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How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Security (1 Viewer)


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Jan 29, 2015
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How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Security

How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Security​

Students at American University reacted unfavorably to calls for increased border security to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, expressing shock that prominent Democrats have agreed with the idea in the past.... Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips visited the university's Washington, D.C. campus amid the ongoing border funding battle and partial government shutdown.... He presented students with several quotes that sounded a lot like President Trump's speeches, but actually came from then-Senator Barack Obama, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Hillary Clinton -- including:
“Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.” - Schumer, 2009
“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked” - Obama, 2005
“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” - Clinton, 2015​
Students described the quotes as “dehumanizing,” “problematic” and “jingoist," with one student dubbing it "hateful speech" and another claiming the comments contained "racial biases."... The were in for a surprise, however, when Phillips informed that prominent Democrats actually made the remarks.

People both young and old get all their news from their smart phones and computers. The fact that these college students were clueless about this indicates just how thorough a job of censorship is being done by MSN, Google, Facebook and others in Silicon Valley This is becoming critical it is we should do something about it.
Politicians of the Progressive Left have only supported increased border security as part of a huge amnesty give-away “comprehensive package.” They NEVER really supported border security in and of itself, and were always dead set against “border security first,” which was really a GOP reaction to leftist dithering on the matter.
Just think: It was Obama who starved the Border Patrol of resources and who put in all sorts of rules basically telling them to let people in. Sure, he had a lot of “deportations,” but that was a statistical at the border game to make his numbers look good. Remember, he didn’t do squat when the trains of aliens rolled north through Mexico. There is a claim that 693 miles of border wall were built during the Obama administration. That is a lie/falsehood/misstatement of fact. Most of the wall was already there constructed by previous administrations before Bush 43 and Obama. Actually under the Obama administration less than one tenth of that was constructed as new border wall. Whatever happened to the $56 billion alloted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006?
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Stop conflating "border security" with "two thousand mile wall"
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

All it does is show how uninformed and frankly why appeal to emotion arguments are failures of the current age of youth.

ol wait it was liberals that said that.

now their brains doesn't work and we have nothing but stupid
that comes out.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Security​

Students at American University reacted unfavorably to calls for increased border security to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, expressing shock that prominent Democrats have agreed with the idea in the past.... Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips visited the university's Washington, D.C. campus amid the ongoing border funding battle and partial government shutdown.... He presented students with several quotes that sounded a lot like President Trump's speeches, but actually came from then-Senator Barack Obama, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Hillary Clinton -- including:
“Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.” - Schumer, 2009
“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked” - Obama, 2005
“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” - Clinton, 2015​
Students described the quotes as “dehumanizing,” “problematic” and “jingoist," with one student dubbing it "hateful speech" and another claiming the comments contained "racial biases."... The were in for a surprise, however, when Phillips informed that prominent Democrats actually made the remarks.

People both young and old get all their news from their smart phones and computers. The fact that these college students were clueless about this indicates just how thorough a job of censorship is being done by MSN, Google, Facebook and others in Silicon Valley This is becoming critical it is we should do something about it.
Politicians of the Progressive Left have only supported increased border security as part of a huge amnesty give-away “comprehensive package.” They NEVER really supported border security in and of itself, and were always dead set against “border security first,” which was really a GOP reaction to leftist dithering on the matter.
Just think: It was Obama who starved the Border Patrol of resources and who put in all sorts of rules basically telling them to let people in. Sure, he had a lot of “deportations,” but that was a statistical at the border game to make his numbers look good. Remember, he didn’t do squat when the trains of aliens rolled north through Mexico. There is a claim that 693 miles of border wall were built during the Obama administration. That is a lie/falsehood/misstatement of fact. Most of the wall was already there constructed by previous administrations before Bush 43 and Obama. Actually under the Obama administration less than one tenth of that was constructed as new border wall. Whatever happened to the $56 billion alloted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006?

This is why those kids will graduate with a mountain of debt and work for McDonalds scrubbing out french fryers.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

All it does is show how uninformed and frankly why appeal to emotion arguments are failures of the current age of youth.

ol wait it was liberals that said that.

now their brains doesn't work and we have nothing but stupid
that comes out.

The entire right wing drama over the border "crisis" is emotional garbage.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Security

College students are just that, students. That anything shocks them is no surprise. Among the points of being a college student is to obtain a deep and broad enough understanding of the world in which they live so that few if anything flabbergasts them.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

The entire right wing drama over the border "crisis" is emotional garbage.

