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If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care reform? (1 Viewer)

If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care reform?

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Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I've seen nothing to that effect. Perhaps you would like to point me to the specific page numbers. Your word isn't worth squat to me without a citation from the bill itself.

I will check. The previous versions of the bill had a national insurance exchange. Perhaps it changed to state-based exchanges recently.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I will check. The previous versions of the bill had a national insurance exchange. Perhaps it changed to state-based exchanges recently.

Let me save you the trouble: the exchanges are nothing more than joint risk pools that allow you to purchase insurance in your own state for slightly less.

There is no provision to open purchase of insurance policies across state lines.

The entire premise of this being "interstate commerce" is false.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Let me save you the trouble: the exchanges are nothing more than joint risk pools that allow you to purchase insurance in your own state for slightly less.

There is no provision to open purchase of insurance policies across state lines.

The entire premise of this being "interstate commerce" is false.

The original House bill contained a NATIONAL exchange that allowed for buying policies across state lines. I dont' know if this law still does that, but the old one clearly involved interstate commerce.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

If enough Republicans are elected into office with the intent to overturn Obama's socialist health care reform, I believe it can and will be overturned. The taxes will start immediately, but the "benefits" of ObamaCare do not begin until 2013. So, theoretically, the country has about three years to stop socialism before the entitlements begin and it becomes too late to kill the bill. Until the entitlements actually begin, it can be overturned if enough people vote politicians into office with the intent to stop socialism.

This is complete fantasy; a reactionary reaction, if you will. Its akin to "we'll get them next year". There is no way that this bill can be repealed in whole, in the near term nor long term. First, you have to get a super-majority and a fillibuster proof senate. That isn't going to happen in the next decade. Then you have to replace the sitting president, as he will veto anything of the like.

I am of the camp that suggests that Dems did themselves a huge political favor getting this done. The American patience with the issue had been waning. Its now a third rail to let the debate linger. Going after healthcare simply portrays the Repubs as lacking issues of their own and/or sore losers, either are not politically attractive. The Repubs might make an issue out of abuse of power (Louisiana purchase).. that would have some traction, but no one really wants to talk about health care except the Republican base.

You have to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Its time for the Repubs to try another approach; healthcare is a loser for them.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I will check. The previous versions of the bill had a national insurance exchange. Perhaps it changed to state-based exchanges recently.

The house bill had a national exchange, the enacted bill contains state exchanges.

Defending the mandate - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

FactCheck.org wrote, “The Ryan/Coburn bill and the Wyden/Bennett bill, which has four other Republican cosponsors, both create state-based insurance exchanges that would sell coverage that meets certain standards, just like the Senate-passed Democratic bill. (The House-passed bill sets up a national exchange, instead of state-based exchanges.)
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

The original House bill contained a NATIONAL exchange that allowed for buying policies across state lines. I dont' know if this law still does that, but the old one clearly involved interstate commerce.

I read no such thing in the original house bill either. That aside, this bill makes no provision that allows for competition across state lines. None.

The premise that the Fed can mandate a personal responsibility to buy insurance based on the interstate commerce clause is FALSE.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

The house bill had a national exchange, the enacted bill contains state exchanges.

I didn't realize that, thanks.

I don't think it will matter much legally, but the case is a little weaker.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I think those who voted "yes" are just wishful at this point. The government has never gotten it's hands out of anything after it gets in.

That is so very, very true. That's what bothers me about the relentless march of government intrusion into our lives.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I think those who voted "yes" are just wishful at this point. The government has never gotten it's hands out of anything after it gets in.

It doesn't usually get in with such a tight party-line vote in such a big way, though. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's never happened before now.

But repealing it will be hard. I think they will at least significantly change it.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

It doesn't usually get in with such a tight party-line vote in such a big way, though. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's never happened before now.

But repealing it will be hard. I think they will at least significantly change it.

Let's hope.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I read no such thing in the original house bill either.

It was there. Definitely in the first version (H.R. 3200, I believe).

The premise that the Fed can mandate a personal responsibility to buy insurance based on the interstate commerce clause is FALSE.

The "Fed?"

As for whether they can do this, I think they probably can. But it won't be a slam dunk in court. We'll see.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Scrap the whole damned thing and start over. without the mandatory coverage and other **** like that!

