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Israel to Run For Security Counsel Seat in 2019.[W:73:82] (1 Viewer)

Should Israel Become a Memeber of the UN Security Counsel

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Feb 26, 2012
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Chicago Illinois
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Israel plans to run for a rotating seat on the UN Security Council for the first time ever for 2019-2020, its envoy said on Thursday.


"We're going all out to win," Ambassador Ron Prosor told the Reuters news agency, adding, "It's about time."

Prosor said Israel will be vying against Germany and Belgium for two seats allotted to the "Western European and Others Group." Technically Israel should be a member of the Asia-Pacific Group but has been blocked from that group by Muslim states.

Winning a Security Council seat requires a two-thirds majority in the 193-nation General Assembly, and UN diplomats predicted that it will not be easy for the Israel to win.....snip~

Israel to Run for Security Council Seat in 2019 - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

What do you think about this. Sure to cause a major uproar in the UN.....huh? Note that Israel was suppose to be part of the counsel for the Asian Pacific Group region but was and has always been blocked by Muslim states. Israel was going to go for the Spot in 2018 but Germany blocked them stating they would go for a spot. Which Israel then filed a formal complaint. Thoughts upon the matter?
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Non-permanent member don't have veto power, so this would be just a guarantee'd vote for the US bloc.

Since the US does have veto power, it doesn't strengthen our hand in the UN very much.

I imagine they will have an uphill battle getting elected, but it's a prestige move, rather than anything important.
Israel says they are going to try and win it this time. Shouldn't the US and others in the West back this play by Israel, despite all the cries and whines from the Muslims and Arab countries.

Should the UN even use a full membership vote for the process.....knowing that the Arab and Muslim countries would vote based out of Racism?
Israel says they are going to try and win it this time. Shouldn't the US and others in the West back this play by Israel, despite all the cries and whines from the Muslims and Arab countries.

Should the UN even use a full membership vote for the process.....knowing that the Arab and Muslim countries would vote based out of Racism?

Given that Israel is the target of numerous threats in their region, they should ABSOLUTELY be on the council. Not that the UN is worth :twocents: anyway though....
Non-permanent member don't have veto power, so this would be just a guarantee'd vote for the US bloc.

Since the US does have veto power, it doesn't strengthen our hand in the UN very much.

I imagine they will have an uphill battle getting elected, but it's a prestige move, rather than anything important.

Mornin' WP. :2wave: Still.....why would Belgium even be considered over Israel. More than likely they will be shut down due to all the Muslim Countries voting against them.

Btw.....Welcome to the Forums of Debate Politics.
Given that Israel is the target of numerous threats in their region, they should ABSOLUTELY be on the council. Not that the UN is worth :twocents: anyway though....

Heya DT. :2wave: Myself.....I think they should be there before the likes of Belgium. Moreover if the Arab and Muslim countries can block them. Then we should block those who would do so with Israel.
Mornin' WP. :2wave: Still.....why would Belgium even be considered over Israel. More than likely they will be shut down due to all the Muslim Countries voting against them.

That was my thought as well. Even many EU counties still seem to harbor a lot of hate for Jewish folks.

I don't think that the makeup security council non-permanent members is especially important, but Europe\NATO does buy a LOT of weaponry designed in Belgium.

Btw.....Welcome to the Forums of Debate Politics.

Thank you!
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Israel plans to run for a rotating seat on the UN Security Council for the first time ever for 2019-2020, its envoy said on Thursday.


"We're going all out to win," Ambassador Ron Prosor told the Reuters news agency, adding, "It's about time."

Prosor said Israel will be vying against Germany and Belgium for two seats allotted to the "Western European and Others Group." Technically Israel should be a member of the Asia-Pacific Group but has been blocked from that group by Muslim states.

Winning a Security Council seat requires a two-thirds majority in the 193-nation General Assembly, and UN diplomats predicted that it will not be easy for the Israel to win.....snip~

Israel to Run for Security Council Seat in 2019 - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

What do you think about this. Sure to cause a major uproar in the UN.....huh? Note that Israel was suppose to be part of the counsel for the Asian Pacific Group region but was and has always been blocked by Muslim states. Israel was going to go for the Spot in 2018 but Germany blocked them stating they would go for a spot. Which Israel then filed a formal complaint. Thoughts upon the matter?

I voted yes. Following on from what has been brought up, Israel has more need-and will also be more accountable-if given full membership.

