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I like Fauci but should he also be discredited? (1 Viewer)


Photo of me taken in the Army 1963
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Sep 3, 2018
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Meridian, Idaho
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Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

Did the United States react too late?
According to the pro-lockdown narrative, the United States is experiencing a second COVID wave because it took a lackadaisical approach to locking down. We allegedly closed too late and reopened too early, leading to a failure to tame the virus in the spring. This same narrative often holds up Europe as a counterpoint for what a cautious, responsible, and evidence-based reopening process supposedly looks like.

I’ve investigated this claim previously using start and end dates for the lockdowns in various countries. Simply put, it is entirely without merit.

Most of the United States went into lockdown during the second and third weeks of March, following a set of Trump Administration recommendations that were based on the now-discredited Imperial College epidemiology model of Neil Ferguson. In total, 43 of 50 American states imposed shelter-in-place style lockdowns, with the holdouts consisting almost entirely of rural western states with low population density and few signs of the outbreaks that plagued the cities of the northeast at that time.

As far as timing goes, the US lockdowns came into effect at almost exactly the same time as not only Europe but the majority of the world. A few early outbreak hotspots such as Italy preceded this shutdown by about 2 weeks, and a handful of countries (Sweden, Taiwan, Belarus) bucked the international trend. But otherwise, the timeline clearly confirms that the American response directly coincided with most other countries.
Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

Fauci was named Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases by Ronald Reagan.
You only want to "discredit" him because he keeps embarrassing Trump. Find a better motivation in life.
Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

Fauci has gone back on fourth on mask, no mask.
Fauci has gone back on fourth on mask, no mask.

US surgeon general explains why he’s dramatically changed his position on wearing masks.

Adams wasn’t always a mask supporter.

“One of the things they shouldn’t be doing, the general public, is going out and buying masks,” Adams said in March.

But earlier this week, Adams said, “Please, please wear a face covering when you go out.”

So what’s changed? Adams said we didn’t realize in March how easily the virus could spread from asymptomatic people.

“It’s important for people to understand that we now know 40%-50% of cases of coronavirus are spread asymptomatically, and that’s different than any other coronavirus we’ve experienced before,” Adams said. “It means you can have no symptoms -- no cough, no fever -- and still be someone who is spreading the disease.”

With cases surging in the U.S. and more young people testing positive for COVID-19, Adams made a special appeal to them.

“If you want college football in the fall, young people, please wear a face covering,” Adams said. “If you want prom next year, please wear a face covering. It can help prevent asymptomatic spread and help us overcome this virus.”

US surgeon general explains why he’s dramatically changed his position on wearing masks
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Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

Fauci has been good in the past, but at some point he deserves criticism. He's like a student that got a C on an exam, but looks like a genius because the other students (Trump and the GOP) crumpled up the exam and ate glue. C isn't bad, but we're a country used to getting A's.

I found out about our testing issues in the first week of March and just about fell out of my chair. We had a couple of hundred of confirmed infections and I knew we were looking at potentially millions of infections. The raw data was just that glaring. Fauci should have been screaming mid February. It's also been obvious for months that indoor transmission in the air from asymptomatic or presymptomatic people was a primary driver of infections. We're only now starting to mitigate based on that fact. There's been no overall plan, no foresight. We're dumping TRILLIONS of dollars into this, and we have like 27 people half of which are politicians sorta kinda thinking about this. Yeah, Trump is an idiot, but his idiocy alone isn't a excuse for a failure of this magnitude.
Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

Obviously, being uncritically accepting of anyone or the ideas they publicize is not good.
Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

How's that armchair quarterbacking going, Robert? Getting a good workout? ;)
You only want to "discredit" him because he keeps embarrassing Trump. Find a better motivation in life.

I never noticed that. Do you watch Democrats news sites?
Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER
They dont love him. They love that he tows the progressive line. The moment he strays from that, they will visciously turn on him.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

Citing a right-wing libertarian source isn't going to win you any points for non-biased sourcing. For your information Fauci is the Gold Standard for the whole damn world.
Fauci has gone back on fourth on mask, no mask.

