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I sure hope Bloomberg is right (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2020
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He is warning about a Dem wipeout in November. I sure hope Americans are disturbed enough about so many current U.S. situations, that they let it be known when they vote!

SCOTUS’ approval of gerrymandering, along with the decennial census and redistricting, had already given the Trumplican Party a big advantage going into the ‘22 midterms.

Biden’s less than stellar performance has certainly given Trumplicans even more to be thankful for.

Still, even with a very good chance of taking Congress, the Senate could very well stay in Dem hands, and of course, Biden’s still got two more years to, at a minimum, block any shitty Trumplican legislation from becoming law.
SCOTUS approved gerrymandering, alone, had already given the Trumplican Party a big advantage going into the ‘22 midterms.
In spite of Dem states Gerrymandering like mad, NY for example.
Biden’s less than stellar performance has certainly given Trumplicans even more to be thankful for.
Unlike the left, we on the right don't celebrate our nation's suffering and problems.
Even with a very good chance of taking Congress, the Senate could very well stay in Dem hands, and of course, Biden’s still got two more years to, at a minimum, block any shitty Trumplican legislation from becoming law.
If that's true a GOP house - the originator of spending bills will temper Biden's use of the money cannon; just as it did for Obama.
People love to try to claim the reason for something happened is whatever their pet agenda is. Big shock corporatist centrists say progressives are the issue. Here's a better explanation of the story of the recall:

Probably just a unique case limited to those three based on the specific performance of those three - don't you think? Nothing at all to be learned from this recall election.;) The rest of the Dems - doing just great!
He is warning about a Dem wipeout in November. I sure hope Americans are disturbed enough about so many current U.S. situations, that they let it be known when they vote!

I couldn't care less. I've seen 'em come and go. Never has any congressional makeup had an effect on my life. You won't find happiness hitching up to a political party.
Going forward, that dearth of information should no longer be the case. Mayor London Breed gets to appoint their replacements within 10 days; those substitutes will serve until the elections in November. Come fall, voters and journalists will pay a lot more attention to who runs for the school board. We, too, need to be more competent.
Come fall, voters and journalists will pay a lot more attention to who runs for all elected positions. We, too, need to be more competent.

We voters cannot afford to let ALEC, RINO and DINO candidates slip by .........to vote against us.
In spite of Dem states Gerrymandering like mad, NY for example.
Hopefully, it’ll be enough to counter TX, OH, NC, and FL.

Probably not.
Unlike the left, we on the right don't celebrate our nation's suffering and problems.
You do. You really do, and everyone with a functioning cerebrum knows it, too.
If that's true a GOP house - the originator of spending bills will temper Biden's use of the money cannon; just as it did for Obama.
Anytime the House prevents stupid spending, I’m happy! 👍
Probably just a unique case limited to those three based on the specific performance of those three - don't you think? Nothing at all to be learned from this recall election.;) The rest of the Dems - doing just great!
For the most part, it's true; but we'll see how of the country are fools indoctrinated by the right-wing propaganda machine.
iHopefully, it’ll be enough to counter TX, OH, NC, and FL.

Probably not.
We can only how.
You do. You really do, and everyone with a functioning cerebrum knows it,
Nonsense. We oppose reducing freedoms and celebrate freedom. Dems want as much control and restriction as possible; all "for the people's own good".
Anytime the House prevents stupid spending, I’m happy! 👍
Can't argue with that.
Going forward, that dearth of information should no longer be the case. Mayor London Breed gets to appoint their replacements within 10 days; those substitutes will serve until the elections in November. Come fall, voters and journalists will pay a lot more attention to who runs for the school board. We, too, need to be more competent.
I think there is no doubt that elections for school board members will draw attention and voters like never before. Gone will be the days of just skipping over those school board categories on one's ballot and not taking the time to research the candidates. The importance of voting for a school board member will be nearly as important as voting for a presidential candidate - for many who previously haven't made those school board selections a priority.
SCOTUS’ approval of gerrymandering, along with the decennial census and redistricting, had already given the Trumplican Party a big advantage going into the ‘22 midterms.

Biden’s less than stellar performance has certainly given Trumplicans even more to be thankful for.

Still, even with a very good chance of taking Congress, the Senate could very well stay in Dem hands, and of course, Biden’s still got two more years to, at a minimum, block any shitty Trumplican legislation from becoming law.
I am not convinced that Biden is doing a poor job. He seems incredibly better than the last president, so maybe that is deceptive.....
I am not convinced that Biden is doing a poor job. He seems incredibly better than the last president, so maybe that is deceptive.....
I think he's doing a fine job. Sadly, the presidency has become a soap opera. People don't want government. People don't understand nor desire serious matters. They want to be entertained. Really sorry ass shit we've become as a people. Doesn't bother me. I'm fine.
I am not convinced that Biden is doing a poor job. He seems incredibly better than the last president, so maybe that is deceptive.....
Loser #45 set the lowest bar possible for his successor. Biden could/should be doing better.
He is warning about a Dem wipeout in November. I sure hope Americans are disturbed enough about so many current U.S. situations, that they let it be known when they vote!

Yes, I'm disturbed over where the two loudest mouthpieces for the GOP have gone re: Russia and Ukraine. (Tucker and Trump)

You ask me, your hopes are being dashed, because the real patriots in this country are sickened by it, and it's a lot more serious than CRT hogwash and face masks. We're not loving the gushing support for the Canadian trucker protests, either. Anarchy and military takeover of free nations is not as popular as you think.

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