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Is it right for the US to be a Super Power? (1 Viewer)

Is it right for the US to be a Super Power?

  • No. I hate the whole idea of "Super Powers". Arms are for hugging.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why can't I just live my life and be left alone?

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DP Veteran
Nov 20, 2020
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Political Leaning
Is it right for the US to be a Super Power?
Other. It’s better to have the US as a super power than to have China and/or Russia as the super power(s).
Yeah, I debated on whether to use "a" or "the" super power. I still think the US is THE super power.
There has always been a super power.

Right now, it's the United States.

So other nations should answer "How high?" when the United States tells them to jump.

But, of course, by the next century, this nation will no longer be a super power.

(But neither will China be. It is impossible for a nation that lacks an alphabet to be a super power in today's world.)
There has always been a super power.
Are you always this insightful?

So what do you think? Is it right for the US to be a (or THE) Super Power?
Other. It’s better to have the US as a super power than to have China and/or Russia as the super power(s).
Stole the words off my keyboard.

I'm very skeptical and critical of a anyone possessing the kind of concentration of power the US has. However, I far prefer the US having it to China.
Militarily or Economically?
Is it right for the US to be a (or THE) Super Power?
Well, it's better for the US to be the super power than it is for China or Russia or Iran to be.

Currently, there would be more peace in this world if the US and Israel ran the world.

(Of course, the US will be a failed state by the next century, but that's another story.)
Is it right for the US to be a Super Power?
It could be worse. Lord knows we've had our low points, but there are dozens of honey badger countries when it comes to civil liberties and the respect for the value of human life, and I know that I wouldn't want the foremost superpower country to be any of them.
The U.S. should relinquish Super Power status to some other country. Other countries have become too dependent on the U.S.

U.S. needs to be neutral . . . . like Switzerland, or New Zealand.

"America is not the world's policeman. Terrible things happen across the globe, and it is beyond our means to right every wrong." - Barack Obama
The country’s who I would wish up and be superpowers are to small, to weak. The others that are big and strong enough to be are to communist or dictatorship and would be best to be knocked down a notch or two
Some polity is always the biggest. It's values start to feel universal. Then, it's not the biggest, and some of its people try to recapture the old glory. Usually, these are people better suited to shutting up or self-defenestrating, but tragedy being what its, they instead end up the loudest, best supplied idiots of whatever is at that time recent memory.

Anyway, "should" has nothing to do with it.
Better us than anyone else.
I don't necessarily agree. I think there are many other countries that would have performed much the way we have if in the same relative position of power.

But China certainly isn't one of them lmao.
The "it could be worse" replies I saw as I scrolled down are WEEEEEAK.
If someone has to be the biggest and strongest, I'm glad its a democratic country with a constitution devoted to liberty.
The "it could be worse" replies I saw as I scrolled down are WEEEEEAK.
If you can't imagine a world worse than the one we live in today then you simply need to wait a few years and you won't have to.

It could be much worse.
If you can't imagine a world worse than the one we live in today then you simply need to wait a few years and you won't have to.

It could be much worse.

I can imagine it because the USG is leading the way there.
This thread is about: How much do you agree that the US MICC complex should continue creating and being the chief of the world police state (which is also one of the biggest environmental problems)?
until the world learns to live in peace then being a super power is a lot better than not
I don't necessarily agree. I think there are many other countries that would have performed much the way we have if in the same relative position of power.

But China certainly isn't one of them lmao.
But I'm not in any of them so of course my county being the superpower is better for me.
Should it be OR is it right?

Militarily, the U.S. should be strong enough to protect itself should the need arise.
Economically, I don't believe the U.S. will ever return to being the super power it once was.
Should it be OR is it right?

Militarily, the U.S. should be strong enough to protect itself should the need arise.
Economically, I don't believe the U.S. will ever return to being the super power it once was.
Too flaccid.

The US should be the greatest super power on earth -- both militarily and economically.

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