Last time i checked we are a nation with borders.
We have people that ignore those borders and come into this country illegally.

they cost tax payers billions of dollars a year.

The fact of the matter is that you once again failed to address the topic of how uninformed
these people are.

They have 0 clue and manufacture moral outrage until it is pointed out that ol yea a liberal said it.
now that a liberal said it. they go stupid dumb and can't talk.

they can't apply their same moral outrage at other people. it is called uninformed and low logic and thinking capability.
it is why we are entering a new dark age.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Republicans know they lost the argument on the wall, so now they're trying to pretend it's always been about simple "border security."

They're gas lighting the country in exactly the same way as when they pretended that Trump didn't spend a straight year telling us that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Republicans are lying about every square inch of this issue, including that past Presidents supported or argued for a wall, that terrorists are flooding across the US/Mexico border, or that immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime.

They're all starting to abandon calling the border security issue a "crisis," and have almost completely given up trying to lay blame for the shutdown on Democrats.

Aside from the ACA, I can't think of a single national debate that Republicans lost so perfectly.
Last edited:
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Stop conflating "border security" with "two thousand mile wall"

“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” - Clinton, 2015

You should read more than just the title.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Stop conflating "border security" with "two thousand mile wall"

Please indicate where in my post there is a reference to a 2000 mile wall.....
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Republicans know they lost the argument on the wall, so now they're trying to pretend it's always been about simple "border security."

They're gas lighting the country in exactly the same way as when they pretended that Trump didn't spend a straight year telling us that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Republicans are lying about every square inch of this issue, including that past Presidents supported or argued for a wall, that terrorists are flooding across the US/Mexico border, or that immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime.

They're all starting to abandon calling the border security issue a "crisis," and have almost completely given up trying to lay blame for the shutdown on Democrats.

Aside from the ACA, I can't think of a single national debate that Republicans lost so perfectly.

Guess you and I are seeing different things. :shrug:
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

All it does is show how uninformed and frankly why appeal to emotion arguments are failures of the current age of youth.

ol wait it was liberals that said that.

now their brains doesn't work and we have nothing but stupid
that comes out.

Oh baloney. The evangelical, hysterical, rabid right wingers do the same odious bull****. "ALL COLLEGES ARE LIBERAL DUMPS!" Yet only colleges in the NE and West have any sort of safe space issues.

Blaming the youth is idiotic. The problem is the current flock of college kid's PARENTS.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Guess you and I are seeing different things. :shrug:

If they knew that the wall was a winning argument, they would be calling it a "wall" and not "border security." The Republican narrative is flailing about and they're grabbing for anything they can hold on to in order to maintain their position.

In a couple weeks they'll deny they every asked for a wall in exactly the same way they're pretending Trump never told us for a straight year that Mexico would pay for it.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Republicans know they lost the argument on the wall, so now they're trying to pretend it's always been about simple "border security."

They're gas lighting the country in exactly the same way as when they pretended that Trump didn't spend a straight year telling us that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Republicans are lying about every square inch of this issue, including that past Presidents supported or argued for a wall, that terrorists are flooding across the US/Mexico border, or that immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime.

They're all starting to abandon calling the border security issue a "crisis," and have almost completely given up trying to lay blame for the shutdown on Democrats.

Aside from the ACA, I can't think of a single national debate that Republicans lost so perfectly.

So when can we expect the Democrats plan for "border security".
Way to much talk going on with nothing happening. Elvis song comes to mind, "A little less conversation, a little more action, please" .

A wall, a fence, sensors, border security. I don't care what word - semantics someone wants to use. Politicians should address the issue of illegal aliens.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

If they knew that the wall was a winning argument, they would be calling it a "wall" and not "border security." The Republican narrative is flailing about and they're grabbing for anything they can hold on to in order to maintain their position.

I've heard them talking about both. Sometimes together, sometimes separately. This has been consistent.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Republicans know they lost the argument on the wall, so now they're trying to pretend it's always been about simple "border security."

They're gas lighting the country in exactly the same way as when they pretended that Trump didn't spend a straight year telling us that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Republicans are lying about every square inch of this issue, including that past Presidents supported or argued for a wall, that terrorists are flooding across the US/Mexico border, or that immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime.

They're all starting to abandon calling the border security issue a "crisis," and have almost completely given up trying to lay blame for the shutdown on Democrats.

Aside from the ACA, I can't think of a single national debate that Republicans lost so perfectly.

