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How it all Started. "Buried" in the Mueller report, on page 9 or 448 is this gem (1 Viewer)

That's precisely what Mueller states in his report.

If you could be bothered to read it, you'd know that.

If you don't believe that, Putin was successful


If you think Mueller said that, quote him...or admit your dishonest spin.

If you think Mueller said that, quote him...or admit your dishonest spin.

Newp. Can't be bothered to waste the time quoting the report to an unhinged conspiracy theorist who doesn't accept reality.

What would be the point?

Since you don't know what's in the report, why are you trying to talk about it?
Wait, I thought it was Hillary Clinton's fault and she would be locked up for it?

Hillary wasn't smart enough to engineer this corruption. Heck, she couldn't even engineer a successful Presidential campaign...two times.

No...she played a bit part, though she should be locked up with the rest of the scum.
Newp. Can't be bothered to waste the time quoting the report to an unhinged conspiracy theorist who doesn't accept reality.

What would be the point?

Since you don't know what's in the report, why are you trying to talk about it?

So...admission of dishonest spin, it is.

Moving on...
So you admit you don't know what's in it and are sticking to your loony conspiracy theories. Got it, thanks.

Good to see you come clean about that.

I'm not the one who made claims about what Mueller said.

you mean the report that said no one from the trump campaign colluded with russia? yea i read it. why didn't you?

You did not read it. Mueller never said that. Quite the opposite. READ THE REPORT
you mean the report that said no one from the trump campaign colluded with russia? yea i read it. why didn't you?

Mueller said he could not reach the high bar of criminal conspiracy but showed a lot of evidence of collusion between Trump and Russian operatives. You must have read wrong. :lol:
You did not read it. Mueller never said that. Quite the opposite. READ THE REPORT

actually he did say that. you evidently read very well.
Mueller said he could not reach the high bar of criminal conspiracy but showed a lot of evidence of collusion between Trump and Russian operatives. You must have read wrong. :lol:

nope i read the part that said no one from the trump campaign colluded why did you miss it?
If you believe that, Brennan was successful.

Or Mueller's report which documents the numerous contacts. There may have been no collusion, but it wasn't from lack of trying.
Or Mueller's report which documents the numerous contacts. There may have been no collusion, but it wasn't from lack of trying.

It is more semantic than that. Don Jr. gets a pass for "I love it!" and the Trump Tower pow wow with a Russian translator because Mueller could not prove that Don knew it was illegal to accept help from foreign Govts. in an election. I really all boils down to Trump being President and Mueller follows the DOJ guidelines like it was settled law. He did however think Congress must act on this evidence as it says in the Constitution. He even discussed how important it is for no one to be above the law.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
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It is more semantic than that. Don Jr. gets a pass for "I love it!" and the Trump Tower pow wow with a Russian translator because Mueller could not prove that Don knew it was illegal to accept help from foreign Govts. in an election. I really all boils down to Trump being President and Mueller follows the DOJ guidelines like it was settled law.

Apparently, if the report is read thoroughly, the stuff Trump's people said and did at the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians wasn't illegal because they didn't know what they were doing was illegal???

Trump issued orders several times to directly obstruct justice, but at least some of his staffers refused his orders because at least some of them knew they were illegal. So no charges of obstruction? Too bad abject stupidity isn't illegal.

BANK ROBBERY AND MURDER are now legal, as long as you don't know they're illegal.
Whatever happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"??
That's what countless judges have thundered from their lofty perch at countless perps when being arraigned and sentenced.

Apparently that thunder only exists at sea level, but not atop Mount Olympus, where the biggest criminals get to live.
I guess it's not really thunder at all, just "swamp gas", and it is mostly emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

He did however think Congress must act on this evidence as it says in the Constitution. He even discussed how important it is for no one to be above the law.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Heh heh, Congress should act.
Sorry Mueller, there's thing called Constitutional Rot and it is the result of extended periods of infidelity where the Constitution prescribes the necessary remedy for a constitutional crisis but the members of Congress refuse to do as the Constitution prescribes.
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

Democrats hired an assortment of operators to pose as spies in order to be caught with Trump campaign officials by the press so as to dishonestly report Trump officials were colluding with spies. It was a setup. The Russian lawyer Obama spirited into the US was briefed by DNC officials before and after she met with Don Jr. in Trump Tower. Don Jr. blew her off once he saw what she really was and yet the media and Mueller attack dogs tried to turn the democrat failure into proof of Trump wrongdoing.

