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I love Hillery, who’s with me? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2014
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Ok now that we got some Hillery defenders, I’ve got a question I hope someone can help explain to me. These subjects are 100% factual.
1- she was under investigation, sorry bout that, she was under a matter and Congress subpoenaed her emails. Am I correct so far? Then she deleted 30,000 of said SUBPOENAED emails before turning them over. So cense she was under a matter, is it legal to destroy SUBPOENAED evidence?

2- now when she was under oath and asked about this she said those emails were only about yoga and weddings, but the recovered deleted SUBPOENAED emails were not about yoga and on top of that some were also classified. So didn’t she lie under oath?

That’s 2 proven facts (Comey said so). Why do democrats not want to charge for those crimes at the minimum?

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Hillery is love. Hillery is life.

I think about Hillery when I wake up.

I think of Hillery when I go to sleep.

I hug my pillow and pretend that it's Hillery.

Hillery is love; Hillery is life.
Last edited:
Hillery is alright but Hillary is another story.

Either way, the extra "L" shows everything I need to know about those fake Hilaries.
Ok now that we got some Hillery defenders, I’ve got a question I hope someone can help explain to me. These subjects are 100% factual.
1- she was under investigation, sorry bout that, she was under a matter and Congress subpoenaed her emails. Am I correct so far? Then she deleted 30,000 of said SUBPOENAED emails before turning them over. So cense she was under a matter, is it legal to destroy SUBPOENAED evidence?

2- now when she was under oath and asked about this she said those emails were only about yoga and weddings, but the recovered deleted SUBPOENAED emails were not about yoga and on top of that some were also classified. So didn’t she lie under oath?

That’s 2 proven facts (Comey said so). Why do democrats not want to charge for those crimes at the minimum?

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Apparently the at least 17 investigations into all of Trump's organizations is making some people soil their Hello Kitty undies.

Ok now that we got some Hillery defenders, I’ve got a question I hope someone can help explain to me. These subjects are 100% factual.
1- she was under investigation, sorry bout that, she was under a matter and Congress subpoenaed her emails. Am I correct so far? Then she deleted 30,000 of said SUBPOENAED emails before turning them over. So cense she was under a matter, is it legal to destroy SUBPOENAED evidence?

2- now when she was under oath and asked about this she said those emails were only about yoga and weddings, but the recovered deleted SUBPOENAED emails were not about yoga and on top of that some were also classified. So didn’t she lie under oath?

That’s 2 proven facts (Comey said so). Why do democrats not want to charge for those crimes at the minimum?

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Who is Hillery?
Ok now that we got some Hillery defenders, I’ve got a question I hope someone can help explain to me. These subjects are 100% factual.
1- she was under investigation, sorry bout that, she was under a matter and Congress subpoenaed her emails. Am I correct so far? Then she deleted 30,000 of said SUBPOENAED emails before turning them over. So cense she was under a matter, is it legal to destroy SUBPOENAED evidence?

2- now when she was under oath and asked about this she said those emails were only about yoga and weddings, but the recovered deleted SUBPOENAED emails were not about yoga and on top of that some were also classified. So didn’t she lie under oath?

That’s 2 proven facts (Comey said so). Why do democrats not want to charge for those crimes at the minimum?

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People are almost always going to extend the greatest degree of generosity and impute the most innocent of motivations to those on their own side. Especially when accusations of wrongdoing come from people who are diametrically opposed to your side. Whether you are talking about politics, religion, tribe, etc. If someone from a rival group claims one of yours is corrupt and evil, the first reaction is generally to circle the wagons. I think that in the majority of cases it is an honest and unconscious reaction, but when it comes to politicians, I would argue that it is often very cynical. No one is going to scuttle the ship to which they themselves are tied.
But more importantly - is there a child sex ring in the basement?

Or, like the Alamo, is there no basement?

We had to cut corners and abandon that. We're putting all our eggs in the gay frogs basket. Soon all the amphibians will be homosexual!
Apparently the at least 17 investigations into all of Trump's organizations is making some people soil their Hello Kitty undies.


They are coming down with extreme cases of 'whataboutism'
Who is Hillery?

Why can't conservatives spell?

Why can't they get over the fact that for years we had a republican in the executive office and republican majorities in the house and senate and yet, they still have never ever found enough to indict her?

When you point that fact out to them, they start yammering the same old......"yeah, but....<insert sour grapes conspiracy theory here>"

Predictable as a sunrise.
We put more fluoride in the water, so now they're even MORE gay than before.

What about the gecko that is in my bedroom? Can't get that little bastard out. Is he in there because he likes my snowman comforter? Or is he gay also, and thinks I have fabulous fashion sense?
Why can't conservatives spell?

I do... not... know...

Why can't they get over the fact that for years we had a republican in the executive office and republican majorities in the house and senate and yet, they still have never ever found enough to indict her?

When you point that fact out to them, they start yammering the same old......"yeah, but....<insert sour grapes conspiracy theory here>"

Predictable as a sunrise.

Yes. They have to have someone to blame for their failures and inadequacies. They can't take credit for their ****-ups. Me? I can. Obama had the House and the Senate for what, 2 years? We did ****-all the entire time. Bet that **** doesn't happen again. The last 2 years has shown us that people can't be trusted to do the right thing.
Ok now that we got some Hillery defenders, I’ve got a question I hope someone can help explain to me. These subjects are 100% factual.
1- she was under investigation, sorry bout that, she was under a matter and Congress subpoenaed her emails. Am I correct so far? Then she deleted 30,000 of said SUBPOENAED emails before turning them over. So cense she was under a matter, is it legal to destroy SUBPOENAED evidence?

2- now when she was under oath and asked about this she said those emails were only about yoga and weddings, but the recovered deleted SUBPOENAED emails were not about yoga and on top of that some were also classified. So didn’t she lie under oath?

That’s 2 proven facts (Comey said so). Why do democrats not want to charge for those crimes at the minimum?

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The things this poster wakes up thinking about....


Sessions could have convened a grand jury to seek indictment of Hillary at any time. He didn't. The current and any future AG can. They haven't.
What about the gecko that is in my bedroom? Can't get that little bastard out. Is he in there because he likes my snowman comforter? Or is he gay also, and thinks I have fabulous fashion sense?

He's trying to spread the ghey. Soon you will be, too! :2razz:
Apparently the at least 17 investigations into all of Trump's organizations is making some people soil their Hello Kitty undies.


I don’t remember asking anything about Trump, and it’s fine with me that if he’s guilty of something then ok.
But you’re post is what you liberals tell us that it’s deflection.
So I pointed out just simple proven crimes, I didn’t even get into the main parts of the investigation (matter). Just asking someone to explain why those crimes being punished?

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