Indeed, they would be more accountable; no more illegal settlements.
I voted yes. Following on from what has been brought up, Israel has more need-and will also be more accountable-if given full membership.


Heya Gunner. :2wave: Think we would listen to them when it came to things in the ME for a change?
Indeed, they would be more accountable; no more illegal settlements.

Heya Sadling. :2wave: As well as hearing them speak out when it comes to Arab Countries and their starting of conflicts.

Btw.....Welcome to the Forums of Debate Politics.
Heya Gunner. :2wave: Think we would listen to them when it came to things in the ME for a change?

I think we definitely need to -listen-to what Israel has to say. But also hold them to account over issues of contention. Where do you feel Israel is not being listened too?

It is true that conflicts are inevitable when property is stolen; it's just the way it works in this world.
I think we definitely need to -listen-to what Israel has to say. But also hold them to account over issues of contention. Where do you feel Israel is not being listened too?


I think with Intel on several issues.....dealing with certain people etc etc.

We only 6 people that voted so far. Although I thought the consensus would be in favor.
It is difficult for me to entertain the idea of Israel occupying a seat on the Security Council when they are in the process of issuing licenses to foreign oil companies to drill in occupied territory, which is in contravention of international law. So, I would have to vote no.
It is difficult for me to entertain the idea of Israel occupying a seat on the Security Council when they are in the process of issuing licenses to foreign oil companies to drill in occupied territory, which is in contravention of international law. So, I would have to vote no.

1. This is the first I've heard of this.
2. Legally speaking, the Palestinian territories are not occupied. In any case, based on this logic Morocco would not be a part of the UNSC due to its "occupation" of Western Sahara.
1. Yes, this is the first you've heard of this.

2. Legally speaking?? According to international law, the legal status of Palestinian territories is that of occupied territories--not disputed territories. This is supported by the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice.

So, what exactly is your point?
1. This is the first I've heard of this.
2. Legally speaking, the Palestinian territories are not occupied. In any case, based on this logic Morocco would not be a part of the UNSC due to its "occupation" of Western Sahara.

Heya ML. :2wave: So do you think that Israel should be accepted onto the Security Counsel?
1. Yes, this is the first you've heard of this.
I would like some form of evidence to support this.

2. Legally speaking?? According to international law, the legal status of Palestinian territories is that of occupied territories--not disputed territories. This is supported by the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice.

Clearly defined boundaries between Israel proper and Palestine did not exist before the Six-Day War, and neither did any recognized "sovereignty" over the Palestinian territories, thereby rendering moot the already loaded status of being "occupied."

So, what exactly is your point?
My point was that neither "occupation" nor violations of international law have seriously prevented any country from sitting on the UNSC.
Heya ML. :2wave: So do you think that Israel should be accepted onto the Security Counsel?

It would be a nice change for them to be legitimately represented on the Security Council. The odds are always heavily stacked against Israel in international fora.
It would be a nice change for them to be legitimately represented on the Security Council. The odds are always heavily stacked against Israel in international fora.

Yeah, and it looks like it will be stacked against them with this attempt. I think the UN should take the Vote without any votes from Muslim or Arab countries. Since they know they will vote out of racism.
Can you not google "Israel issues licenses to drill for oil in occupied Golan Heights"? It's all there . . .

I believe your argument concerning occupation is with the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice, not me.

You are correct: violations of international law concerning the oppression of populations during "occupation" may not prevent a country from sitting on the UNSC. I submit that it should.
1. This is the first I've heard of this.
2. Legally speaking, the Palestinian territories are not occupied. In any case, based on this logic Morocco would not be a part of the UNSC due to its "occupation" of Western Sahara.

Is that too say that they are part of Israel?
Is that too say that they are part of Israel?

The best label to be placed on territories that are being administered by another government but were never legally a part of any other recognized sovereignty is "disputed."

In this situation, however, the Golan Heights actually were part of Syria, and if I'm not mistaken they are therefore considered occupied territories. I had mistakenly assumed Sadling was referring to the Palestinian territories; I apologize for that.
The best label to be placed on territories that are being administered by another government but were never legally a part of any other recognized sovereignty is "disputed."

In this situation, however, the Golan Heights actually were part of Syria, and if I'm not mistaken they are therefore considered occupied territories.

Who disputes Israel's ownership of the West Bank and Gaza other than those that live there? This is a case of self determination not disputed territory and as such places Israel in a position completely contrary to what the UN is supposed to be about.

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