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I was censored on another forum! (1 Viewer)

The Rev

New member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I'm trying to find a forum where I can post dissenting views without having my posts removed.

I posted on another forum about the definition of Terrorism. I'll make it a summery here.

Basically I said that if you look at the DOD's definition of Terrorism, you end up noticing that a certain superpower looks as bad as the rest of them.

I had this idea right after 911, but Noam Chomsky uses the argument too and is more articulate.

Anyway I hope this forum won't delete my polite but dissenting posts.


The Rev
It must have been the DU (Democtratic Underground). They censor posts for content all the time, and kick people out for disagreeing with them.

Oh. Wait. It looks like you agree with their point of view.

I guess it wasnt them, then.
OK I'll start another thread titled Terrorism Definition.
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While I don't agree with you, censorship is a poor substuitute for discrediting a position through debate and fact.

I don't post in places that censor dissenting opinions for exactly this reason. If I wanted to post somewhere where my positions are universally accepted, I stay with email or start my own forum.
One would hope as long as the poster is civil....and does not use the 3 B's...(Bigot/Bastard/Boring) Yes I made these up myself, there should be no censorship on a good board. Unforunately...not all boards are good...heh
Unlike the real world I think most of these forums lean to the left........I am a member of 4 or 5 of them and they have many more liberal posters then they do conservative ones.........

I think Debate Politics Forums is one of the most balanced on the net and I would like to compliment and thank the staff and the moderators on the leeway they give posters to express their opinions.......:cheers: :good_job:
Rev, come on, share with us which forum censored you. I posted a short sentence on a forum and they told me that my response was unacceptable. What? They are too serious there, so I said too-da-loo to them.

I was posting on Democratic Underground, but I hated it. No one really talks to each other. All they do are rant and rave and bash Republicans. BORING. And they all sound bitter. Blech.

Navy Pride said:
Unlike the real world I think most of these forums lean to the left........I am a member of 4 or 5 of them and they have many more liberal posters then they do conservative ones.........

I think Debate Politics Forums is one of the most balanced on the net and I would like to compliment and thank the staff and the moderators on the leeway they give posters to express their opinions.......:cheers: :good_job:

Navy, I am surprised to see you say that. I left a forum before coming here because I was getting bashed on a daily basis because I was one of the few liberals. If you want, I'll tell you which board it was--you'll be right at home. ;)

They had a "reputation" button where you could click on it and say something positive or say something negative, and you had a score. If you were in negative numbers, people were saying bad things about you. It was like high school. What was so funny is I knew who all the liberals were because they had the negative numbers. LOL
The Rev said:
I'm trying to find a forum where I can post dissenting views without having my posts removed.

I posted on another forum about the definition of Terrorism. I'll make it a summery here.

Basically I said that if you look at the DOD's definition of Terrorism, you end up noticing that a certain superpower looks as bad as the rest of them.

I had this idea right after 911, but Noam Chomsky uses the argument too and is more articulate.

Anyway I hope this forum won't delete my polite but dissenting posts.


The Rev

What is your definition of terrorism?
aps said:
Rev, come on, share with us which forum censored you. I posted a short sentence on a forum and they told me that my response was unacceptable. What? They are too serious there, so I said too-da-loo to them.

I was posting on Democratic Underground, but I hated it. No one really talks to each other. All they do are rant and rave and bash Republicans. BORING. And they all sound bitter. Blech.

Navy, I am surprised to see you say that. I left a forum before coming here because I was getting bashed on a daily basis because I was one of the few liberals. If you want, I'll tell you which board it was--you'll be right at home. ;)

They had a "reputation" button where you could click on it and say something positive or say something negative, and you had a score. If you were in negative numbers, people were saying bad things about you. It was like high school. What was so funny is I knew who all the liberals were because they had the negative numbers. LOL

No thanks, I belong to another forum which is pretty much Conservative....Not much fun at all.......I love cycling the libs here and seeing them bristle...........:lol:
M14 Shooter said:
It must have been the DU (Democtratic Underground). They censor posts for content all the time, and kick people out for disagreeing with them.

Oh. Wait. It looks like you agree with their point of view.

I guess it wasnt them, then.
rofl now thats funny
The Rev said:
I'm trying to find a forum where I can post dissenting views without having my posts removed.

I posted on another forum about the definition of Terrorism. I'll make it a summery here.

Basically I said that if you look at the DOD's definition of Terrorism, you end up noticing that a certain superpower looks as bad as the rest of them.

I had this idea right after 911, but Noam Chomsky uses the argument too and is more articulate.

Anyway I hope this forum won't delete my polite but dissenting posts.


The Rev

That's the new American freedom act at work
watch yourself they are watching you

I was censored on another forum!

Well mabe its becasue you were wrong. And of course the DOD isnt responsible for soldiers or agents using Boeing 737's to run into skyscrapers. Or detonating car bombs infront of churches and innocent people. But of course the US is responsible for terroism. The US is also responsible for 911 itself we brought it upon ourself. We twisted the mens arms to hijack planes with box cutters. So of course we are responsible for terroism. :lol:
Canuck said:
That's the new American freedom act at work
watch yourself they are watching you

I don't know how some of my fellow Americans feel but I have a real problem with a Canuck criticizing America.............

Its kind of like when your stationed aboard a Navy Ship.......You can criticize the ship your on and run it down all you want, but let some clown on another ship does it well them is fighting words.........

