters smell like? Smells like a red wave to me, you insipid weirdo.

How did Trump luck out by getting such hopeless geebos for opponents? It can’t just be chance. At every turn, these dummies choose to lock themselves into the most implausible and indefensible positions imaginable, then push all their chips into the center of the table. It’s almost supernatural – maybe Trump won the intervention of some ancient demon by heading over to the offices of the Weekly Standard and snatching away one of its Never Trump scribblers to use as a virgin sacrifice.

Look, I was not a Trump fan at the beginning – I was anti-Trump but never Never Trump, both because I was Never Hillary and because I wasn’t a Beltway squishboy who would take his white paper and go home when my guy Ted Cruz lost. I just had no idea what to make of Trump at first because he didn’t look like any mainstream Republican I had seen in the last few decades. But then, I soon realized that he didn’t look like any mainstream Republican I had seen in the last few decades because he wasn’t a hapless loser. He was the anti-Jeb!.

The stupid goes around. We're blessed with a really stupid President who has to walk back his Putin-love comments, and incompetent Dems who cannot seem to figure out what they need to do to fix the problem properly.

All spells great things for the Republic.

I haven't seen this "Dems going all in on abolishing ICE". There was a bill, I think, but it's been abandoned. And also, abolishing ICE doesn't mean "open borders". I fear that people don't actually understand that term and instead just use it as a political buzz word to shortcut thinking. But I suppose that falls into the spread of stupid, huh.

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The stupid goes around. We're blessed with a really stupid President who has to walk back his Putin-love comments, and incompetent Dems who cannot seem to figure out what they need to do to fix the problem properly.

All spells great things for the Republic.

I haven't seen this "Dems going all in on abolishing ICE". There was a bill, I think, but it's been abandoned. And also, abolishing ICE doesn't mean "open borders". I fear that people don't actually understand that term and instead just use it as a political buzz word to shortcut thinking. But I suppose that falls into the spread of stupid, huh.


Conservatives need Democrats to be for abolishing borders, because otherwise they might have to actually argue against a reasonable political position.
The stupid goes around. We're blessed with a really stupid President who has to walk back his Putin-love comments, and incompetent Dems who cannot seem to figure out what they need to do to fix the problem properly.

All spells great things for the Republic.

I haven't seen this "Dems going all in on abolishing ICE". There was a bill, I think, but it's been abandoned. And also, abolishing ICE doesn't mean "open borders". I fear that people don't actually understand that term and instead just use it as a political buzz word to shortcut thinking. But I suppose that falls into the spread of stupid, huh.


Yeah. I've even read up on Alexandria's reasoning for wanting to Abolish ICE, and nothing she said made be think that "open borders" is what they want. It's just a strawman.
Very well done...it pretty much sums up the entire phenomena we are watching play out in a very entertaining yet accurate way! His characterization of "normals" in the article meaning - "sane people" is spot on correct.

It's a fun read. Link included at the bottom.

It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

Donald Trump goes to Europe, scandalizes the Euroweenies, libs, and cruise-shilling grifters of Never Trump, and comes back victorious. He’s about to get his second SCOTUS justice confirmed – all they have on Brett Kavanaugh is that he likes beer and is named “Brett.” In Congress, the Democrats decided to go all in on abolishing ICE because Americans love open borders and welcome MS-13 or something. In the Mueller farce, the Dems decided that the smart play was to publicly run interference for creepy weirdo Peter Strzok when he went on national TV doing his impression of Lotion Boy from Silence of the Lambs. Hey Pete, what do those Trump voters smell like? Smells like a red wave to me, you insipid weirdo.

How did Trump luck out by getting such hopeless geebos for opponents? It can’t just be chance. At every turn, these dummies choose to lock themselves into the most implausible and indefensible positions imaginable, then push all their chips into the center of the table. It’s almost supernatural – maybe Trump won the intervention of some ancient demon by heading over to the offices of the Weekly Standard and snatching away one of its Never Trump scribblers to use as a virgin sacrifice.

Look, I was not a Trump fan at the beginning – I was anti-Trump but never Never Trump, both because I was Never Hillary and because I wasn’t a Beltway squishboy who would take his white paper and go home when my guy Ted Cruz lost. I just had no idea what to make of Trump at first because he didn’t look like any mainstream Republican I had seen in the last few decades. But then, I soon realized that he didn’t look like any mainstream Republican I had seen in the last few decades because he wasn’t a hapless loser. He was the anti-Jeb!.


This article is filled with hate and fear mongering with little understanding of reality.
Very few Americans looking especially smart these days.

I think the best we can manage is focus on practical policy instead of personality, rather than focusing on who we hate.

Both side of the right-left spectrum are so hyper reactionary it's no wonder we can't get quality people to run for office.

Better to trade on your connections and get rich. Easier to keep score, and you'll wind up more powerful in the end, anyhow.
Conservatives need Democrats to be for abolishing borders, because otherwise they might have to actually argue against a reasonable political position.

