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Impeach Obama?[W:249] (1 Viewer)

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama II?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 27.5%
  • No

    Votes: 66 72.5%

  • Total voters
Re: Impeach Obama?

It's not a waste of time to stand for what I believe in.

Social conservatism is better than liberalism.

How has social conservatism ever furthered the advancement of society?
Re: Impeach Obama?

You do realize it is the congress and senates role to impeach the president and the senate requires 2/3 vote to approve a impeachment?

Reality and the truth about a situation has no place in a mind made up by pure ideology. Off the top of my head I can think of only one instance where the president may have overstepped the bounds between enforcing written law and perhaps writing law on his own or changing it on his own and even there there is gray area. Besides, if the majority of Americans are not for impeachment, you are wasting your time and energy. There is no way one can get 22 Democrats to go along with the 45 Republicans in the senate in voting for the impeachment.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Possibly our most corrupted President in U.S. history. Or, one of them, at least. Andrew Jackson was pretty bad too.

Should we impeach Barack Obama?

If you do vote yes, be sure to reply and also send me a message. I have a plan to impeach him and save America.

I voted no because if we impeach him we are stuck with Biden
Re: Impeach Obama?

Oh, so you think comedy is a forum violation now huh? :lol:

I'm guessing the OP takes this very seriously, I just didn't know whether it involved solicitation or other such thing.

What I view as funny is subject to my own tastes.
Re: Impeach Obama?

I'm guessing the OP takes this very seriously, I just didn't know whether it involved solicitation or other such thing.

What I view as funny is subject to my own tastes.
You do know I was kidding about that post.

Every time I see a birfer or impeach Obama thing, I get a chuckle, it's comedy to me too.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Has he ever answered the multiple people who asked "on what charge"? Funny how it looks like he kept avoiding that question...
Re: Impeach Obama?

Has he ever answered the multiple people who asked "on what charge"? Funny how it looks like he kept avoiding that question...

Obama is irrelevant.

The Supreme Court smacks him down - Congress smacks him down - he desperately wants relevancy and his only way of getting it would be an impeachment trial. Let the man golf, prepare his March Madness brackets, fundraise on the left coast, etc. If he's just left alone, he'll slink away in a couple of years and then he can start his career as the second coming of Jimmy Carter criticizing everyone from the cheap seats.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Obama is irrelevant.

The Supreme Court smacks him down - Congress smacks him down - he desperately wants relevancy and his only way of getting it would be an impeachment trial. Let the man golf, prepare his March Madness brackets, fundraise on the left coast, etc. If he's just left alone, he'll slink away in a couple of years and then he can start his career as the second coming of Jimmy Carter criticizing everyone from the cheap seats.

One can only hope. You've got a point though - he sneaks away to Starbucks, has dinner parties and the like and seems to have lost interest in being President. Most American's have lost interest in him being President too.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Obama is irrelevant.

The Supreme Court smacks him down - Congress smacks him down - he desperately wants relevancy and his only way of getting it would be an impeachment trial. Let the man golf, prepare his March Madness brackets, fundraise on the left coast, etc. If he's just left alone, he'll slink away in a couple of years and then he can start his career as the second coming of Jimmy Carter criticizing everyone from the cheap seats.

Yeah, that is ****ing stupid. The president is pretty much never irrelevant. If nothing else, he can stop the stupidity republicans want to push on us.

And what the **** does this have to do with asking what crime Obama would be impeached on?
Re: Impeach Obama?

Yeah, that is ****ing stupid. The president is pretty much never irrelevant. If nothing else, he can stop the stupidity republicans want to push on us.

And what the **** does this have to do with asking what crime Obama would be impeached on?

I love how any criticism of the chosen one brings out a guttural, base response from his defenders on the left.

I answered that in my previous post - there's no reason to impeach him - he's simply arrogant and incompetent, neither of which is an impeachable offense.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Has he ever answered the multiple people who asked "on what charge"? Funny how it looks like he kept avoiding that question...

It would have to be a serious charge with proof positive. It would have to be a charge that most of all America would have to agree whatever the charge it was egregious enough to warrant impeachment and removal from office. As bad as one may think Obama has been as president or as much as he is your political opposite, he hasn't come close to that threshold. A few zealots does not make a country, they do not even make up the majority of a political party, they are but a small fraction within a fraction.

