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Is Biden a Weak President? (1 Viewer)

Is Biden a weakling?

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Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Here is some recent news, just in case you havent heard:

A poll says a majority of Americans believe that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected.

Biden snubbed by UAE and Saudi leaders over his calls to discuss oil exports.

AFAIK, no POTUS has ever been snubbed by these leaders before.

So based on all of this, what do you think?
Shrugs. You dont always need a strongman in office.
I’d prefer a strong man as long as he’s not an idiot like Trump. Trump was all bark anyway. The Biden/Harris combo is as week as it gets.
Here is some recent news, just in case you havent heard:

A poll says a majority of Americans believe that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected.

Biden snubbed by UAE and Saudi leaders over his calls to discuss oil exports.

AFAIK, no POTUS has ever been snubbed by these leaders before.

So based on all of this, what do you think?

Biden is the weakest, most stupid, most corrupt corpse that has ever been in office
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Here is some recent news, just in case you havent heard:

A poll says a majority of Americans believe that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected.

Biden snubbed by UAE and Saudi leaders over his calls to discuss oil exports.

AFAIK, no POTUS has ever been snubbed by these leaders before.

So based on all of this, what do you think?
The Saudi's govt. is evil and being "snubbed" by them is a badge of honor for Biden. We will no longer be a party to their murder of Yemeni women and children. I suppose you thought Trump's "love letters" from Kim were a sign of strength? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Is Biden a Weak President?​

He's a puppet. That's worse than weak.
Worse than being Putin's puppet?

Can we really not think up any better poll questions than whether Biden is poopy? Even if the question we go with has to be painfully vapid, can it at least not be one that every single responder already answers on a daily basis on DP?
If trump were still president, the US would already have troops in Ukraine. Unfortunately they would be fighting side by side WITH the Russians to
take over Ukraine.
Hitler,stalin and mao were strong leaders....and horrible
Here is some recent news, just in case you havent heard:

A poll says a majority of Americans believe that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected.

Biden snubbed by UAE and Saudi leaders over his calls to discuss oil exports.

AFAIK, no POTUS has ever been snubbed by these leaders before.

So based on all of this, what do you think?
If Trump had been reelected, Putin would have appointed a pro Russian Ukrainian government two weeks ago.
Worse than being Putin's puppet?
A puppet doesn't slap the "puppet master" upside the head like Trump did to Putin numerous times.

Tell me...when has Biden slapped HIS puppet masters upside the head?
Here is some recent news, just in case you havent heard:

A poll says a majority of Americans believe that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected.

Biden snubbed by UAE and Saudi leaders over his calls to discuss oil exports.

AFAIK, no POTUS has ever been snubbed by these leaders before.

So based on all of this, what do you think?
bear shit in the woods.jpg
Here is some recent news, just in case you havent heard:

A poll says a majority of Americans believe that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected.

Biden snubbed by UAE and Saudi leaders over his calls to discuss oil exports.

AFAIK, no POTUS has ever been snubbed by these leaders before.

So based on all of this, what do you think?
About the same percentage of Republicans that still support Trump. Very interesting!

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