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Homosexuality, Heterosexuality and the Choices in Between (1 Viewer)

Common sense isn't. Neither is friendly fire. Common sense is only as common as the people you grew up with. Which is why it is common sense to use honorifics in Japan, but not in other countries. What we typically call common sense is learned behavior. We might have learned it so young it seems everyone should know it, but that is simple false.

Actually, we typically don't because of the Westermark Effect. Close kin who never grew up together don't experience the "incest aversion". Non blood related individuals who grew up in the same house do experience the aversion. Additionally, first generation (defined as no common incest incident within 5 generations) the risk is about the same as a non incestuous breeding with an older woman, somewhere past the 40 to 45 year point. There have even been a few offspring that have resulted from siblings separated at birth or when young, later meet not knowing they are siblings, fall in love, marry and have children, and those children have been healthy.

Yes! Yes it is.

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Nice post.

My point about incest is people figured out that breeding too close was a bad idea long ago.
The Sodam and Gomorrah was about gang rape not a homosexual relationship.

From the Time.com article I posted earlier:

Read more:

Yeah, Time was there...lol...no thanks...I'll stick to what the Bible says...Gen. 19:4,5; Lev 20:13; Rom. 1:26, 27...
Yeah, Time was there...lol...no thanks...I'll stick to what the Bible says...Gen. 19:4,5; Lev 20:13; Rom. 1:26, 27...

You are sticking with the evangelist Bible which is a political translation teaching intolence. I will stick with the King James Bible and the translation that is hundreds of years old , teaching love, forgiveness, and not to judge others.
Nice post.

My point about incest is people figured out that breeding too close was a bad idea long ago.

Actually it is repeated inbreeding over generations. It is actually a breeding technique to take a related pair that both have the same trait you want to breed true and mate them, as long as you only do so once in every 5 generations or more. A single first generation event hold a risk about on par with an older woman trying to bear children.
The Sodam and Gomorrah scripture was about gang rape not a loving homosexual relationship.

From the Time.com article I posted earlier:

Read more:

10 Reasons God Loves Gay Christians | Time
When we look at Sodom and Gomorrah the sin was being inhospitable to strangers and yes that probably means raping them but we can't extrapolate that meaning based on what we know.

Anywhere in the Bible where they have jammed the word homosexual in one of three words from original text that they repeated. The first is sodomite and a sodomite was someone who has inhospitable to strangers. The second is actually a term Paul made up and it's Greek which is arsenokoiti I'm not well-versed in my keone greek, so I don't know if that spelling is accurate. But what that word means is people that practice sex worship of what is considered Heathen gods if we look at it within the context of the word being used. And then we have the term malakos. Which has a different meaning based on really who you ask what it translates to is soft but colloquialisms really kind of change the meaning of that word like our usage of the word cool it doesn't necessarily mean low in temperature.

But then again you posted a good source
Yeah, Time was there...lol...no thanks...I'll stick to what the Bible says...Gen. 19:4,5; Lev 20:13; Rom. 1:26, 27...

The Bible wasn't written in English so that's not what the Bible says.

Basically I'm going to explain this to you you don't know the first thing about what you speak of you don't care to know all you care to do is try and force everyone to agree with your beliefs.

This is what people on the outside of it call Talkin at me rather than to me.

If all you want to do is prove how right you are then you probably shouldn't be here discussing this. If your concern about me is not agreeing with you or your interpretation of the Bible or what you think the Bible says then you're not interested in having a discussion.

So do we have an understanding?
No one is going to agree with you. The harm caused by the gay person is the deception that facilitated the relationship in the first place. Coming out is not harm. Cheaters, on the other hand, maintain their deception and then delude themselves into saying that they're no worse than a gay person.

The post you responded to was not talking about "cheeters." Read it again.
The Bible wasn't written in English so that's not what the Bible says.

Basically I'm going to explain this to you you don't know the first thing about what you speak of you don't care to know all you care to do is try and force everyone to agree with your beliefs.