Democrats need the Republicans and the Republicans need the Democrats for various talking points. They play these talking points off each other and endlessly so that neither side may have to actually present and argue for/against a reasonable political position.

It's one of the mechanisms used by the Republocrats to encourage hyperpartisanship, diminish thinking, and to keep the OneParty Oligarchy in power.
Trump needs to learn what to say and when to say it. All his possible accomplishments are overshadowed by his rantings. I watched a few minutes of Tucker interview with him. May be I'm wrong, but Trump seems to have lack of focus, being unable to answer a simple question without going into some rehashed talking point. Even dear silly Tucker looked a bit perplexed.
The stupid goes around. We're blessed with a really stupid President who has to walk back his Putin-love comments, and incompetent Dems who cannot seem to figure out what they need to do to fix the problem properly.

All spells great things for the Republic.

I haven't seen this "Dems going all in on abolishing ICE". There was a bill, I think, but it's been abandoned. And also, abolishing ICE doesn't mean "open borders". I fear that people don't actually understand that term and instead just use it as a political buzz word to shortcut thinking. But I suppose that falls into the spread of stupid, huh.


Ahem! the abolish ICE and borders thing is just one nail in the Liberal coffin of wackiness, there are far more. However, these types of inane public displays of group ignorance (below) sure helps the Liberals (Democrats) opponents. You can't buy that type of help from campaign strategists.

Liberals are the #Trumplandslide2020 gift that keeps on giving! :peace




Yeah. I've even read up on Alexandria's reasoning for wanting to Abolish ICE, and nothing she said made be think that "open borders" is what they want. It's just a strawman.

ICE does immigration raids on U.S. company's and arrests of an undocumented immigrants. The also arrest human rights abuser within the U.S. They also are responsible for the detention of a criminal immigrant following release from prison. They also can deny a U.S. visa to a terrorist or certain other "Unwanted persons" - fleeing criminals and gangsters.

I get that the democrats chafe at immigration raids, and arrests and deportations of illegal aliens. But to argue to get rid of ICE shows a major misunderstanding of what this agency does. I'd excuse a DP member for not knowing, but an elected official should know better. To not understand is flat out ignorance. And to argue that immigration is all they do is flat out lying.
Ahem! the abolish ICE and borders thing is just one nail in the Liberal coffin of wackiness, there are far more. However, these types of inane public displays of group ignorance (below) sure helps the Liberals (Democrats) opponents. You can't buy that type of help from campaign strategists.

Liberals are the #Trumplandslide2020 gift that keeps on giving! :peace

OMG, some protesters!!!! Why that must mean Dems in Congress, as you claimed.

Wait a minute....now it doesn't, that's deflection.

The "abolish ICE" bill has been abandoned. And abolishing ICE doesn't mean open boarders. Even if you do find some pics of protesters and then incorrectly, and in classic partisan hack style, try to claim that it's a general platform tenet of Democrats.
Very well done...it pretty much sums up the entire phenomena we are watching play out in a very entertaining yet accurate way! His characterization of "normals" in the article meaning - "sane people" is spot on correct.

It's a fun read. Link included at the bottom.

It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

Donald Trump goes to Europe, scandalizes the Euroweenies, libs, and cruise-shilling grifters of Never Trump, and comes back victorious. He’s about to get his second SCOTUS justice confirmed – all they have on Brett Kavanaugh is that he likes beer and is named “Brett.” In Congress, the Democrats decided to go all in on abolishing ICE because Americans love open borders and welcome MS-13 or something. In the Mueller farce, the Dems decided that the smart play was to publicly run interference for creepy weirdo Peter Strzok when he went on national TV doing his impression of Lotion Boy from Silence of the Lambs. Hey Pete, what do those Trump voters smell like? Smells like a red wave to me, you insipid weirdo.

How did Trump luck out by getting such hopeless geebos for opponents? It can’t just be chance. At every turn, these dummies choose to lock themselves into the most implausible and indefensible positions imaginable, then push all their chips into the center of the table. It’s almost supernatural – maybe Trump won the intervention of some ancient demon by heading over to the offices of the Weekly Standard and snatching away one of its Never Trump scribblers to use as a virgin sacrifice.

Look, I was not a Trump fan at the beginning – I was anti-Trump but never Never Trump, both because I was Never Hillary and because I wasn’t a Beltway squishboy who would take his white paper and go home when my guy Ted Cruz lost. I just had no idea what to make of Trump at first because he didn’t look like any mainstream Republican I had seen in the last few decades. But then, I soon realized that he didn’t look like any mainstream Republican I had seen in the last few decades because he wasn’t a hapless loser. He was the anti-Jeb!.


Sorry, just trying to understand your point here...are the "stupid enemies" you're talking about the American people on the Left?
OMG, some protesters!!!! Why that must mean Dems in Congress, as you claimed.

Wait a minute....now it doesn't, that's deflection.

