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How do you feel abour your real name being revealed online? (1 Viewer)

Read the OP carefully: How do you feel about

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Aunt Spiker

DP Veteran
Oct 20, 2009
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Political Leaning
[Stemming from the thread about Blizzard using everyone's real-life names]

The poll is multi-faceted with 3 questions - don't get confused, read carefully:

A) If the government required you to use your real name online - would you be online as much as you are now?

1 = yes,
2 = no
3 = maybe

B) If a forum that you frequent for FREE (IE: not purchasing a related product for access, not ever donating or paying membership of some type) required that you use your real name - would you use the forum?

4 = yes
5 = no
6 = maybe

C) If a forum that you frequented as a CUSTOMER (IE: purchasing a related product for access, donating and paying a membership or access fee of some type) required that you use your real-name would you use the forum?

7 = yes
8 = no
9 = maybe

Option 10) Otherific! For all the otherer options I couldn't worm in.
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[Stemming from the thread about Blizzard using everyone's real-life names]

The poll is multi-faceted with 3 questions - don't get confused, read carefully:

A) If the government required you to use your real name online - would you be online as much as you are now?

1 = yes,
2 = no
3 = maybe

B) If a forum that you frequent for FREE (IE: not purchasing a related product for access, not ever donating or paying membership of some type) required that you use your real name - would you use the forum?

4 = yes
5 = no
6 = maybe

C) If a forum that you frequented as a CUSTOMER (IE: purchasing a related product for access, donating and paying a membership or access fee of some type) required that you use your real-name would you use the forum?

7 = yes
8 = no
9 = maybe

Option 10) Otherific! For all the otherer options I couldn't worm in.

1,4,7. Yes I would be online as much as I am now, yes I would still use the forum and yes I would still buy from that site.
No, No, No.
Yeah, I'm a no no no as well.
No, no, no.

Being required is what makes me say no.

BTW Winston is my real name.
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I would pay to belong to the site, but have no intention of using my real name online.
I hate when my real name is revealed online.

Here in Germany, it is legal for people to gather names from mailboxes and put the name, phone number etc in directories, including online ones.

I had a situation where an old 'friend' showed up on my door step, after getting my name, address, phone, number and a map to my house from from an online directory. Digusting!

I think, there are going to be privacy laws made, concerning things like this in Germany, but they are not there yet.

I would also hate if somebody who knows me, put my real name on the internet someplace. Hopefully, nobody will be so inconsiderate of my privacy.
2 - I would hardly ever be online.

5 - No I wouldnt. Not if there were other sites which give the option not to, and not if they expected my real name to be on display to everybody, rather than kept in a private file.

8 - I would certainly be reluctant about using the forum, but would certainly not use it, if there was a site offering a more private service.
I hate when my real name is revealed online.

Here in Germany, it is legal for people to gather names from mailboxes and put the name, phone number etc in directories, including online ones.

I had a situation where an old 'friend' showed up on my door step, after getting my name, address, phone, number and a map to my house from from an online directory. Digusting!

I think, there are going to be privacy laws made, concerning things like this in Germany, but they are not there yet.

I would also hate if somebody who knows me, put my real name on the internet someplace. Hopefully, nobody will be so inconsiderate of my privacy.

My Dad did that - alot - revealed personal details about my family and me (he's a minister- would always write family-updates online for church members to read). . .I had to get onto him all the time and eventually I just told the Church Secretary that if she permitted it again I'd take them to court (yeah - it pissed me off that badly).

I have to cowtow to OPSEC (Operational Security) and I can't permit other people to violate it all willy nilly without concern for what could possibly go wrong for my family.

It's like nails on a chalkboard.
I value my anonymity.
All of my screen names are not remotely similar to my real name.

It saves me from any kind of drama.

The best tip to remain anonymous on the internet is to avoid social networking sites.
They are personal data aggregates that third parties collect information from and sell.
yes yes and yes

I've used my real name by choice on many forums.

