I constantly see written on this message board, anyone but Hillary. Well how could Hillary have been any worse than Trump?
1. The GOP might have been investigating her as Trump said, but look at what is happening to Trump
2. We would not have had a huge tax break for the wealthy that has added 1.5 trillion dollars to our deficit.
3. We would not have been in a tariff war that is bringing down our economy which many think is on the brink of another GOP recession.
4. We would not have made enemies out of all of our allies.
5. We might have fixed the problems with the ACA instead of trying to take health care away from 25 million Americans.
6. We would not be the laughing stock of the entire world.
I could go on but when see what is happening to our nation under Trump and the Trump owned GOP, I really can not see how Hillary could have done worse than Trump has done. I do not see Hillary as being the best candidate ever and would have liked to see others be the Dem candidate in 2016, but again, I can not see how she could have done worse than our present president.
I look at this way, Republicans are going to support Trump and be against Hillary. Democrats are against Trump and would be for Hillary. Democrats set out to destroy Trump the day after he was elected. The Republicans would have set out to destroy Hillary the day after if she was elected. I think this goes without saying. Both Trump and Hillary brings out the love/hate relationship. There is no middle ground with these two, at least among the partisans who affiliate with both major parties.
So I toss out Republicans and Democrats, I look at independents. Trump doesn't have very good numbers among independents today. I don't think Hillary would have either. You had 46% of independents vote for Trump, 42% vote for Hillary and 12% vote third party. I've posted the Gallup poll which showed 54% of independents disliked both major party candidates and wanted neither to become their next president. But here it is again as reference.
What we had in 2016 among independents is 42% voting for Hillary against Trump and another 12% of independents voting third party because they were against Trump and Hillary. That's a total of 54% of independents voting against Trump, not wanting him. this shows up today in his 39% favorable rating among independents/52% unfavorable. Question 32A
this also showed up in independents voting for Democratic congressional candidates 54-42 over the republican congressional candidates in the 2018 midterms. Add 42% voting for Hillary 2016 plus 12% voting third party, you have 54%. The exact percentage that voted against Trump in 2016 and again in 2018 congressional wise.
Hillary, 46% voted against her in 2016 by voting for Trump, another 12% voted third party against both Hillary and Trump. That makes 58% of independents against her. I don't have Hillary's favorable/unfavorable rating for today like I do Trump's. But I do have for April 2018 for all adults, not just independents. 27% positive, 52% negative. Question 6 scroll down past Trump.
I don't think independents view of Hillary would be that far off from all adults today. Remember on election day Hillary was viewed by independents 27% favorable/70% unfavorable. Question 10
All of this leads me to believe that Hillary would be just as disliked today by independents as trump is. The Republicans controlled the House and the Senate had she won, there would be investigations galore. E-Mail, Clinton foundation, you name it. Democrats would love her, Republicans hate her and independents mostly against her like they are Trump. Also remember we're talking here about the two lowest ever major party presidential candidates who had favorable ratings of 38% and 36% nationwide. No one like either candidate outside of their avid supporters and had Hillary won, that wouldn't have changed.
regardless of who won in 2016, the majority of Americans would be against whomever. Trump as we see now or Hillary had she won. Independent really disliked both. There is no getting around that.