The "abolish ICE" bill has been abandoned. And abolishing ICE doesn't mean open boarders. Even if you do find some pics of protesters and then incorrectly, and in classic partisan hack style, try to claim that it's a general platform tenet of Democrats.

Hmm.. you say I claimed "congress"? Really... show me where or admit you just made it up?

Everything that illustrates the actual madness or hypocrisy of Liberals is labeled a "deflection". Sorry, you can whinge about deflections all day long, yet those folks are out there representing therefore it's reality and the Democrats own it.

Heck... I don't even blame sane Democrats from running away from that stuff. But the "it's a deflection" whine just doesn't work.
Everything that illustrates the actual madness or hypocrisy of Liberals is labeled a "deflection".

When you say "Dems in Congress" and then show protesters, then yes it is deflection.

Sorry, you can whinge about deflections all day long, yet those folks are out there representing therefore it's reality and the Democrats own it.

Representing whom?

Can we then say that the White Supremacists are out there representing the Republicans and you need to own it now?

Heck... I don't even blame sane Democrats from running away from that stuff. But the "it's a deflection" whine just doesn't work.

It does if you're going to claim "Dems in Congress" and then show protesters. You were better served trying to find information on that abandoned bill than to show some random protesters with signs.
"Never underestimate the power of large groups of stupid people"!

Not my quote, but after the presidential election of 2016, I certainly understand the philosophy behind it!

And after reading opie's opening comments to this thread- it just sealed the deal for me!
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When you say "Dems in Congress" and then show protesters, then yes it is deflection.

Representing whom?

Can we then say that the White Supremacists are out there representing the Republicans and you need to own it now?

It does if you're going to claim "Dems in Congress" and then show protesters. You were better served trying to find information on that abandoned bill than to show some random protesters with signs.

Here is your last chance to be honest. Where in my own responses did I write "Dems in Congress" or even mention "Congress"? If you cannot show where I did that (as you claim), then you are little more than a four letter word called "Liar". You see, the only real deflection and dishonesty being shown in this thread is... from you.

Have a nice globally warmed carbon offset credit filled day!

Here is your last chance to be honest. Where in my own responses did I write "Dems in Congress" or even mention "Congress"? If you cannot show where I did that (as you claim), then you are little more than a four letter word called "Liar". You see, the only real deflection and dishonesty being shown in this thread is... from you.

Have a nice globally warmed carbon offset credit filled day!


In Congress, the Democrats decided to go all in on abolishing ICE


Who's the liar now?

What deflection do you have? "When I mentioned the Democrats in Congress, I didn't mean Democrats in Congress...I meant protesters on the street".


Who's the liar now?

What deflection do you have? "When I mentioned the Democrats in Congress, I didn't mean Democrats in Congress...I meant protesters on the street".


Wait a minute. I didn't write that. That's in the article. You implied I did it.

Nice try!
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Wait a minute. I didn't write that. That's in the article. You implied I did it.

Nice try!

You didn't use it in quotes, so I took it as your words.

Try using quotes when quoting an article to avoid that confusion. Your article then states Dems in Congress, which surely are not random protesters. If you're going to link articles, try defending the article and not deflecting to other terms.
Hmm.. you say I claimed "congress"? Really... show me where or admit you just made it up?

Everything that illustrates the actual madness or hypocrisy of Liberals is labeled a "deflection". Sorry, you can whinge about deflections all day long, yet those folks are out there representing therefore it's reality and the Democrats own it.

Heck... I don't even blame sane Democrats from running away from that stuff. But the "it's a deflection" whine just doesn't work.

Trump and his supporters, meanwhile, make Mussolini look competent and professional. Do you have any idea how hard that is?
You didn't use it in quotes, so I took it as your words.

Try using quotes when quoting an article to avoid that confusion. Your article then states Dems in Congress, which surely are not random protesters. If you're going to link articles, try defending the article and not deflecting to other terms.

The article is posted as an article and you tried to claim the article was my words. You are just deceptive and dishonest.

It's okay, you can backtrack all you want, but you are what you are.

Have a nice day!
Trump and his supporters, meanwhile, make Mussolini look competent and professional. Do you have any idea how hard that is?

Apparently, the Lefty (Progressive) Democrats are becoming quite good at being modern day Brownshirts...
The article is posted as an article and you tried to claim the article was my words. You are just deceptive and dishonest.

It's okay, you can backtrack all you want, but you are what you are.

Have a nice day!

When you use quote brackets, you can avoid aforementioned confusion.
Very well done...it pretty much sums up the entire phenomena we are watching play out in a very entertaining yet accurate way! His characterization of "normals" in the article meaning - "sane people" is spot on correct.

It's a fun read. Link included at the bottom....

Thread title needs correction: It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Supporters
This article is filled with hate and fear mongering with little understanding of reality.

What else do you expect from right wingers, facts and intelligence? nope, just piles of **** all over the forum

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