Democrats are tearing this nation apart. They are obviously not under the influence of the Holy Spirit of God.
This appears to be the genesis of the FBI's interest in the Trump campaign, and was engineered by a foreign government - an Austrailian diplomat appears to have been used as a cut out to provide for probable cause to do surveillance on Trump.

This is what started it all. From here Obama holdovers took the reins in their mouths and ignored all protocol and ran with it.

View attachment 67255381

We are talking about a very low "wanna be an important part of the campaign staffer here". I suspect every name he dropped became a FISA warrant in the hands of an eager FBI out to destroy Trump and everyone around him.

Was there a point you were wanting to make?
It started before that.

Regarding this Papadoupolos stuff, there are indications that Mifsud, Halper and Downer were working for the CIA. That this was all a setup.

But even before this, there were FBI subcontractors doing illegal queries to the NSA database. It is suspected that Nellie Ohr was one of those subcontractors. That means the FBI or the CIA gave her access to the NSA's database in violation to our FISA laws. And guess what...Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion GPS and with Christopher Steele at the time. This would explain why Steele got the wrong Cohen going to Prague in his dossier. Nellie screwed up her illegal data search.

btw, these illegal queries happened in late 2015. In early 2016, NSA Director Rogers put a stop to those queries. A couple months later, the CIA conveniently sends this stuff from the Aussies to the FBI and now...their actions are "justified".

Whenever you assert such things, details as this, please provide your source, a link etc., it's courtesy.

Thank you.
You lost me here, and I have no idea what you're referencing.

The Aussies didn't give anything to the FBI. They gave it to the CIA. That would be Brennan. Brennan gave it to the FBI. But what Brennan is not telling is what his actions were that set up Papadoupolos.

Don't be quick to believe anything Brennan says. He has a history of telling only parts of the truth...the parts that work to his advantage.
The Aussies didn't give anything to the FBI. They gave it to the CIA. That would be Brennan. Brennan gave it to the FBI. But what Brennan is not telling is what his actions were that set up Papadoupolos.

Don't be quick to believe anything Brennan says. He has a history of telling only parts of the truth...the parts that work to his advantage.

More QAnon BS...Jesus
...Trump issued orders several times to directly obstruct justice, but at least some of his staffers refused his orders because at least some of them knew they were illegal. So no charges of obstruction? Too bad abject stupidity isn't illegal.


The logic of this statement continues to intrigue me. If Trump told one of his staffers to fire Mueller, do you not believe that Mueller would have been fired...or the staffer would have been fired? It seems much more logical that Trump said these words in frustration. The staffer then pointed out that such an action would not be wise and they agreed not to proceed. Did anyone ever ask the staffer a follow up question regarding such a request? Did Mueller leave out the response for brevity or did he wish to leave questions regarding obstruction. Trump fired Comey. He had the right to fire Mueller but didn't. I believe he knew that justice would prevail and the optics of firing Mueller would have worse consequences. His instincts again proved to be correct.
It started before that.

Regarding this Papadoupolos stuff, there are indications that Mifsud, Halper and Downer were working for the CIA. That this was all a setup.

But even before this, there were FBI subcontractors doing illegal queries to the NSA database. It is suspected that Nellie Ohr was one of those subcontractors. That means the FBI or the CIA gave her access to the NSA's database in violation to our FISA laws. And guess what...Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion GPS and with Christopher Steele at the time. This would explain why Steele got the wrong Cohen going to Prague in his dossier. Nellie screwed up her illegal data search.

btw, these illegal queries happened in late 2015. In early 2016, NSA Director Rogers put a stop to those queries. A couple months later, the CIA conveniently sends this stuff from the Aussies to the FBI and now...their actions are "justified".

All these facts are already out in the public, but largely ignored and / or minimized and / or misreported by the 'news' (political propaganda) media.

Seems that this doesn't make it likely to be meeting the 'factual predicate' requirement that Barr mentioned in his testimony to congress; one on which to launch a legitimate and legal FBI investigation, and also, there's the criminality and regulatory violations that were part and parcel of the entire sordid mess.

All in the pursuit a political win.

Nice politicization of US government agencies there, and their use as political weapons, Obama. Significantly damaged the country for a political win.
Let's hope that Barr can get to the bottom of this, and drain this Deep State Swamp.

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