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If Jesus returned? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
What would happen if Jesus and "God" returned? I believe that if the powers in control knew Jesus was returning, that they would do everything in their power to prevent it. Think about it:

1) Churches would be out of business, preachers would lose power and prestige

2)The military would have nothing to protect and their reason for existance; war, would dissolve

3)Government and politics would come to a drastic halt

4)Banks would be holding worthless assets

5)Monetary wealth would end. The rich would face the fact of being equal to the poor

Jesus went into the sky after reurrection, and the bible very clearly states that this is the way he will return.

Matthew24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineath even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory

Let me put it this way, if Christ is returning soon, the welcome mat is not out.
I believe that if such a thing were going to happen, the people who see him as another fraud and carry on with their business. I mean, honestly, how many more people are we going to have that claim they can heal people?
"Jesus is coming - look busy!"
kal-el said:
Let me put it this way, if Christ is returning soon, the welcome mat is not out.

Concerning the vested-interest institutions -- "Churches ... The military ... Government ... Banks" -- and many rich folks you have mentioned, I believe you are absolutely correct! And along with that, there are many "regular people" who will eventually try to pull their mats back after Christianity's "Jesus" shows up, and at least some of those same folks and still others will attempt to belatedly (re-)set their mats for The True Messiah who will ultimately appear.
If Christ would return to this primitive zoo today, do you really think that the Vatican would recognize someone more prestigious than the Pope? I don't think that they would put all their luxury at his disposal in a hurry. I believe if someone claiming he was the Christ returned, he would be quickly mocked and jailed.
The Lord comes the next time, to rapture the church.
this is not the second coming, though.

Read Revelation.
the second that the church is raptured, to be with the Lord,
a 7 year clock starts to tick. The Lord once again uses Israel as His 'messengers' during that time.

For the first 3.5 years the antichrist will be on earth consolidating power.
at the start of that time, the new temple will be rebuilt.

At the midpoint, the antichrist goes into the temple and proclaims himself to be god. 144000 of the nation of Israel will resist him, and speak the truth.

The last 3.5 years of that time is judgement by God on the earth.
Man refuses to come to Christ, so God lets man see what a godless world is like, with satan having total control. It will make WW2 seem like a joke.
Some bible scholars estimate that 10% of the human race that started that 7 year period will actually make it thru.

At the end of that 7 year period, Jesus comes as the second coming, with the saints, to rule for 1000 years.

the antichrist and the 'beast' are cast into the lake of fire.
Satan is imprisoned for 1000 years. Jesus rules the world at that time.
at that time, those who are in Christ are resurrected.

then after the 1000 year period, satan is released from his prison, and goes out into the world, and gathers all the nations against Jesus and the saved.

Despite seeing what sin does, and how evil satan is, these depraved people actually go to fight God, with no chance at all of winning. But they do it.

and then Jesus wipes them all out.
satan is cast into the lake of fire,
and all the wicked dead are resurrected.

And all of the wicked dead are cast into the lake of fire, to be tormented day and night forever.


the whole thing is very explicit.
The next event to happen on God's timetable, is the church to be raptured.
right after that, the antichrist will start his campaign to rule the world, and at the same time, the Jews will rebuild the temple.

When this happens, go read Revelation.
There you can find step by step what happens afterward, as I have outlined here.

And be sure to read the bible then, at that time.
because it almost certainly will be a banned book shortly after that time.
once the church is raptured, there is nothing on earth to restrain satan from doing complete evil in every place, as he chooses.

this is no game, it is REALITY.
When the church is raptured, you will see it.
It would be wise to come to Christ and be raptured, rather than be here for that terrible 7 year period.
If Jesus came back?

He'd be greated as a long-haired hippy by the conservatives, whom he'd disagree with on almost everything.

The Vatican would see him as a threat and kill him.

The end.
V.I. Lenin said:
If Jesus came back?

He'd be greated as a long-haired hippy by the conservatives, whom he'd disagree with on almost everything.

The Vatican would see him as a threat and kill him.

The end.

I agree. Let's say Jesus came back and was running for President. He said that all the rich people would have to place all their wealth in a big "poole" to be dispersed among the less fortunate. Of course, the poor would be for it, but the rich? I think they would do anything they could to prevent his return.
If Jesus would return, there would be no need to argue anymore cause we would all know the truth haha.

