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If the person you vote for President (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Libertarian - Right
If the person you vote for President is not the person that gets elected.

How will you react?
IF Bush does not get elected I think I'm moving to Alaska. It is far enough away that hopefully the communism will not effect me for a while. Thinking a nice Pig farm way out in the woods will do my family some good. Pig farm should keep the Islamic fanatics away and I can live in peace hunting and fishing. ;)
I doubt I'll be the one crying....

We don't nead any more republicans up here CSA TX.
it depends. if your a liberal you will file lawsuits in a attempt to get your guy elected through the court system and if this fails you will try to discredit the person elected by claiming voter fraud or voter supression. if your a conservitive you go out and stock up on ammo and guns knowing that the jackass elected by the courts will try to abolish your beloved second ammendment:D
If you recall, Georgie Porgie went running right to the Supreme Court in 2000. I hadn't realized until now that he was a liberal. :rolleyes:
Yes, old dubbya may not have claimed voter suppression but if he didn't try to discredit kerry i'm a neocon.
Kenneth T. Cornelius said:
If you recall, Georgie Porgie went running right to the Supreme Court in 2000. I hadn't realized until now that he was a liberal. :rolleyes:
The Supreme court was brought in after the Florida Supreme court overstepped it's own authority at the Democrats request, they ruled for a second recount that was not specifically stated by law and in the middle of the election recount changed the qualifications for what the vote was and wasn't on the punch cards. The SCOTUS sent the judgement back to them to amend their decision and the FLSC decided to let their original(and illigitimate) decision stand, so the SCOTUS had to rule in President Bush's favor as per Florida state electoral law, a fact which Democrat leaders conveniently forget to tell the nation when they speak about 2000.
On a side note Al Gore lost the first count, the second count, the third count, and a subsequent recount done after the inauguration by an independent media group, long story short, the only people who tried to have a court delivered victory were the Democrats and it didn't work.
p.s.- they did succeed in stealing the Washington state governers election by using the same tactic, but hey, if you want to support this kind of thing, be my guest.
p.p.s- If my candidate loses, I will accept it and move on with hopes that in 4 years we can change out anyone who needs to be, or just maybe the winner can get something done.
The reason it was brought to the courts was because there were many problems with Florida's election. I know my conservative friend and his family are leaving the country if Hilary is elected. I hope that after '08, the Democrats will control at least one part of the government, but not all parts of the government. Same goes for Republicans. If either party establishes absolute control, like the Republicans have now, our country will not fare too well.
vauge said:
If the person you vote for President is not the person that gets elected.

How will you react?

Well, I was 17 when the Canadian elections were running in June, but I will vote for our riding's NDP representative, and the NDP will gain some more ridings but will lose in the big picture I know, how will I feel, I'll think to myself, hmm, I guesse Canada isn't ready for the Socialists, I'll go to sleep, wake up the next day and move on with my life, my goal to lead a Socialist Party to victory, I'll see how things get going in Canada but I'll probably move to Europe, after all, it's Canada, wouldn't make a big impact even if it did become Social.
MikeyC said:
The reason it was brought to the courts was because there were many problems with Florida's election.
The problems would have affected both sides, however, so that doesn't excuse creating election law in the middle of an election. It still sounds like political poor sportsmanship to me and was started by the left.
I know my conservative friend and his family are leaving the country if Hilary is elected.
There isn't anywhere else to go IMO, I'll probably just shoot myself in the head and get it over with, might as well use my second amendment rights before another Clinton goes on a rampage against them again.
I hope that after '08, the Democrats will control at least one part of the government, but not all parts of the government. Same goes for Republicans.
Not me, not this batch of Dems anyway.
If either party establishes absolute control, like the Republicans have now, our country will not fare too well.
Don't take offense to this, but I truly feel that the current generation of Democrat leadership is more dangerous to our American way of life than having total control of government by Republicans(who, unfortunately, aren't much better).
If Bush's social security plan goes through, we're all screwed. I've read tons of articles on it and a group of conservative economists even said the transition costs to private accounts is too much at $10 trillion. The only way to pay for that would be a 17% sales tax for I forget how long (More than 1 decade comes to mind). Democrats are the only people that seem to criticize how we handle the war and want us to self-evaluate so that it can hopefully be done a better way. Bush's domestic agenda isn't very strong, and his foreign agenda alienates the rest of the world (Very poor way to combat terrorism). However, I am not confident Democrats have what it takes to run this country, which is why we need both parties to keep each other in check so that only good, well-thought plans are able to get passed because of the need to be accepted by bother parties. My top choices for president are Guiliani and McCain because they walk the middle ground and McCain is constantly talking across the Senate floor to compromise.

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