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Is Abortion Murder? (1 Viewer)

Is abortion murder?

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DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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New Hampshire
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Very Conservative
I have yet to figure out how to present this title in the form of a poll--but I'm hoping the forum administrator could help me out. I was told to go to the thread link and take it from there. I didn't see anything there resembling poll posting.

Anyhow, most pro choice advocates use that tired out statement that it's a woman's body so she should be able to do what she wants with it....including murdering or killing her unborn. I have an example of a hypothetical case where someone killed or murdered another that could be linked in comparison to a woman and the disposing of her child. I won't even be taking in the absence of moral and ethics with this case.

Tell me if this hypothetical case would be considered murder, or if the killer had the right to do whatever they pleased with their body.

One of a two-headed conjoined twin decided to shoot the other with a pistol. His twin died immediately and the survivor is doing just fine. When brought to court to answer for the crime of murder--the man pleaded innocent with a defense saying he had the right to do whatever he pleased with his body since he had shared the same body with his brother. What say you folks? Innocent or guilty of murder?
Go to thread tools at the top of your post, then add poll to this thread.

But you do not that we have a topic like this going on in the poll section already, titled "That Thing's a Baby".

Well, could start another one if ya want to.
ptsdkid said:
One of a two-headed conjoined twin decided to shoot the other with a pistol. His twin died immediately and the survivor is doing just fine. When brought to court to answer for the crime of murder--the man pleaded innocent with a defense saying he had the right to do whatever he pleased with his body since he had shared the same body with his brother. What say you folks? Innocent or guilty of murder?

Dam. I read the title and assumed you meant abortion...I voted no....dam....well whenever reading the results just take one off the no side and put it on the yes side....the dude/chick is going to prison for a very long time.
goligoth said:
Dam. I read the title and assumed you meant abortion...I voted no....dam....well whenever reading the results just take one off the no side and put it on the yes side....the dude/chick is going to prison for a very long time.

His opening comments were ment to confuse people to vote yes so then he could say that people think abortion is murder

the case described in the opening comment does not speak of abortion, thus, this thread is falsely titles, or the opening post is intentionally misleading.
Yes it is murder the twin killed another human

I do have to say that the title to this poll is very misleading it is just a good job my vote would be the same for either answer but still it does make pro lifers look very deceptive
FISHX said:
Yes it is murder the twin killed another human

I do have to say that the title to this poll is very misleading it is just a good job my vote would be the same for either answer but still it does make pro lifers look very deceptive

I commend you on your honesty.
Thank you i am just sick of every time someone finds out you aare pro life they call youy a liar and polls like this one don,t really help.
I also voted yes before I actually read this hypothetical case. I still say yes.
Anytime you kill a living thing you are a murderer...DUH!!
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americanwoman said:
I also voted yes before I actually read this hypothetical case. I still say yes.
Anytime you kill a living thing you are a murderer...DUH!!

Farmers are Murderers.
You are a murderer, sometime in your life you probably squashed a bug.

That argument is hypocritical.
Caine said:
Farmers are Murderers.
You are a murderer, sometime in your life you probably squashed a bug.

That argument is hypocritical.
Ok let me rephrase that statement--

Anytime you kill a living- human being- you are a murderer...DUH!!
Would have to be a viable human being to be murder wouldn't it?
Calm2Chaos said:
Would have to be a viable human being to be murder wouldn't it?

That is correct.
Calm2Chaos said:
Would have to be a viable human being to be murder wouldn't it?

A conjoined live twin would be viable would he not?
Calm2Chaos said:
Would have to be a viable human being to be murder wouldn't it?

That's interesting. Most the same people that are for abortion/murder--are against the use of Capital Punishment. Most these people think that what the system did to Tookie Williams was murder. Two questions: Do you think Tookie was murdered? And do you think Tookie was considered to be a viable human being?
ptsdkid said:
That's interesting. Most the same people that are for abortion/murder--are against the use of Capital Punishment. Most these people think that what the system did to Tookie Williams was murder. Two questions: Do you think Tookie was murdered? And do you think Tookie was considered to be a viable human being?

Tookie was not murdered, there is a law in place that states if you are found guilty of Murder, they will kill you back :)mrgreen: )

Yes, Tookie was a viable human being, but his punishment is based on a different set of rules.
Apples and Oranges when questioning a Pro-Choice Person.

This coming from a Pro-Life person confuses me, this is normally an argument that Pro-Choice people throw into Pro-Life faces because of thier support that "Everything Deserves to Live". This line of questioning coming from someone who is pro-life actually hurts thier own argument rather than helps it, and it has no relevance to disprove the validity of the Pro-Choice standpoint.
FISHX said:
A conjoined live twin would be viable would he not?

