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Intervention In Syria (1 Viewer)

Intervention In Syria: What Could Happen?

Currently, the crisis in Syria is chaotic and ever-changing with the situation consistently on uneven ground. The ongoing fighting between Western-backed rebel forces and the Syrian regime have plunged the country into a civil war and many government figures, such as US Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman, as well as Vice Israeli Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz, have argued for armed intervention against the Syrian regime. It must be realized that tensions are quite high, as can be seen by the current debacle over a Turkish plane being downed. There are competing claims as to whose airspace it was in when the plane was shot down with the Turks, while admitting violating Syrian airspace, claimed that the plane was shot down in international waters while the Syria claims that it was taken down in their airspace. The wreckage was found in Syrian territorial waters. This tense situation has resulted in the Turks threatening military action if there is “any future violation of its border by Syrian military elements”.[1]While the situation is still murky, military intervention has not been taken off the table. A view of what is at stake for major players, how an intervention would go about, and what its effects on the region could potentially be is thus needed.

The rest of the article can be read here (http://whataboutpeace.blogspot.com/2012/07/intervention-in-syria.html)
Here is a very interesting and insightful video, relating to your blog. I hope you check it out when you have time.
That is false, he is for people's freedom from tyrany; and imperilism. He personally witnessed Britian's injustice toward's Ireland.
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24107;bt1694 said:
That is false, he is for people's freedom from tyrany; and imperilism. He personally witnessed Britian's injustice toward's Ireland.

Galloway is an opportunist of the worse kind. I'm not familiar with the dates of this broadcast, but damning evidence that has come to light of a Motley crew, including British Muslim fighters, must surely quash any British government complicity in the composite of the 'free Syrian Army'. There is as much trepidation over the free Syrian Army as there was over the Libyan rebels. As yet, no one can really decipher the outcome, and path of Libya.
When Western powers come to the aid of certain parts of the world it is easy to lay the charge of 'colonialism' but that is too often totally neglect the situation on the ground. Iraq was the biggest mistake of the 21st century and unfortunately gives ample evidence for those apposed to future intervention.
I agree that Iraq was a Really Big mistake. I have a website that explains why these People behave the way that they Do.

My Own website that i created.


Thank You. reX

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