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How it all Started. "Buried" in the Mueller report, on page 9 or 448 is this gem (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 2, 2015
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California Caliphate
Political Leaning
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

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We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.
So in 2016 they get a tip and then Trump's campaign manager and son meet with Russian agents for information to help their campaign. Good tip.
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

It started before that.

Regarding this Papadoupolos stuff, there are indications that Mifsud, Halper and Downer were working for the CIA. That this was all a setup.

But even before this, there were FBI subcontractors doing illegal queries to the NSA database. It is suspected that Nellie Ohr was one of those subcontractors. That means the FBI or the CIA gave her access to the NSA's database in violation to our FISA laws. And guess what...Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion GPS and with Christopher Steele at the time. This would explain why Steele got the wrong Cohen going to Prague in his dossier. Nellie screwed up her illegal data search.

btw, these illegal queries happened in late 2015. In early 2016, NSA Director Rogers put a stop to those queries. A couple months later, the CIA conveniently sends this stuff from the Aussies to the FBI and now...their actions are "justified".
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

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We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

Yeah, it started when Trump announced he was running for president, and he told Cohen to start finding his pee pee tapes and pay hush money to porn stars.
QAnon!!!!!! You can't make this **** up! Soon the UN NWO will be sending the black helicopters after everyone before anyone finds out the Bilderburgers faked the moon landing.
QAnon!!!!!! You can't make this **** up! Soon the UN NWO will be sending the black helicopters after everyone before anyone finds out the Bilderburgers faked the moon landing.

You do realize that if this is not prosecuted, that green lights the Trump administration to it to the democrats. Or do you simply not care that your party can be extinguished by misuse of state power. Liberals used to be the ones warning us about the "Misuse of state power", like with the book 1984, and other's. Now the liberals have forgotten what made them liberals in the first place.

Joe citizen doesn't have a chance against a crooked state. You should step back and look at the forest rather than the trees.
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

Wait, I thought it was Hillary Clinton's fault and she would be locked up for it?
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

It's interesting that the FBI heard about potential illegal activity and investigated. I mean, how evil could they be?
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.
There we go!

Maybe now we can end this "Was it legit?" nonsense, once and for all?
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You do realize that if this is not prosecuted, that green lights the Trump administration to it to the democrats. Or do you simply not care that your party can be extinguished by misuse of state power. Liberals used to be the ones warning us about the "Misuse of state power", like with the book 1984, and other's. Now the liberals have forgotten what made them liberals in the first place.

Joe citizen doesn't have a chance against a crooked state. You should step back and look at the forest rather than the trees.

How is this misuse of state power?
You do realize that if this is not prosecuted, that green lights the Trump administration to it to the democrats. Or do you simply not care that your party can be extinguished by misuse of state power. Liberals used to be the ones warning us about the "Misuse of state power", like with the book 1984, and other's. Now the liberals have forgotten what made them liberals in the first place.

Joe citizen doesn't have a chance against a crooked state. You should step back and look at the forest rather than the trees.
If a legit piece of intelligence comes in against the Dems, why should they not be investigated?
If a legit piece of intelligence comes in against the Dems, why should they not be investigated?

What makes you think it was "a legit piece of intelligence"?

Because that liar, Brennan, told you?

What makes you think it was "a legit piece of intelligence"?

Because that liar, Brennan, told you?

You lost me here, and I have no idea what you're referencing.
What makes you think it was "a legit piece of intelligence"?

Because that liar, Brennan, told you?


No because the Trump campaign was knee deep in Russians. Haven't you read the report?
QAnon!!!!!! You can't make this **** up! Soon the UN NWO will be sending the black helicopters after everyone before anyone finds out the Bilderburgers faked the moon landing.

the mere possibility needs investigating.. much like trumps "collusion"... that wasn't proven.
Whenever someone tells me, "the politician is innocent", I slide the other way. Innocent politicians. Hah. Who can believe it.
You do realize that if this is not prosecuted, that green lights the Trump administration to it to the democrats. Or do you simply not care that your party can be extinguished by misuse of state power. Liberals used to be the ones warning us about the "Misuse of state power", like with the book 1984, and other's. Now the liberals have forgotten what made them liberals in the first place.

Joe citizen doesn't have a chance against a crooked state. You should step back and look at the forest rather than the trees.

You do realize you need a crime before you can prosecute, right? You also realize that almost everything you said in the OP beyond the image was speculation, right? And that there is a total of zero evidence to support that speculation, right?
If a legit piece of intelligence comes in against the Dems, why should they not be investigated?

I would expect that the FBI would go to DoJ, and DoJ would tip off the candidate that "We are looking at certain people who are going to get you in trouble, and here's why.". I don't know what the protocol is, but using a low level factotum as the basis to conduct general top level campaign surveillance unknown to the candidate is problematic. This is a national presidential campaign, not some alderman's ward in Chicago.

Using this justification with such a low bar, Trump's reelection campaign can legally already be neck high into the Sanders and Biden campaigns based on what some no name hanger-on said he knew.

So the through will come out when those indicted plead not guilty, and we get to hear what they thought they were doing, and who they thought they were working for, and who the though they were protecting.

I'm all ears.
I would expect that the FBI would go to DoJ, and DoJ would tip off the candidate that "We are looking at certain people who are going to get you in trouble, and here's why.". I don't know what the protocol is, but using a low level factotum as the basis to conduct general top level campaign surveillance unknown to the candidate is problematic. This is a national presidential campaign, not some alderman's ward in Chicago.

Using this justification with such a low bar, Trump's reelection campaign can legally already be neck high into the Sanders and Biden campaigns based on what some no name hanger-on said he knew.

So the through will come out when those indicted plead not guilty, and we get to hear what they thought they were doing, and who they thought they were working for, and who the though they were protecting.

I'm all ears.
I'm not intimately aware of the foreign intelligence vetting process, except in cases like this it appears to go before a court and judge, in addition to whatever it is the feds do to ascertain it's credible.

And I must say that in this case (Trump's), it appeared to be a resounding success:

1] The intelligence was evaluated and pursued

2] The intelligence turned-out to be highly accurate

So I'm grateful the system works, and hope it continues to do so.
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.


house of cards falling.jpg
No because the Trump campaign was knee deep in Russians. Haven't you read the report?

If you believe that, Brennan was successful.
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

So, IOW, no protocol was violated nor can you demonstrate otherwise. Thanks for admitting that.

Good thread, good thread!
No because the Trump campaign was knee deep in Russians. Haven't you read the report?

you mean the report that said no one from the trump campaign colluded with russia? yea i read it. why didn't you?

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