Has anyone watched the show called, "Intervention"?
For me, it's a very frustrating show to watch. If you've never seen it, it's a program that focuses on a person with some kind of drug addiction. Whether that drug addiction is illegal substances, prescription drugs or alcohol... it focuses on the family and friends of the addicted person as they try to set up an intervention to get the person the help they so desperately need.
It's hard for me to watch sometimes, because a member of my family has had extensive experience with drugs and alcohol. My younger brother started drinking to excess at around age 15 and has almost killed himself by overdosing, twice.
The family is often times put through hell - torn between wanting desperately to help the person and wanting to throw their hands up in the air and move on with their lives. It ruins many lives .... not only the person who has the addiction, but the people that have to also 'live' with the addiction.
The show often focuses on the persons' self destruction and the family's ongoing struggle with what they do and what they feel they should be doing in order to 'help' the person.
What's so maddening about dealing with a person with an addiction - is that they are so closed off to how their actions affect those around them.
I'm watching an episode now where the addict keeps saying, "I am not hurting anyone... what's the big deal?"
My own brother has muttered those words.
For my own family... my parents blamed themselves for my brother's addiction and my brother... blamed anyone that had any interaction with him for his drinking. We went through a roller coaster of him coming clean... only to hear months later that he 'fell off the wagon'. I hate to say it, but I had given up on him. I felt I had to, for it was affecting my life... the lives of my children and .... it just hurt too much to continue to ride the roller coaster with him.
Now, he's been clean and sober for about seven years now, and I see him a couple of times a year - every year. It's hard because I want to get to know him again, but my self preservation mode is such that I only get so close.
I lost my little brother years ago.. and don't know how to get back to that place where we once were.
For me, it's a very frustrating show to watch. If you've never seen it, it's a program that focuses on a person with some kind of drug addiction. Whether that drug addiction is illegal substances, prescription drugs or alcohol... it focuses on the family and friends of the addicted person as they try to set up an intervention to get the person the help they so desperately need.
It's hard for me to watch sometimes, because a member of my family has had extensive experience with drugs and alcohol. My younger brother started drinking to excess at around age 15 and has almost killed himself by overdosing, twice.
The family is often times put through hell - torn between wanting desperately to help the person and wanting to throw their hands up in the air and move on with their lives. It ruins many lives .... not only the person who has the addiction, but the people that have to also 'live' with the addiction.
The show often focuses on the persons' self destruction and the family's ongoing struggle with what they do and what they feel they should be doing in order to 'help' the person.
What's so maddening about dealing with a person with an addiction - is that they are so closed off to how their actions affect those around them.
I'm watching an episode now where the addict keeps saying, "I am not hurting anyone... what's the big deal?"
My own brother has muttered those words.
For my own family... my parents blamed themselves for my brother's addiction and my brother... blamed anyone that had any interaction with him for his drinking. We went through a roller coaster of him coming clean... only to hear months later that he 'fell off the wagon'. I hate to say it, but I had given up on him. I felt I had to, for it was affecting my life... the lives of my children and .... it just hurt too much to continue to ride the roller coaster with him.
Now, he's been clean and sober for about seven years now, and I see him a couple of times a year - every year. It's hard because I want to get to know him again, but my self preservation mode is such that I only get so close.
I lost my little brother years ago.. and don't know how to get back to that place where we once were.