Your getting into a completely different area. But I guess it would be case to case. Do they both have social security numbers, or is there one for both?
Calm2Chaos said:
Your getting into a completely different area. But I guess it would be case to case. Do they both have social security numbers, or is there one for both?

No i was sticking to the original posters topic

ptsdkid said:
Tell me if this hypothetical case would be considered murder, or if the killer had the right to do whatever they pleased with their body.

One of a two-headed conjoined twin decided to shoot the other with a pistol. His twin died immediately and the survivor is doing just fine. When brought to court to answer for the crime of murder--the man pleaded innocent with a defense saying he had the right to do whatever he pleased with his body since he had shared the same body with his brother. What say you folks? Innocent or guilty of murder?

Asfor seperate social security cards i think it would be safe to asume they would have as they are in effect two different people.
americanwoman said:
Anytime you kill a living- human being- you are a murderer...DUH!!
So soldiers are murderers. So are those who endorse the death penalty, right?
steen said:
So soldiers are murderers. So are those who endorse the death penalty, right?
Everyone is a murderer....if you eat you are murdering some form of life, right? So why is this relevant? (I'm not directing this at steen even though I quoted him.)
goligoth said:
Everyone is a murderer....if you eat you are murdering some form of life, right? So why is this relevant? (I'm not directing this at steen even though I quoted him.)
Its not....
Originally Posted by Calm2Chaos
Would have to be a viable human being to be murder wouldn't it?
Originally Posted by goligoth
That is correct.

except in many cases, the conjoined twins share organs, and therefor are dependent on each other, just as a baby is dependient on its mother
so the twin with the organs, that the other twin was living off of, has every right, using Abortion Logic, to kill his conjoined parasite
Caine said:
Tookie was not murdered, there is a law in place that states if you are found guilty of Murder, they will kill you back :)mrgreen: )

Yes, Tookie was a viable human being, but his punishment is based on a different set of rules.
Apples and Oranges when questioning a Pro-Choice Person.

This coming from a Pro-Life person confuses me, this is normally an argument that Pro-Choice people throw into Pro-Life faces because of thier support that "Everything Deserves to Live". This line of questioning coming from someone who is pro-life actually hurts thier own argument rather than helps it, and it has no relevance to disprove the validity of the Pro-Choice standpoint.

Tookie was not murdered? That's not what I heard from the anti-Capital punishment crowd htat were holding a vigil the night of his execution.
Strange to me at least that you consider Tookie the murderer a viable human being, but cannot say the same of an innocent baby-to-be.
There is nothing apples and oranges about comparing your pro murder beliefs to my pro life beliefs, afterall, isn't it the comparison of the two that brought about Roe v Wade in the first place?
I'm the one that started this threat titled, "Is Abortion Murder". You tell me where apples and oranges comes into play here.
I brought the Tookie issue into play just to show you the hypocrisy that continues to exude from people like you.
DeeJayH said:
except in many cases, the conjoined twins share organs, and therefor are dependent on each other, just as a baby is dependient on its mother
so the twin with the organs, that the other twin was living off of, has every right, using Abortion Logic, to kill his conjoined parasite

What the.... You quoted me as saying something that I never said.....
ptsdkid said:
Tookie was not murdered? That's not what I heard from the anti-Capital punishment crowd htat were holding a vigil the night of his execution.
Strange to me at least that you consider Tookie the murderer a viable human being, but cannot say the same of an innocent baby-to-be.
There is nothing apples and oranges about comparing your pro murder beliefs to my pro life beliefs, afterall, isn't it the comparison of the two that brought about Roe v Wade in the first place?
I'm the one that started this threat titled, "Is Abortion Murder". You tell me where apples and oranges comes into play here.
I brought the Tookie issue into play just to show you the hypocrisy that continues to exude from people like you.

Whoa whoa I am anti-abortion too but there is a difference between fetus and a sentient human. Shooting a person is different than killing a fetus but I think that abortion of a mostly developed fetus is still some sort of crime but not on the same level as shooting your no-good-foodstealing brother(sarcasm).

The title of your thread doesn't represent the question in your post.....you should have asked the question later on in the thread but not immediatly like you did
It's kinda sad that Tookie was killed because he is the perfect example of one who should've been granted clemency. He changed through his years in prison and became a anti-gang activist, writing books about the dangers of gangs. It's sad to kill a man for what he did 25 years ago especially if he changed and if the person judging him was doing terminator and predator movies at that time.

About abortion, don't you think the woman should have the right to chose weither they want to bring a baby into the world? Maybe the mother is too young. Many times the mother can't afford to care for the baby! Then the baby will be put into an orphanage with a small chance of being adopted. Most woman who get abortions have good reasons for it so it's unfair to call it murder when you don't know the case. Also for those of you who claim abortion is murder I say one thing. It's A friggin' fetus! It's not even a year old its brain, lungs, and heart don't work and doesn't have a voice. Its a fetus!

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