Well mabe its becasue you were wrong. And of course the DOD isnt responsible for soldiers or agents using Boeing 737's to run into skyscrapers. Or detonating car bombs infront of churches and innocent people. But of course the US is responsible for terroism. The US is also responsible for 911 itself we brought it upon ourself. We twisted the mens arms to hijack planes with box cutters. So of course we are responsible for terroism. :lol:

Yeah isn't it odd, some people in this country think the terrorists are the good guys..........
The Rev said:
Anyway I hope this forum won't delete my polite but dissenting posts.

No worries about that, just stay within the rules. Yet we are unable to gaurantee that you will not be questioned. :cool:

Well mabe its becasue you were wrong. And of course the DOD isnt responsible for soldiers or agents using Boeing 737's to run into skyscrapers. Or detonating car bombs infront of churches and innocent people. But of course the US is responsible for terroism. The US is also responsible for 911 itself we brought it upon ourself. We twisted the mens arms to hijack planes with box cutters. So of course we are responsible for terroism. :lol:

Hun, you better hope we don't start censoring people for being wrong. Still think Bush says there are WMD in Iraq? :lol:
The Rev said:
I'm trying to find a forum where I can post dissenting views without having my posts removed.

I posted on another forum about the definition of Terrorism. I'll make it a summery here.

Basically I said that if you look at the DOD's definition of Terrorism, you end up noticing that a certain superpower looks as bad as the rest of them.

I had this idea right after 911, but Noam Chomsky uses the argument too and is more articulate.

Anyway I hope this forum won't delete my polite but dissenting posts.


The Rev

What superpower are you referring too? Please be specific.
The Rev said:
I'm trying to find a forum where I can post dissenting views without having my posts removed.

I posted on another forum about the definition of Terrorism. I'll make it a summery here.

Basically I said that if you look at the DOD's definition of Terrorism, you end up noticing that a certain superpower looks as bad as the rest of them.

I had this idea right after 911, but Noam Chomsky uses the argument too and is more articulate.

Anyway I hope this forum won't delete my polite but dissenting posts.


The Rev
it is not polite to dissent; when you disagree with someone, its like you're calling them stupid
the apathy of Americans
shortcomings of America . as thick as a fog in LONDON!
the people in America are destitute !
the weary ,sick ,tired masses, are huddled in their basements.
Clutching onto duct tape and plastic,practicing duck and cover drills
waiting for the big bopper to return

They bow to their ELITE master American race ,who enslave them with mumurs of patrioticism, while they clutch their hearts.
and send their week end only Natl Gaurd ,to protect their american oil wells in Iraq.
apathy because they dont want to see how ugly they are,they only see beauty in their reflction.

As beauty is in the eye of the beholder ,they truely believe that they talk to god ,and are the dieties of defli .
with Their pompous attitudes ,they do not want to see the real America.The America that is destitute,and weary.they owe so much money to china and japan that they need oil wells for secutirty lest they be deault natl debt payments

The American dream ,is a Nightmare .that is why they see only through eyes that only tell them lies.
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Canuck said:
the apathy of Americans
shortcomings of America . as thick as a fog in LONDON!
the people in America are destitute !
the weary ,sick ,tired masses, are huddled in their basements.
Clutching onto duct tape and plastic,practicing duck and cover drills
waiting for the big bopper to return

They bow to their ELITE master American race ,who enslave them with mumurs of patrioticism, while they clutch their hearts.
and send their week end only Natl Gaurd ,to protect their american oil wells in Iraq.
apathy because they dont want to see how ugly they are,they only see beauty in their reflction.

As beauty is in the eye of the beholder ,they truely believe that they talk to god ,and are the dieties of defli .
with Their pompous attitudes ,they do not want to see the real America.The America that is destitute,and weary.they owe so much money to china and japan that they need oil wells for secutirty lest they be deault natl debt payments

The American dream ,is a Nightmare .that is why they see only through eyes that only tell them lies.
ditto; very true
I still love my brothers and sisters in AMerica
my neighbors
please kick the habit
your ungodly pompus attitudes are what put you in 9/11
kick the habit
Originally Posted by Canuck
I still love my brothers and sisters in AMerica
my neighbors
please kick the habit
your ungodly pompus attitudes are what put you in 9/11
kick the habit
Were too arrogant and narcissistic to realize that.
not you billo
you do need to add the "some of us"
as I know many Americans that are humble and as weary as i am

Kelzie said:
Hun, you better hope we don't start censoring people for being wrong. Still think Bush says there are WMD in Iraq? :lol:

Well in this case you would be wrong casue wasnt that one of his reason for going to war hun? I thought so sweetheart.

Yeah isn't it odd, some people in this country think the terrorists are the good guys..........

Yes its odd very odd. It is also very fishy around here.

What superpower are you referring too? Please be specific.

Well theres only one on planet earth :lol: . Unless mabe you are from another galaxy?

I still love my brothers and sisters in AMerica
my neighbors
please kick the habit
your ungodly pompus attitudes are what put you in 9/11
kick the habit

No it was the terrorists who put us in 9/11 our attitudes just fueled their tenacity to do so. PLease make sure you know the difference. Thank you

Were too arrogant and narcissistic to realize that.

Well speak for yourself buddy. I knew that the day I was able to comprehend what conceitedness meant.
THe pompous fools win the day, in America!
it is why wmds will befall you
and why your country is destined for destitution
A pompous fool can no longer feel
he sees through eyes that only tell him lies

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