Yes, and like everyone else he learned about this novel virus as new information became available. Nobody, not Fauci, not anyone knew a damn thing about Covid-19 when the outbreak first occurred, so damning him for what he didn't know is both pointless and fundamentally ignorant.
They dont love him. They love that he tows the progressive line. The moment he strays from that, they will visciously turn on him.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

The expression is 'toe the line'; (step up to the mark). Nothing to do with pulling. The rest of your post is abject nonsense. Fauci worked with Reagan, Bush and four other presidents from both sides of the aisle, or did you conveniently forget? You are very fortunate you have someone like him to counter Trump's lies and challenge him.
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Science is not perfect. We are always learning new things and revising the old. But it’s the best we got. No, a reality TV star doesn’t know better.
Being an expert in virology does not hint or imply one is an expert in an unknown virus cure or prevention.

Fauci is the gold standard of Democrats. No matter what he says, they love him so refuse to ever criticise him.

This article looks into that so read it and opine please.

Fact-Checking Fauci – AIER

From the article by Mr. Phillip W. Magness, the author stated: "As far as timing goes, the US lockdowns came into effect at almost exactly the same time as not only Europe but the majority of the world. A few early outbreak hotspots such as Italy preceded this shutdown by about 2 weeks, and a handful of countries (Sweden, Taiwan, Belarus) bucked the international trend. But otherwise, the timeline clearly confirms that the American response directly coincided with most other countries."

This statement is not in dispute. However, not all 'lockdowns' are the same. In addition, there are any number of other actions that a nation could undertake to reduce the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 viral pandemic. The article does not address, for example, why at this point in time, with both nations beginning lockdowns at about the same time, the United States of America is experiencing roughly 20 times, repeat, 20 times the number of Covid assigned deaths per day per unit of population as Germany.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.
They dont love him. They love that he tows the progressive line. The moment he strays from that, they will visciously turn on him.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

That's a very silly claim. He's liked because he uses science, and is more concerned about facts than politics. Medical advice should not have a political bias.
Fauci has gone back on fourth on mask, no mask.

Fauci is a fraud. He is more interested in having his ego stroked than in public health. He is more interested in bureaucratic enhancement than in public health.
Yes, and like everyone else he learned about this novel virus as new information became available. Nobody, not Fauci, not anyone knew a damn thing about Covid-19 when the outbreak first occurred, so damning him for what he didn't know is both pointless and fundamentally ignorant.

And a big part of the initial no mask push was because health care workers could not find masks because the public was buying them up. Discouraging people was the right thing to do in order to help get masks where they were needed most. As supplies ramped up so did the push to wear masks.
From the article by Mr. Phillip W. Magness, the author stated: "As far as timing goes, the US lockdowns came into effect at almost exactly the same time as not only Europe but the majority of the world. A few early outbreak hotspots such as Italy preceded this shutdown by about 2 weeks, and a handful of countries (Sweden, Taiwan, Belarus) bucked the international trend. But otherwise, the timeline clearly confirms that the American response directly coincided with most other countries."

This statement is not in dispute. However, not all 'lockdowns' are the same. In addition, there are any number of other actions that a nation could undertake to reduce the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 viral pandemic. The article does not address, for example, why at this point in time, with both nations beginning lockdowns at about the same time, the United States of America is experiencing roughly 20 times, repeat, 20 times the number of Covid assigned deaths per day per unit of population as Germany.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.

Thanks for the well wishes. Politeness is like having a peanut butter and Jam sandwich. A bit of brown with sweetness and you have a kids sandwich.

Anyway, Germany is like a state here in the USA. This explains how Democratic Gov Cuomo has such lousy figures but my Governor in ID has excellent figures and even in Hawaii where my kids live, they live where there is 0 deaths (Kauai County). Course due to that my daughter had to cancel her wedding until next year.

When I hear Europe, my mind reminds me we have 50 of them contained in the USA, all with self governance.
That's a very silly claim. He's liked because he uses science, and is more concerned about facts than politics. Medical advice should not have a political bias.

Fauci knew no more about COV 19 than any Democrat knows. Even today there is no proven cure (per Democrats) and no vaccine. Hard to use science on his part given those problems.

Also, despite claims made by Democrats, Fauci supports the efforts of Trump to try to help this country whip CV19.

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