The good people at the Vatican are pretty dumb. Seriously, none of them are women but they decide that Abortion is a sin but then, of course, even though in the ten commandments it says 'thou shall not kill' its okay to go to war and kill people. I hope Jesus would kick their ass ( I know he wouldn't though) because they act just like the high priests in his time.
if jesus came. peace would be once again restored to its fullest.
if jesus came. peace would be once again restored to its fullest.

Yes, because everyone would be dead lmao. Bush, Kerry, Nadar, and all the politicans will be in hell MWHAHAHA.

Osama will have converted though and he might just scrape by. Dunno. Maybe Jesus will interpert 9/11 as a "simple mistake".
y not peace? said:
if jesus came. peace would be once again restored to its fullest.

But, if we are speaking Biblically (and I'm assuming we are since the only book that mentions Christ's return is the Bible) then it seems that before there will be peace there will be war. Is good versus evil not presented in your Bible?
yes it is....and Jesus will do that....we are supposed to follow in his footsteps of peace and if we all do that there wont be evil.
y not peace? said:
yes it is....and Jesus will do that....we are supposed to follow in his footsteps of peace and if we all do that there wont be evil.

Let me ask you this: do you believe that if a person chooses to follow the footsteps of Christ (regarding everything, not just war and peace) that evil will dissapear? Because I would argue that is not the case. Because as long as the choice to follow Christ exists there will always be evil, because without variable (good and evil sides) there is not choice.
If every soul on earth belived and followed the bible perfectly than what evil would be left?

If you are talking about evil like in the devil, then if wouldnt be let it becuase everyone would beilve perfectly...
Pogo Possum said:
The Lord comes the next time, to rapture the church ...

The next event to happen on God's timetable, is the church to be raptured.
right after that, the antichrist will start his campaign to rule the world ...

once the church is raptured, there is nothing on earth to restrain satan from doing complete evil in every place, as he chooses ...

It would be wise to come to Christ and be raptured, rather than be here for that terrible 7 year period.

Have you heard the teaching that the assembly will actually go through the time of Jacob's troubles, Pogo?

Few people are going to changes their minds, but it is nevertheless actually a good thing to be "left behind" to inherit the earth.
FinnMacCool said:
... people ... decide that Abortion is a sin but then, of course, even though in the ten commandments it says 'thou shall not kill' its okay to go to war and kill people.

That commandment is actually about murder rather than mere killing -- capital punishment is mere killing, not murder -- and that would be the essence of the warmonger's defense in comparison to murderous abortion.
kal-el said:
Well said.

I once saw something similar posted on a marquee somewhere:

"Know [Messiah], know peace -- no [Messiah], no peace."
I hope if there is a coming of the "Messiah" that Catholic Heads will roll. I know it's not very Christian of me, but I cannot stand the Catholic Chruch! They've become TOO politically affilated, they also created such acts as the Inqusition, those I cannot forgive them for.

They're not holy at all. We're not supposed to be worshipping an old man with a funny looking hat...
y not peace? said:
If every soul on earth belived and followed the bible perfectly than what evil would be left?

If you are talking about evil like in the devil, then if wouldnt be let it becuase everyone would beilve perfectly...

Yes, evil would still exist even regardless of every "soul' on earth living and believing the words of the Bible (although you are speaking in an absolute that we are told by the Bible will never happen).

Part of believing is believing that the devil exists. He incites and encourages evil. And although I'm not exactly sure what you're arguing, you must realize that Satan is allowed on earth by Christ. It is part of free will, and as long as free will exists, we are told, by the Bible, that there will never be a time where everyone on the earth will follow the message of the Bible. There will be war, if we assume the Bible is true. And it will be deadly. The argument of the Bible is that peace will only be reached once the evil are thrown into a lake of fire.
you must realize that Satan is allowed on earth by Christ

umm... are you sure. becuase i was certain that Lucifer attempted to take heaven, failed, then was banished BEFORE christ was born.

Besides that ^ i get what you are talking about. I only said that about everyone following the bible in response to something. Of course i know that wont happen. I understand what ur saying about the devil and believing, all i am saying is that evil is ommitted by sin, and if people dont sin than evil should not affect them...unless the devil creates some magical powers that grant him ownership to some soul (kiddin).
I apologize, I meant God. Slightly different theologically. Good catch
The truth is, religious fanatics want to paint Jesus so as he fits their "agenda". But, most Christians would surely crucify Jesus a second time if he were to ask them not to attend church, or worship worthless pieces of wood, or not to baptise their children before they reached adulthood. This is the position maintained by the worshippers of traditions.

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