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Is this guy passionate about his job? (1 Viewer)

Is this guy passionate about his job?

  • yes

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • rootabega

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters


Jesus loves you.
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Adolf could take lessons from this tea bagging conservative....
Interesting words of truth from our Mr Asimov.
The poor guy needs a teleprompter.
Good lord tone that man down - give him some liquor or something even quicker.

Rootabeg? Neh!

I say he needs more cowbell!

Seriously though - what?
"INFESTA-TION" - "Politics is not just football . .. politics is winner take all"

"Lets not just use it as a tool but as a WEAPON!"

"If nominated tonight - I WIN!"

"Government may be about service, politics is about winning!"

Jesh - what a freaking nutjob. If I lived in his county I'd be humiliated - not only because he did *that* in a speech but also because the reason why he ran was just to get a job:

“I’m looking for something right now, to see what turns up,” Davison said in an interview from his home in Minerva. “I’ve been turned down for minimum wage jobs.” He makes a $260-a-month stipend as a village councilman, which adds up to roughly $3,120 a year. “I certainly can’t live on that, but that’s all I’m doing right now.”

Interview with Phil Davison, the man behind one of the most intense stump speeches ever | Need to Know

Maybe he really needs to get a life or get a grip
Adderall abuse is a serious issue, and should be protected under all the usual standards of political correctness.
That guy needs to switch to decaf.

I find it amusing that he says he has a master's degree in communication as well. Apparently there are still colleges out there that will sell you a degree.
That guy needs to switch to decaf.

I find it amusing that he says he has a master's degree in communication as well. Apparently there are still colleges out there that will sell you a degree.

"two bachelors degrees, in history and sociology, and two masters degrees, in communication and public administration."

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