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Homosexuality, Heterosexuality and the Choices in Between (1 Viewer)

The word literally means 'man bed'. Some people think it has to do with what was the tradition in the society at the time of older men having a younger boy as a partner for pleasure. They had their wives for children, and a young male lover for pleasure. (I don't know how wide spread that was done)

From what I've come to understand it was referring to Men Who had sex with temple prostitutes it was a practice of sex worship. I know what the word translates to, but it's the context of the culture that gives it meaning.

Like if someone were to say cool they don't necessarily mean low in temperature.
One of the most inaccurate translations there is...but go ahead and stick to it...

It's almost as bad as the New World Translation.. but not quite.
It's almost as bad as the New World Translation.. but not quite.

Of course you would say so...the one who doesn't even accept the Greek Scriptures in the first place...heck, you don't even agree with the Hebrew Scriptures, so your opinion means nil to none...oh ye of no faith...
Of course you would say so...the one who doesn't even accept the Greek Scriptures in the first place...heck, you don't even agree with the Hebrew Scriptures, so your opinion means nil to none...oh ye of no faith...

The fact I don't accept the New Testament from being from God does not mean I can't make an evaluation of how accurate a translation is from the Greek. As for my 'agree with the Hebrew scriptures', well I certainly don't accept your interpretation of them.
The fact I don't accept the New Testament from being from God does not mean I can't make an evaluation of how accurate a translation is from the Greek. As for my 'agree with the Hebrew scriptures', well I certainly don't accept your interpretation of them.

Bless your heart...
I understand what you are saying. And, I know that I could not get into guys, even when I tried. But, we all know that people will make do with any port in a storm, when need be. Prison sex would be the prime example most people understand.

Like I said, I've known dozens of supposedly straight women play Bi for X period of time. Most end up living straight for most of their lives. Some, when honest, will say they where mostly experimenting or doing it for kicks. A few are probably actually Bi. So, my take from that is that "orientation" may be far more fluid than we think.

Indications are that women are much more fluid than men when it comes to sexuality. That goes for straight men, and that goes for gay men.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_fluidity#Males_versus_females

Research generally indicates that female sexuality is more fluid than male sexuality.[33] In a seminal review of the sexual orientation literature, stimulated by the findings that the 1970s sexual revolution affected female sexuality more so than male sexuality, research by Baumeister et al. indicated that when compared to males, females have lower concordance between sexual attitudes and behaviors, and sociocultural factors affect female sexuality to a greater degree; it also found that personal change in sexuality is more common for females compared to males.[34] Female sexuality (lesbian and heterosexual) changes significantly more than males on both dimensional and categorical measures of sexual orientation.[30] Furthermore, the majority of homosexual women who previously identified as a different sexual orientation identified as heterosexual; whereas for males, the majority previously identified as bisexual, which the authors believe support the idea of greater fluidity in female sexuality.[30] Females also report having identified with more than one sexual orientation, more often than males and are found to have higher levels of sexual orientation mobility. Females also report being bisexual or unsure of their sexuality more often than males, who more commonly report being exclusively gay or heterosexual.[35] Over a six-year period, women have also been found to display more shifts in sexual orientation identity and were more likely to define their sexual orientation with non-exclusive terms.[12]
Pulse survivor says he is no longer gay, has found Christ

A survivor of the 2016 mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando is expected to participate in an event on Saturday for "former homosexuals."

“I should have been number 50!,” Luis Javier Ruiz said in a message posted to Facebook. “Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse, I remember my struggles of perversion, heavy drinking to drown out everything and having promiscuous sex that led to HIV. My struggles were real! The enemy had its grip, and now God has taken me from that moment and has given me Christ.”


Praise the Lord!
Yeah, LM...it happens through the power of God's Word...

“They Treated Me With Dignity.”​—GUADALUPE VILLARREAL




MY PAST: I was one of seven children, brought up in Hermosillo, in Sonora, Mexico, an area afflicted with much poverty. My father died when I was a little boy, so my mother had to work to support us. I usually went barefoot because we had no money to buy shoes. While still young, I started working to help with the family’s expenses. Like many families, we lived crowded together.

For most of the day, my mother was not around to protect us children. When I was 6 years old, I fell victim to a 15-year-old who began to abuse me sexually. This abuse continued for a long time. One result was that I became very confused sexually. I thought it was normal to feel attracted to men. When I sought the help of doctors or clergymen, they assured me that I had no problem and that my feelings were normal.

When I was 14, I made the decision to present myself to the world as a homosexual. I stayed that way for the next 11 years, even living with several different men during that time. Eventually, I took a course to become a hair stylist and ran a beauty shop. However, I was unhappy. I led a life of suffering and betrayal. I sensed that what I was doing was not right. I started to ask myself, ‘Are there any good and worthwhile people?’

I thought of my sister. She began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and eventually got baptized. She would tell me what she was learning, but I paid no attention. Still, I admired her for her life and her marriage. I could see that she and her husband really loved and respected each other. They treated each other with kindness. In time, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses began to study the Bible with me. At first, I just went along with it​—without enthusiasm. Then things changed.

HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: The Witnesses invited me to one of their meetings, and I went. It was a new experience for me. People in general made fun of me but not the Witnesses. They greeted me kindly, and they treated me with dignity. I was moved.

My good impression of the Witnesses deepened when I attended an assembly. I saw that even in large groups, these people were like my sister​—genuine and sincere. I asked myself if this might be the group of good and worthwhile people whom I had long been seeking. Their love and unity amazed me, as did their use of the Bible to answer every question. I realized that it was the Bible that was the force for good in their lives. And I saw, too, that I would have to make many changes to become one of them.

In fact, I had to undergo a complete metamorphosis, for I was living a feminine life. My speech, mannerisms, clothing, hairstyle, and choice of friends all needed changing. My former friends began to mock me, saying: “Why are you doing this? You were fine as you were. Don’t study the Bible. You have everything.” The most difficult things to change, though, were the practices of my immoral lifestyle.

Still, I knew that great changes were possible, for the Bible’s words at 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 had reached my heart: “What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men . . . will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean.” Jehovah helped people back then to make changes, and he helped me too. It took several years and a good deal of struggling, but the guidance and love of the Witnesses helped me a great deal.

HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: Today, I lead a normal life. I am married, and my wife and I are teaching our son to live by Bible principles. My former life is far behind me now, and I enjoy many spiritual benefits and privileges. I serve as an elder in the congregation, and I have been able to help others to learn the truth of God’s Word. The changes I made in my life made my mother so happy that she accepted a Bible study and has since become a baptized Christian. A sister of mine who led an immoral life also became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Even some of the people who knew me in my former life now recognize that I have changed for the better. And I know what has been behind those changes. In the past I sought professional help but received only bad advice. However, Jehovah truly helped me. Although I felt unworthy, he noticed me and treated me with love and patience. The fact that such a wonderful, intelligent, loving God would take notice of me and want me to have a better life made all the difference.

All people or some?
Probably most, especially when in the wheelhouse years of their prime regarding sexual activity, if they are truly honest.

Maybe for bisexual people.
My hypothesis is most of us are/can be Bi, when the need arises.
Orientation is different from action. The common misconception is that if you are attracted to women only sexually, regardless of your own gender, then you must be repulsed by the idea of sex with men.

To make an example, I don't like peas, but I will eat them if served, if only out of politeness for the cook. Brussel sprouts on the other hand repluse me, and I will refuse to eat them short of preventing harm to myself.

Likewise a person can be indifferent towards sex with the gender they are not attracted to. They might do so for money, or to please a mate/SO. It doesn't mean that they are fluid in their orientation or actually bi.

That said, I am not going to claim that it I 100% immutable. I know someone who has never, consiously at least, thought about sex with his own gender. But having recently encountered a MtF pre-op, whom no one has yet known she's trans until she tells them, he is now wondering if he is changing. But now that does bring up another question. What is one's orientation based upon. Is it what is between the legs? You couldn't do a MtF with a penis, but one with a vagina is alright?(for the sake of the question we'll set aside real vs fake vagina as that is a whole thread in and of itself) In other words the gender is more important than the sex. Or is it original body? The sex being more important than the gender? Maybe it differs between people and their orientation isn't changing as much as a unforseen aspect of it is becoming clear.

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I follow what you are saying. And, I kind of agree. In fact, indifferent but willing to go along with it (for whatever reason) perfectly describes the situation.
Probably most, especially when in the wheelhouse years of their prime regarding sexual activity, if they are truly honest.
I disagree though I will admit bisexuality is probably a little more common place then we currently think it is I don't think it's common meaning bisexuals are in the minority.

My hypothesis is most of us are/can be Bi, when the need arises.
I'm not so sure about that. Like I said above it is probably more common than we think it is but I still believe it is a vast minority.
Yeah, LM...it happens through the power of God's Word...

“They Treated Me With Dignity.”​—GUADALUPE VILLARREAL




MY PAST: I was one of seven children, brought up in Hermosillo, in Sonora, Mexico, an area afflicted with much poverty. My father died when I was a little boy, so my mother had to work to support us. I usually went barefoot because we had no money to buy shoes. While still young, I started working to help with the family’s expenses. Like many families, we lived crowded together.

For most of the day, my mother was not around to protect us children. When I was 6 years old, I fell victim to a 15-year-old who began to abuse me sexually. This abuse continued for a long time. One result was that I became very confused sexually. I thought it was normal to feel attracted to men. When I sought the help of doctors or clergymen, they assured me that I had no problem and that my feelings were normal.

When I was 14, I made the decision to present myself to the world as a homosexual. I stayed that way for the next 11 years, even living with several different men during that time. Eventually, I took a course to become a hair stylist and ran a beauty shop. However, I was unhappy. I led a life of suffering and betrayal. I sensed that what I was doing was not right. I started to ask myself, ‘Are there any good and worthwhile people?’

I thought of my sister. She began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and eventually got baptized. She would tell me what she was learning, but I paid no attention. Still, I admired her for her life and her marriage. I could see that she and her husband really loved and respected each other. They treated each other with kindness. In time, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses began to study the Bible with me. At first, I just went along with it​—without enthusiasm. Then things changed.

HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: The Witnesses invited me to one of their meetings, and I went. It was a new experience for me. People in general made fun of me but not the Witnesses. They greeted me kindly, and they treated me with dignity. I was moved.

My good impression of the Witnesses deepened when I attended an assembly. I saw that even in large groups, these people were like my sister​—genuine and sincere. I asked myself if this might be the group of good and worthwhile people whom I had long been seeking. Their love and unity amazed me, as did their use of the Bible to answer every question. I realized that it was the Bible that was the force for good in their lives. And I saw, too, that I would have to make many changes to become one of them.

In fact, I had to undergo a complete metamorphosis, for I was living a feminine life. My speech, mannerisms, clothing, hairstyle, and choice of friends all needed changing. My former friends began to mock me, saying: “Why are you doing this? You were fine as you were. Don’t study the Bible. You have everything.” The most difficult things to change, though, were the practices of my immoral lifestyle.

Still, I knew that great changes were possible, for the Bible’s words at 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 had reached my heart: “What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men . . . will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean.” Jehovah helped people back then to make changes, and he helped me too. It took several years and a good deal of struggling, but the guidance and love of the Witnesses helped me a great deal.

HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: Today, I lead a normal life. I am married, and my wife and I are teaching our son to live by Bible principles. My former life is far behind me now, and I enjoy many spiritual benefits and privileges. I serve as an elder in the congregation, and I have been able to help others to learn the truth of God’s Word. The changes I made in my life made my mother so happy that she accepted a Bible study and has since become a baptized Christian. A sister of mine who led an immoral life also became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Even some of the people who knew me in my former life now recognize that I have changed for the better. And I know what has been behind those changes. In the past I

I wish him the best with that. I would advise him make damn sure you're straight before marrying a woman.

I personally think it's far more sinful to trick a woman into marrying you if you're a homosexual man.

But I have absolutely no contempt or malice for "ex-gay" people.

P.S. Sorry Elvira I had to delete some of your post to be under the character limit
Well here we are devolving into just name calling.

Look just because your beliefs make sense to you doesn't mean other people have to share them. In syncing to this level of immaturity isn't really that interesting.

What do you want me to say that I haven't already said? I cannot help it if you claim to be a Christian and yet support sin. That is your choice, not mine. I can try to persuade you, but if you won't listen, all I can do is call it like it is and pray for you
I believe Genesis is literal history,I don't interpret the 7 days as 24hr days.

Why would it say a day if it meant millions of years? God very clearly provided the passage of time in years everywhere else in the Bible. What is it that makes Genesis 1 so different?
Why would it say a day if it meant millions of years? God very clearly provided the passage of time in years everywhere else in the Bible. What is it that makes Genesis 1 so different?

God gave us a brain,to use!
If you go against all science and historical fact,to believe the 6000 year assumption.Good luck!
Oh and the way we tell time wasn't possible till the third day!
God gave us a brain,to use!
If you go against all science and historical fact,to believe the 6000 year assumption.Good luck!
Oh and the way we tell time wasn't possible till the third day!


Also the Earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around.

Who would thought?

Also the Earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around.

Who would thought?

Who said it did? Medieval philosophers and astrologers, that's who...
Who said it did? Medieval philosophers and astrologers, that's who...

No, actually, the heliocentric model of the solar system was first developed by Copernicus in 1583, which is renaissance. And, he was an astronomer, not an astrologer. Do try to stop giving misinformation.
What do you want me to say that I haven't already said? I cannot help it if you claim to be a Christian and yet support sin. That is your choice, not mine. I can try to persuade you, but if you won't listen, all I can do is call it like it is and pray for you
If you can call it how you see it I can call you blind or a demigod because that's how I see it.

Homosexuality is not a sin and misinterpreting the Bible does not make it a sin.

We can agree to disagree and go our separate ways or you can continue to be pig-headed. Just know this I bore of it quickly.
Why would it say a day if it meant millions of years? God very clearly provided the passage of time in years everywhere else in the Bible. What is it that makes Genesis 1 so different?

Because if it's a day it's been proven wrong.
Why would it say a day if it meant millions of years? God very clearly provided the passage of time in years everywhere else in the Bible. What is it that makes Genesis 1 so different?

Let's start with the measure of our day, the sun, having not been created till the third day. Di you think that the time scale was changed once that happened?
God gave us a brain,to use!
If you go against all science and historical fact,to believe the 6000 year assumption.Good luck!
Oh and the way we tell time wasn't possible till the third day!

The Hebrew word yom in the original transcription of the book translates strictly into a 24-hour day. I just used my brain.

Also, cite for me historical or scientific fact that the world is more than 6000-7000 years old
If you can call it how you see it I can call you blind or a demigod because that's how I see it.

Homosexuality is not a sin and misinterpreting the Bible does not make it a sin.

We can agree to disagree and go our separate ways or you can continue to be pig-headed. Just know this I bore of it quickly.

Fine. This was interesting. Know I'll be praying for you.

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