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How can you explain the American GOP voting against limiting the price of insulin? (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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How can you explain the American GOP voting against limiting the price of insulin?​

It's a bloody disgrace.
Insulin is cheaper all over the world and it's more expensive for one reason only, pure profit.

It's something people need to keep being alive it should be available cheaply.
One of the first things Biden did was to rescind this.

For a reason, sometimes the details are important, because typically everything Trump did was not well thought out

In the Federal Register notice rescinding the rule, HHS noted that the rule would have resulted in “excessive administrative costs and burdens” on health centers. Specifically, the agency took issue with the requirement that health centers would need to create and maintain new practices to determine patients’ eligibility to receive drugs at or below the discounted price paid by the health center, plus a minimal fee. HHS also noted its belief that the implementation of the Rule would have resulted in “reduced resources available to support critical services to health center patients – including those who use insulin and injectable epinephrine.

That's liek the idiocy of demanding drug testing for welfare recipients wehre they found so little tested positive and it cost more to run the test than any potential money going to someone on drugs.

Also, the Bill was intended to fix that, and do the same thing Trump had but without the burden his rule had in place, as well as a bill is more permanent than just an order. So your deflection is stupid, there is no defense of this its just that Republicans are scum
The GOP has a self-destructive death wish?

Their base are scum so they will vote GOP anyway. And they probably think since they have SCOTUS and jammed other hacks on the court, that they will get away with their voter suppression methods. People need to fight through their hurdles. If this country goes back to GOP house and senate, I say **** this country, we deserve to become Afghanistan which is what republican base of terrorists want
The GOP has a self-destructive death wish?
Probably not, I think their dogma is 'haves' vs 'have nots'.

They feel the majority of have nots are democratic voters and want cheaper drugs. Haves can afford the drugs and many resent either paying for poor people's care or losing dividends from big pharma investments.

I think the Rabid Right fears any price controls as 'communists' (never mind most of the free world does negotiate lower prices)... ✌️
Seems incredibly on-brand for them. The more puzzling question is why anyone wants them back in control of the House.
Party A wants to help people, and can be kind of goofy in the process, though they often do get there in the end.

Party B is absolutely against helping people and they flaunt their corruption like it's a badge of honor, they've abandoned democracy, and their sole platform is trolling the libs.

As far as the American voter is concerned, this is a confusing choice.
For a reason, sometimes the details are important, because typically everything Trump did was not well thought out

That's liek the idiocy of demanding drug testing for welfare recipients wehre they found so little tested positive and it cost more to run the test than any potential money going to someone on drugs.

Also, the Bill was intended to fix that, and do the same thing Trump had but without the burden his rule had in place, as well as a bill is more permanent than just an order. So your deflection is stupid, there is no defense of this its just that Republicans are scum
Why doesn't Biden fix it with an EO if he can't get the GOP to go along with it?
Party A wants to help people, and can be kind of goofy in the process, though they often do get there in the end.

Party B is absolutely against helping people and they flaunt their corruption like it's a badge of honor, they've abandoned democracy, and their sole platform is trolling the libs.

As far as the American voter is concerned, this is a confusing choice.

Sounds like both sides are the same. /s

How can you explain the American GOP voting against limiting the price of insulin?​

They generally believe in a free market economy.

How can you explain all the ultra-wealthy Democrats who want to reduce the price of insulin not putting their money where their mouths are and investing their money in insulin production and then selling it at reduced prices?
If you can't afford life saving medicine that's just the free market at work. If they don't want to work harder to not die, then they better get along with it and die to not be a drain on society. Huh? What do you mean I sound like a sociopath?

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