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I am a (1 Viewer)


free market communist
DP Veteran
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Hello. I am new. Well, besides displaying this penchant for stating the obvious, I also must admit to a certain tredpidation in having done so, because of the contradictions inherent in point of view. To be thruthful, I must admit I have known myself for quite some time now.

I am a gardener, which I must advise is simply my attempt at striving for that which will impress to a degree slightly greater than were I to reveal my actual puropse in life, which is as a beast of burden. I dig. As I dig, and in order to distract myself from the realization that the years of toil have reduced my fingers to stubs and crumpled my vertebret like a cheap paper accordian, I allow my thoughts to wander. Which they do, and as a few sluggish neurons fire away, I convince myself that what transpires as a result resembles sentience to the degree I feel more or less compelled to report my findings.

And this, of course, explains why I am here.
Looking forward to reading your findings... lol

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Gardener said:
Hello. I am new. Well, besides displaying this penchant for stating the obvious, I also must admit to a certain tredpidation in having done so, because of the contradictions inherent in point of view. To be thruthful, I must admit I have known myself for quite some time now.

I am a gardener, which I must advise is simply my attempt at striving for that which will impress to a degree slightly greater than were I to reveal my actual puropse in life, which is as a beast of burden. I dig. As I dig, and in order to distract myself from the realization that the years of toil have reduced my fingers to stubs and crumpled my vertebret like a cheap paper accordian, I allow my thoughts to wander. Which they do, and as a few sluggish neurons fire away, I convince myself that what transpires as a result resembles sentience to the degree I feel more or less compelled to report my findings.

And this, of course, explains why I am here.
Welcome,I'm a gardener too,years out in the British weather hasn't done my health any good,I'm only 39,but I feel like 80.I still love it though!
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Androvski said:
Welcome,I'm a gardener too,years out in the British weather hasn't done my health any good,I'm only 39,but I feel like 80.I still love it though!

To make yourself feel 40 years older, you didn't have to go through years of pain and suffering...you just could've done what I did...

Get in a car crash, spend 9 days in a coma, and wake up with 11 broken bones...

Although with your way, I assume you got more fresh air...:2wave:
I'm glad you've decided to participate. Look forward to hearing from you.
Gardener said:
Hello. I am new. Well, besides displaying this penchant for stating the obvious, I also must admit to a certain tredpidation in having done so, because of the contradictions inherent in point of view. To be thruthful, I must admit I have known myself for quite some time now.

I am a gardener, which I must advise is simply my attempt at striving for that which will impress to a degree slightly greater than were I to reveal my actual puropse in life, which is as a beast of burden. I dig. As I dig, and in order to distract myself from the realization that the years of toil have reduced my fingers to stubs and crumpled my vertebret like a cheap paper accordian, I allow my thoughts to wander. Which they do, and as a few sluggish neurons fire away, I convince myself that what transpires as a result resembles sentience to the degree I feel more or less compelled to report my findings.

And this, of course, explains why I am here.

I have done some gardening myself. I am known for my brown thumb. Whatever I plant dies. LOL.
cnredd said:
To make yourself feel 40 years older, you didn't have to go through years of pain and suffering...you just could've done what I did...

Get in a car crash, spend 9 days in a coma, and wake up with 11 broken bones...

Although with your way, I assume you got more fresh air...:2wave:

That sounds bloody nasty,I'll stick to my gardening.:2razz:
cnredd said:
To make yourself feel 40 years older, you didn't have to go through years of pain and suffering...you just could've done what I did...

Get in a car crash, spend 9 days in a coma, and wake up with 11 broken bones...

Although with your way, I assume you got more fresh air...:2wave:

I knew you're out of it!
I am still learning this forum - but had to welcome you ahead of my own introduction because of the gardening thing.

I have been the beast of burden, but lately, I've drafted my spouse to do those things. Soon I will have broken him down, and he can go back to the sofa.


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