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If Republicans take Congress, they will vote to cut jobs in their own districts (1 Viewer)

If Republicans take Congress, they will vote to cut jobs in their own districts

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obvious Child

Equal Opportunity Hater
DP Veteran
Apr 8, 2008
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So there is this wave of anti-Democrat, anti-spending at the same time as arguments that the Democrats have failed to promote jobs.

Fair enough. Except that the party set to gain from those attacks are pushing "end the spending" and "more jobs." Fair enough. So will the GOP actually vote to cut spending when it costs jobs in their own districts causing unemployment to rise and thereby making them more unpopular then they already are?
Of course they won't cut spending, it's a pipe dream to think they would.
So there is this wave of anti-Democrat, anti-spending at the same time as arguments that the Democrats have failed to promote jobs.

Fair enough. Except that the party set to gain from those attacks are pushing "end the spending" and "more jobs." Fair enough. So will the GOP actually vote to cut spending when it costs jobs in their own districts causing unemployment to rise and thereby making them more unpopular then they already are?

I think there is a flaw in the basic premise and in asking a question that contains an error of substance makes it into more of a push poll.

The error as I see it is you say:
Except that the party set to gain from those attacks are pushing "end the spending" and "more jobs."

And yet I have never heard a single Candidate from any party use the term, "end the spending."

If you add the adjective wasteful to the statement it reflects what I do heard all the time. "End the wasteful spending, or useless, spending, or irresponsible spending, because they all work and fit.

I have said it over and over a hundred times, that if you end the wasteful spending and reduce taxes the jobs will come.

Simple easy to understand and we know it takes both things for it to work.
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I think Tea Party representatives will vote against the spending they campaigned to cut, but as a whole, not enough for my tastes.
So there is this wave of anti-Democrat, anti-spending at the same time as arguments that the Democrats have failed to promote jobs.

Fair enough. Except that the party set to gain from those attacks are pushing "end the spending" and "more jobs." Fair enough. So will the GOP actually vote to cut spending when it costs jobs in their own districts causing unemployment to rise and thereby making them more unpopular then they already are?

Nice loaded question at the end, there. :lol:
Republicans are just going to do the same **** the democrats have done and what they have done before, nor will they repeal Obama care. At most they will write a bill and load it will all kinds of pork and other BS so that it is doomed to fail, and then not anything about the subject again regardless of how many republicans get seats and if they get a republican president in 2012.
If you add the adjective wasteful to the statement it reflects what I do heard all the time. "End the wasteful spending, or useless, spending, or irresponsible spending, because they all work and fit.

Except "Wasteful" is not defined.

I have said it over and over a hundred times, that if you end the wasteful spending and reduce taxes the jobs will come.

Simple easy to understand and we know it takes both things for it to work.

And what consititutes wasteful? It is wasteful to operate a base we don't need? Yes. But the GOP is fighting those cuts. It is wasteful to spend money for government workers to build space transporation vehicles when the private sector can do it better? Yes. And the GOP is fighting those cuts.

Wasteful is a vague term.
Just because you don't like it does not make it loaded. It's amusing that none of you will vote. Perhaps you realize that the GOP is lying about their intent to cut.

If you had managed to ask your question sans you opinion im the middle of said question then it woildn't have been loaded.

It will be interesting to see if these guys are only for cutting spending on other people or not.
... So will the GOP actually vote to cut spending when it costs jobs in their own districts...

They'd better, especially the people I will be voting for.

If a public official wants my vote and the votes of responsible people, he'd better vote AGAINST any needless spending, ESPECIALLY in my own state or district.

However, I'm afraid some may think it's more popular to "bring home the bacon." If MY congressman or one of my senators does that, HE'S FIRED!!!!!

Cutting spending will NOT cost jobs overall; it will CREATE jobs-- the PRODUCTIVE jobs in the PRIVATE sector while eliminating the counterproductive "officers" who "harass our people and eat out their substance."
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Republicans are just going to do the same **** the democrats have done and what they have done before, nor will they repeal Obama care. At most they will write a bill and load it will all kinds of pork and other BS so that it is doomed to fail, and then not anything about the subject again regardless of how many republicans get seats and if they get a republican president in 2012.

As Obama would say, change takes time. No doubt that the majority of Republicans who get into office will do the same things Republicans Democrats have done for the past 30 years... spend more on their districts, submit more or the same amount of pork so their districts benefit, and spend to increase government involvement which keeps them in a job. Until there is a cap put on the # of times officals can hold elected office, until pork is culled and bills submitted stop benefitting specific congressmembers, and until the tax code itself is changed to reflect something like a flat tax - it's doubtful any behavior will change. It's encouraging to see Tea Party members and some elected officials basically say - "I don't care" about being re-elected, nothing much will change.

The country is at a fundamental crossroad - do we become a welfare state, do we do nothing and change nothing, or do we go back to fiscal conservative, constitutional based small government. There's a lot of hot air about the welfare state, there's a lot of grouchy pissing and moaning about the "do nothing" and there's a grass roots movement pushing the fiscal conservative view. Until one gains ground over the other and is preferred, we're stuck with "do nothing" and the same old same old.

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