I would still be online because I use the internet for a lot of research and to keep in touch with people, though I probably wouldn't use it as often. I don't see that any website could actually force me to use my real name, but if they could and insisted on my doing so, I'd have to ask why it matters so much to them and I definitely wouldn't be using that site, free or not. The idea of being forced creeps me out.

It depends on the site.

My name is on my posts here. I am not ashamed of my viewpoints, and I don't hide behind anonymity. I wish more people would use their name on boards like this; I think we might have more polite conversations.

However, I would definitely be against any government regulation requiring real names being used. As for private sites, they can set whatever requirements they want, and if I don't like it, I don't have to join.
My name is all over the internet. In fact, if I put it up on Google, my published papers show up along with my dissertation and crap like that. So if someone wanted to, and knew my name, it wouldn't be hard. For the first one, I think the government should be banned from demanding it, and if it were the government I definitely use less. The second one, it's their right to do so on their server...that one is a maybe because it would depend on content. Let's say it wouldn't completely stop me from participating as much; but if it were something I wasn't too into, I'd probably avoid it completely then. As for the last one, it's the one that pisses me off the most since it has my money involved. But it's still their servers and gets a "maybe" for the same reasons as the second.

BTW, I was already leaning towards stopping WoW; and this pushed over the edge. I needed a good excuse to quit.
There is a very large difference between demanding that someone use their real name, and actually getting said name. While it is hypothetically possible to implement secure identity authentication, almost nobody does it. Censorship advocates in western nations are absurdly ignorant, so they have no chance at actually building a working system. Repressive states like China are probably the only groups who have both the desire to build such a system and knowledge to to so successfully.
My votes were maybe, no, and no.
i do use my real name on here, i had sadistic parents whom had a fetish for underscores :(
If it kept people from saying stupid **** Id be all for it.
[Stemming from the thread about Blizzard using everyone's real-life names]

The poll is multi-faceted with 3 questions - don't get confused, read carefully:

A) If the government required you to use your real name online - would you be online as much as you are now?

1 = yes,
2 = no
3 = maybe

B) If a forum that you frequent for FREE (IE: not purchasing a related product for access, not ever donating or paying membership of some type) required that you use your real name - would you use the forum?

4 = yes
5 = no
6 = maybe

C) If a forum that you frequented as a CUSTOMER (IE: purchasing a related product for access, donating and paying a membership or access fee of some type) required that you use your real-name would you use the forum?

7 = yes
8 = no
9 = maybe

Option 10) Otherific! For all the otherer options I couldn't worm in.

Whatever happened to lying? In your scenario do they cross reference your information somehow to make sure you're using your real name?
I've got social anxiety and already self-censor out of an unhealthy fear of disapprobation. That's why I lurk so much and post so infrequently. Heck, just look at my join date and my post count. And that's while I'm allowed to spew my retardation anonymously. If my online idiocy was indelibly associated with my real name, I'd never be more than a voiceless IP sucking up bandwidth.

If it kept people from saying stupid **** Id be all for it.

Sorry to break it to you, but nothing short of human extinction will ever stop people from saying stupid ****.
My Dad did that - alot - revealed personal details about my family and me ...

My sympathies! It sucks, when family members dont see anything wrong with this. I had a stalker who was in love with me once. He followed me for years. My family liked him and used to let them camp in their garden, and gave him my address when he visited. Luckily, I was doing quite a lot of world travel at the time, so he rarely caught up with me.

When I complained to my parents about their lack of discretion about giving out my personal details, they would laugh. They just saw this guy as a harmless lovesick fool who amused them, but I was pretty tired of him appearing in all kinds of places I was, or sending mail to me when he should not have known where I was. Once, I had my mail delivered to a different place to the one one I lived in. He phoned there, to try to get them to give out the address of where I was living. I dont think he was dangerous or anything like that, but he sure was annoying.

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