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How do you feel about taxes? (1 Viewer)

My taxes are ...

  • Too high, and I'm rich

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Too high, and I'm middle class

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Too high, and I'm poor

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Too low, and I'm rich

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Too low, and I'm middle class

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Too low, and I'm poor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Just right

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Just wondering.

Taxes are the price we all pay for civilization. Let me tell all of you a little secret. When you make a ton of dough, paying taxes is a snap. When you do not make a ton of dough, they are a burden. All I ask for my taxes is an efficient, moral, modern, affluent and just society funded in part by my contribution. When I paid hundreds of thousands in federal taxes, I was ecstatic because that meant I made a ton of dough. When my daughter who makes 30-40 grand owes money, that makes me sad, she needs the dough and her little bit might affect her but is peanuts in a federal budget. The rich pay more because they make more. Get everyone into the middle class, move the middle class into the upper middle class and we all win.
At those prices, I rather fend for myself. So I guess my answer to your question is... No Thanks
hey, at least you're on the record of defunding our military, spies, etc.
I went other. I think they are too low but sort of fall in-between rich and middle class.

I say they are too low because they do not cover our spending. Neither party will cut spending, thus we need to cover our spending with our revenue. It is morally wrong to keep running up the debt and leaving it to our children.
This isnt the first time. Im on the record for defunding many popular programs including the IRS
i've said so many times that Republicans aren't pro Military (just pro USE of our military). i haven't met many who didn't want to pay them. congrats on being in a special Republican club.
I am a value type guy. When I pay for something, I want acceptable results. I am not seeing that.
Social Security, the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history. It amazes me how many people are so stupid that they think it is a benefit.
Education, went from #1 in the world to in the bottom half. We pay more than anyone else, shouldn't we at least be competitive?
Foreign aid, why should I be paying for some other countries problem when we have unfunded problems at home?
Welfare, why should I be paying taxes so some crack head doesn't have to work?
Defense, anyone who does not know this is rife with waste, fraud and abuse is an idiot.

The truth is people are stupid. Time and time again they elect people who promise them free benefits. They lack the intelligence to know that nothing is free. Someone is paying for it. Although it has been proven time and time again that taxing the rich will not bring in enough money to come close to funding their promises, the lemmings still lap it up.
Just wondering.
I didn't vote. I have no problem with the taxes I am currently paying, but, by main gripe is that the government spends way too much. Raising taxes only means that for every dollar in raised taxes, the government will spend two. Therefore, I am against raising taxes because that just means the government will spend even more.
Focused on income taxes: if everyone had to contribute to the pool equally, I would have less heartburn about contributing. When nearly 50% of the population isn't paying income taxes while benefiting from its plethora of services, that's a problem.
Voted other, any tax policy proposal absent economic reasoning is just political rhetoric.
How do you feel about taxes?

i support taxing all income as income above a cap.
Other. Having a too high vs. too low discussion based on what? Your poll choice seem to imply that one’s income/wealth makes some difference, but the OP fails to mention why. IMHO, taxes should raise sufficient revenue for funding “normal” government spending. I included “normal” allowing for occasional surpluses or deficits based on occasional unusual situations.

Of course, the next factor is what should (and should not) be included in that “normal” government spending.
Just wondering.
Other - I'm able to pay them, but concerned they are being spent on the wrong things (IMO) sometimes.
IF additional services such as Medicare for all or subsidies for higher education are offered at the expense of higher taxes, I think they'll be worth it.
Not to mention addressing climate change.
I have to go back to the Ronald Reagan era when he gave a big tax break to the wealthy and to pay for it he taxed social security. That started the more for the wealthy and less for everyone else.
Republicans in general I think would love to pay zero into the common good and yet they seem to be the ones who want the most for the little they do pay.
How much of our taxes go to the military? Black ops? Tax breaks for the biggest industries? The super wealthy? Our tax dollars in my opinion mostly go to other things beside we the people, we seem to benefit the least.
Taxes are the price we all pay for civilization. Let me tell all of you a little secret. When you make a ton of dough, paying taxes is a snap. When you do not make a ton of dough, they are a burden. All I ask for my taxes is an efficient, moral, modern, affluent and just society funded in part by my contribution. When I paid hundreds of thousands in federal taxes, I was ecstatic because that meant I made a ton of dough. When my daughter who makes 30-40 grand owes money, that makes me sad, she needs the dough and her little bit might affect her but is peanuts in a federal budget. The rich pay more because they make more. Get everyone into the middle class, move the middle class into the upper middle class and we all win.

Similar story here.
I used to make "more money than God" so to speak.
I started out dirt poor, found my niche, made "bank" like crazy, enjoyed what I made and didn't bitch very much about the taxes because I still had "bank" after paying.
And back then, sh*t worked for the most part, so you knew you were getting something for those taxes.

Then I went through a period where I was dirt poor again! Hey, it happens.
I had to live hand to mouth, and off savings for a while, and then suddenly I didn't have much savings anymore. Then a few years later my luck improved and I was doing well again, and again I didn't bitch about having to pay taxes, as long as I knew they were being used for stuff I counted on to work when I needed it.

Now at 63 things have leveled off and I am neither poor nor rich.
The wolf is not darkening our door and the bill collectors aren't calling, and we're not hand to mouth, but it's not like I can just order up a new car and pay it off cash like I once did long ago. We don't run out of money at the end of the month, far from it, but we're not rolling in the dough.
And neither of us think our taxes are through the roof.
They're higher here, but then again, we really enjoy it here, it's a nice place to live.
So I can't really bitch and moan very much.

I've lived in places where the taxes were super low and even nonexistent at state level.
Guess what? Tolls, fees and use taxes everywhere, property taxes through the roof, I say it's just a case of Three Card Monty because you are just paying different types of taxes into different kinds of tax coffers.
And...not everything "worked" like I was used to.
Some things which I expected to work were threadbare, or nonexistent, or not workable.
You get what you pay for.
As an old colleague of mine once said: taxes are a license to steal.
Current taxes are more than adequate. The US takes in more in taxes than the GDP of the 4th riches nation in the world. Spending is the problem. Politicians have found out that if they promise free stuff, losers will vote for them.
Just wondering.

I said taxes were too high. I don't have any problem with higher taxes, but I just feel like I don't get the benefits from the taxes I am paying. It feels like too much of my taxes are going to the military that don't impact my life, rather than something that will benefit me like universal healthcare.

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