Speaking of gas lighting. Every President since at least Clinton supported a barrier. Democrats signed off on the barrier in 2006 and even the same 700 mile extension of the barrier were talking about now in 2013. They can’t even formulate a consistent argument for why they suddenly oppose it. Is there no crisis because there’s been a drastic reduction in illegal immigration at the southern border since the existing barrier was constructed or should we not complete the extension they asked for 5 years ago because barriers are ineffective?
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

So when can we expect the Democrats plan for "border security".
Way to much talk going on with nothing happening. Elvis song comes to mind, "A little less conversation, a little more action, please" .

A wall, a fence, sensors, border security. I don't care what word - semantics someone wants to use. Politicians should address the issue of illegal aliens.

Republicans have been so horribly dishonest about this issue that as a result they get nothing at all. If you want a wall so badly, you can buy this and build it yourself:

Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

So when can we expect the Democrats plan for "border security".
Way to much talk going on with nothing happening.
Elvis song comes to mind, "A little less conversation, a little more action, please" .

A wall, a fence, sensors, border security. I don't care what word - semantics someone wants to use. Politicians should address the issue of illegal aliens.

This took all of about 5 seconds to find on Google:

Included in the House bill is:

• More than $1.3 billion for new fencing in the Rio Grande Valley and funding to replace secondary fencing in San Diego and other existing pedestrian fencing.

• $366.5 million for border security technology.

• $7.7 million to hire 328 additional U.S. Customs and Border Protection customs officers.

• $224.6 million for "non-intrusive Inspection equipment" at ports of entry.

• $7.08 billion for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

So either your posting is lazy or you don't know how to use the internet, which one?

Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Speaking of gas lighting. Every President since at least Clinton supported a barrier. Democrats signed off on the barrier in 2006 and even the same 700 mile extension of the barrier were talking about now in 2013. They can’t even formulate a consistent argument for why they suddenly oppose it. Is there no crisis because there’s been a drastic reduction in illegal immigration since the existing barrier was constructed or is there a crisis because barriers are ineffective?

Was it a wall they asked for? Did they claim a foreign country would pay for it? Did they claim immigrants were bringing thousands of terrorists with them? Did they call immigrants diseased and rapists in order to scare us?
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Oh baloney. The evangelical, hysterical, rabid right wingers do the same odious bull****. "ALL COLLEGES ARE LIBERAL DUMPS!" Yet only colleges in the NE and West have any sort of safe space issues.

Blaming the youth is idiotic. The problem is the current flock of college kid's PARENTS.

You don't say....

Melissa Click, an assistant professor of communications, was captured on video on Nov. 9 trying, with dozens of others allied with the protesters, to prevent photographers from approaching the protesters’ encampment on the flagship campus in Columbia. When a young man making a video recording identified himself as a journalist, she told him to leave, grabbed at his camera and called out, “Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”

Which coast is Missouri on, East or West?
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

I've heard them talking about both. Sometimes together, sometimes separately. This has been consistent.

Would you say that claiming Mexico would pay for it and then demanding that the US tax payer pay for it is "consistent" or "inconsistent?"
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Republicans have been so horribly dishonest about this issue that as a result they get nothing at all. If you want a wall so badly, you can buy this and build it yourself:

View attachment 67247710

If that's all you got as a rebuttal then maybe you should consider a break until a more mature idea forms.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Was it a wall they asked for?

Yes, the entire Democratic caucus in the Senate voted to pass a bill introduced by Schumer in 2013 that would extend the barrier by 700 miles.

Did they claim a foreign country would pay for it? Did they claim immigrants were bringing thousands of terrorists with them? Did they call immigrants diseased and rapists in order to scare us?

The Democrats supported this barrier since it started in 1994. It seems there’s some selective amnesia about that fact. What does it matter why Trump wants it? The Democrats had their own reasons for supporting it for over 20 years until they suddenly and inexplicably changed their minds.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

If that's all you got as a rebuttal then maybe you should consider a break until a more mature idea forms.

If you think that pointing out Republicans' blatant dishonesty at every step of the way is "immature", then I can take that.
Re: How About That?: College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Securit

Yes, the entire Democratic caucus in the Senate voted to pass a bill introduced by Schumer in 2013 that would extend the barrier by 700 miles.

Was it a "barrier" or was it a "wall"? Also, why did they agree to vote for it, and why was it put in the bill?

The Democrats supported this barrier since it started in 1994. It seems there’s some selective amnesia about that fact. What does it matter why Trump wants it?

Did they claim a foreign country would pay for it? Did they claim immigrants were bringing thousands of terrorists with them? Did they call immigrants diseased and rapists in order to scare us?

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