One would think the Republican Party would have learned from history, from their ill advised attempt of impeaching President Clinton. Maybe that is too much to expect.
Re: Impeach Obama?

yeah... no.

impeachment is so far off the table, it's not even in the same house as the table... it may even be across he county line from the table.

Impeachment cannot work if the Presidents party controls one house of congress... it's just that simple.
Re: Impeach Obama?

IS that why NOONE has been able to impeach him yet? You guys at least give me amusement. Spinning in your little cages foaming at the mouth in front of your computers. I'd lay a two month membership bet on this site that you go NOWHERE with your impeachment plans.

GREAT entertainment, thank you :lamo

Is being black grounds for impeachment? I suppose being a secret Muslim/Marxist/terrorist is.
Re: Impeach Obama?

yeah... no.

impeachment is so far off the table, it's not even in the same house as the table... it may even be across he county line from the table.

Impeachment cannot work if the Presidents party controls one house of congress... it's just that simple.

Yeah, there's this little thing called 'an impeachable offense', too. Just because the President does something you don't like doesn't mean he's subject to impeachment.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Shame on you for being so ignorant and out of touch with reality that you think that impeachment is possible.
If Obama cannot be impeached then the nation has already died. I am still astonished that so few are willing to even try to do the hard right thing.

Can killing be far behind? If we cannot do the hard right thing in the face of the worst disaster we have ever seen in the White House then all that is left is a violent solution. I know that I will probably die in the coming revolution but I see few ways to avoid it. I will arm up.
Re: Impeach Obama?

It would have to be a serious charge with proof positive. It would have to be a charge that most of all America would have to agree whatever the charge it was egregious enough to warrant impeachment and removal from office. As bad as one may think Obama has been as president or as much as he is your political opposite, he hasn't come close to that threshold. A few zealots does not make a country, they do not even make up the majority of a political party, they are but a small fraction within a fraction.

One would think the Republican Party would have learned from history, from their ill advised attempt of impeaching President Clinton. Maybe that is too much to expect.
Impeachment is a political solution to a political problem. He has been unanimously rebuked by the supreme court 13 times. He is a criminal of the worst sort. He is destroying the nation. I do not believe we can recover from the damage he has done.
Re: Impeach Obama?

If Obama cannot be impeached then the nation has already died. I am still astonished that so few are willing to even try to do the hard right thing.

Can killing be far behind? If we cannot do the hard right thing in the face of the worst disaster we have ever seen in the White House then all that is left is a violent solution. I know that I will probably die in the coming revolution but I see few ways to avoid it. I will arm up.

Impeach Obama on what grounds?
Re: Impeach Obama?

yeah... no.
impeachment is so far off the table, it's not even in the same house as the table... it may even be across he county line from the table.

Impeachment cannot work if the Presidents party controls one house of congress... it's just that simple.
Impeachment requires the House of Representatives. The most corrupt party in history does not control the House. It's just that simple.

So impeach him.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama on what grounds?
I know that you are very liberal. Have you not been paying attention? The asshole tyrant has a pen and a phone. He violates the Constitution tirelessly. It is time to rid ourselves of the tyrant.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Yeah, there's this little thing called 'an impeachable offense', too. Just because the President does something you don't like doesn't mean he's subject to impeachment.

""treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"" .. that's the Constitutional threshold....
in reality, Ford had it correct...."An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history"

even if it is an "impeachable offense".... "party above all" rules our government.... that's been proven

I believed otherwise at one time... but watching Democrats cover for Clinton for an obvious impeachable offense ( perjury) cured me of that bull****.

impeachment isn't about accountability or justice, or anything else that it's supposed to be about.. it's entirely about party ties.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Impeachment is a political solution to a political problem. He has been unanimously rebuked by the supreme court 13 times. He is a criminal of the worst sort. He is destroying the nation. I do not believe we can recover from the damage he has done.

You're opinion. I personally do not think he has been a good president, but I also do not think not being a good president is grounds for impeachment.
Re: Impeach Obama?

Impeach him on what grounds?

whatever grounds the majority of the house decides on..;)

about the only thing that i personal could see as grounds for impeachment is him breaking the law in this prisoner transfer stunt he pulled.

personally, I wouldn't impeach, though... it's a waste of time.... it might make for some juicy political drama ,but it would be a monumental waste of time in the end.
Democrats will not convict another Democrats.... and FWIW, Republicans won't convict other Republicans either.

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