The republicans should have chosen to participate in the crafting of the bill rather than their strategy of "just say no" to "break him". Better yet, they should have initiated health care reform when they were in control. No one is starting over nor is the bill ever going to get repealed. This is a landmark piece of legislation that is substantially irreversable, which is not to say it can not be tweaked.

Face it, the Repubs gambled and lost. They failed in their duty as elected officials, sacrificing the opportunity to temper the bill consistent with their core beliefs for the opportunity to do the only thing it seems to know how to do: get elected (BTW, it ain't doing so well at that either.) If the Republicans ever intend to return to political relevance then they must recognize that its time for them to start telling us what they are going to do FOR America (and not just cut taxes and reduce government... that is not a vision)
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Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

The 'Do Nothing' party will probably not do anything.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I decided to bump this poll seeing how there is another news story on the issue instead of just making another poll.

Well what are they going to replace it with?

In 2000 reducing health costs through private insurance was a part of the Republican platform. That plan did not quite work out IMHO.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

I didnt read all this thread but i will so "sorries" in advance for things i missed

It definitely wont be "repealed" in my opinion.
Most reps when asked say they agree with 70+% of the bill so no reason to repeal it. They will go for changes to be made, amendments etc but no repeal. They may run their campaign on repeal but thats about it IMO

Also not only agreeing with 70+% makes an repeal unlikely but I dont think anybody smart thinks healthcare was fine and didnt need reformed. People just arent sure if THIS is the right reform or most simply just dont know what the bill actually did. Some think it covers illegals, some think its "government ran" some actually think there will be death panels some dont like the abortion verbiage etc
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Well what are they going to replace it with?

In 2000 reducing health costs through private insurance was a part of the Republican platform. That plan did not quite work out IMHO.

Remove the CON requirements that a lot of states have would probably help lower medical costs.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Hopefully it will be declared Unconstitutional before the GOP can cut it down
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Hopefully it will be declared Unconstitutional before the GOP can cut it down

why would that ever happen? how is it unconstitutional and like I said I doubt the GOP will be cutting anything down because most agree with 70+ or it
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

why would that ever happen? how is it unconstitutional and like I said I doubt the GOP will be cutting anything down because most agree with 70+ or it

popularity is not the same as being constitutional. sadly dem justices in the 1930's forgot that fact.

If you were right-Roe v Wade was wrong since most states banned abortion
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

popularity is not the same as being constitutional. sadly dem justices in the 1930's forgot that fact.

If you were right-Roe v Wade was wrong since most states banned abortion

uhm you didnt answer my question
I simply said theres no reason for the rep to cut it down because most believe in it, you said they will thats doubtful

and THEN

my question was why is it unconstitutional?
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Listening to some of the talk show host they seem to be under the impression that this will cost a lot of democrats their seats and somehow the republicans will repeal this. So I decided to ask ask this question-

If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care reform?

I say no. I think a lot of these politicians say one thing and do another for votes.

I vote no, because they're a part of the same dysfunctional bureaucracy.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

The republicans are passing a blatant DOA bill so that they can fraudulently claim that they tried to repeal Obama-care. So instead of making another poll I decided to bump this poll up.
GOP offers health care repeal without alternative - Yahoo! News

My opinion on this subject hasn't changed. These are just attempts to sucker voters.They have no intention of repealing Obama-care.These blatant DOA attempts to repeal Obama-care are nothing more so they can claim they tried to repeal Obama care. Especially considering the fact the republican presidential candidate created the predecessor to Obama-care and other republicans like Newt Gingrich support the insurance mandate.
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

If enough Republicans are elected into office with the intent to overturn Obama's socialist health care reform, I believe it can and will be overturned. The taxes will start immediately, but the "benefits" of ObamaCare do not begin until 2013. So, theoretically, the country has about three years to stop socialism before the entitlements begin and it becomes too late to kill the bill. Until the entitlements actually begin, it can be overturned if enough people vote politicians into office with the intent to stop socialism.
I am impressed that the wealthy conservatives care not a hoot about their less fortunate fellow Americans, the "masses".
It will be a case of the wealth numbers from the rich vs the one dollar numbers from the working poor and the so-called middle classes.
Which will prevail ???
We need a better people...
Re: If republicans get a significant majority will they repeal Obama health care refo

Only if there is a legitimate alternative to the AHCA put on the table.

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