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Is the King James Bible superior to all other Bibles? (1 Viewer)

Is the King James Bible superior to all other Bibles?

  • yes, of course!

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • it is even better than the Hebrew Bible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • it is better than the Greek Bible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • it is more accurate than Jesus himself

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • it is more important than God!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the Catholic Bible is pagan and satanic

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I have never heard of Martin Luther

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • German bibles are worthless

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • no

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • other

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
The King James Only movement asserts that the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is superior to all other translations of the Bible. Adherents of the King James Only movement, largely members of evangelical, conservative holiness movement, traditional High Church Anglican, and Baptist churches, believe that the KJV is the greatest English translation ever produced, needing no further improvements, and they also believe that all other English translations which were produced after the KJV are corrupt.

These assertions are generally based upon a preference for the Byzantine text-type or the Textus Receptus and a distrust of the Alexandrian text-type or the critical texts of Nestle-Aland, and Westcott-Hort, on which the majority of twentieth- and twenty-first-century translations are based.

I have voted for "no" and "other".

Now already 4 out of 4 say: No!

More about it
Any comments? :)
Martin Luther's Bible:

Luther's Bible was a bestseller in its time. About 200,000 copies in hundreds of reprinted editions appeared before Luther died in 1546. However, the book remained too expensive for most Lutherans; an unbound copy of the complete 1534 Bible cost the equivalent of a month's wages for the average laborer. Instead, the Bible was bought by churches, pastors, and schools.

Is the King James Bible superior to all other Bibles?​

Which translation? English? Arabic? Swahili? Inupiat??
Superior in what way? The pictures?
Is there some heretofore unknown version of the King James that wasn't written by ignorant racist misogynist men?
The King James Bible is allegedly not the most accurate translation and was written in plain, ecumenical English of its day and age. Much as deifying any version of the Bible, King James or otherwise borders on heresy and damnation.

As far as the narratives which argue that the King James Bible's origins are better than certain other versions, or that later versions (e.x. NIV) changed certain text of the Bible in undesirable ways, those are different discussions to be had.
Now one out of 9 voters says: Yes, of course! :)
Of course not! There is no reason to believe for one second the KJV is superior to any other Bible translation. It originally had the Apocryphal books, which only Catholics still believe are God's Word, and contains the word Easter, which is a pagan name. I even read the word unicorn is in it, despite the scientifically proven fact that no horned equine species ever existed.
I voted no. I usually just go with the cheapest one.

The cheapest Bible is not always the most accurate.

The NIV is my go-to version because I am not familiar with any other modern American English translations.
I voted other. It's a personal choice.
I'm skeptical as to whether, or not, the KJV is "superior." I did use to become quite giddy at times when reading the freebie Bibles provided by certain hotels and motels.

Is the King James Bible superior to all other Bibles?​

Which translation? English? Arabic? Swahili? Inupiat??
Superior in what way? The pictures?
Is there some heretofore unknown version of the King James that wasn't written by ignorant racist misogynist men?
Men have been tortured and executed for translating the Bible into common languages, men who were exactly as ignorant, racist and misogynist as all other men at the time.
I also voted no and other.

For language, no. Old English is unwieldly and no longer spoken.
For translation, it's up there but not tops. It is a word-for-word translation, which is my preference but the NAS or ESV versions, which are also w-for-w, are much easier to read as well.

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