This is what people on the outside of it call Talkin at me rather than to me.

If all you want to do is prove how right you are then you probably shouldn't be here discussing this. If your concern about me is not agreeing with you or your interpretation of the Bible or what you think the Bible says then you're not interested in having a discussion.

So do we have an understanding?

My understanding is that you asked me to drop it...true or not? I was not talking to you...FYI...you are doing exactly what you're accusing me of...just sayin'...
You are sticking with the evangelist Bible which is a political translation teaching intolence. I will stick with the King James Bible and the translation that is hundreds of years old , teaching love, forgiveness, and not to judge others.

One of the most inaccurate translations there is...but go ahead and stick to it...
My understanding is that you asked me to drop it...true or not? I was not talking to you...FYI...you are doing exactly what you're accusing me of...just sayin'...

Drop the holier them thou attitude.

Giving you a douse of your own medicine might help you gain some perspective.

If you don't like it done to you don't do it to others.

If you had not initiated it you and i wouldn't be talking about it i simply defended myself. You attacked.
One of the most inaccurate translations there is...but go ahead and stick to it...

I will follow my Mainline Christian religion that teaches tolerance , love , forgiveness , and welcomes all Christians of any nationality, or any sexual orientation as a member of our church and of our Christian community.
Drop the holier them thou attitude.

Giving you a douse of your own medicine might help you gain some perspective.

If you don't like it done to you don't do it to others.

If you had not initiated it you and i wouldn't be talking about it i simply defended myself. You attacked.

As I said, I was not talking to you, so no further response from you is needed...
As I said, I was not talking to you, so no further response from you is needed...

You have been talking to me. I don't care if you want me to respond or not.

The point is of you d don't like what I said in response to you attacking my beliefs, don't do it to others.

If you wish to talk about religion, that's fine. If you can't refrain from being am obnoxious virtue signalling snowflake about it, go post on JW forums.
Actually it is repeated inbreeding over generations. It is actually a breeding technique to take a related pair that both have the same trait you want to breed true and mate them, as long as you only do so once in every 5 generations or more. A single first generation event hold a risk about on par with an older woman trying to bear children.


But our ancestors did not know that on the savannah.

They only saw that that family that didn't mate outside of itself just wasn't quite right. And got worse over time.

I once worked for a Cattery whose owner was working on the Scottish Fold mutation.

Lots and lots of culls at birth. It they were doing father /daughter, mother/son. A lot.
I don't care what the gays do anymore.Ever since I tried to break up two male dogs screwing and nearly got chewed up I said the hell with it.
The interpretation of Genesis as anything other than literal history is absolutely ludicrous, no matter if you are Jewish or Christian! How else can the book possibly be interpreted?

I believe Genesis is literal history,I don't interpret the 7 days as 24hr days.
It wasn't about coming out either. It was about lying to a spouse.

Metro is right. If you are homosexual and don't lie about it that hurts nobody.

I've encountered enough women over the years who can go Bi at the drop of a hat, that I no longer think there is a such thing as "orientation." There are only preferences. And, we should all be allowed to act on them.
I've encountered enough women over the years who can go Bi at the drop of a hat, that I no longer think there is a such thing as "orientation." There are only preferences. And, we should all be allowed to act on them.

Well tell that to the gay guy that spent years trying to be straight
Well tell that to the gay guy that spent years trying to be straight

I understand what you are saying. And, I know that I could not get into guys, even when I tried. But, we all know that people will make do with any port in a storm, when need be. Prison sex would be the prime example most people understand.

Like I said, I've known dozens of supposedly straight women play Bi for X period of time. Most end up living straight for most of their lives. Some, when honest, will say they where mostly experimenting or doing it for kicks. A few are probably actually Bi. So, my take from that is that "orientation" may be far more fluid than we think.
When we look at Sodom and Gomorrah the sin was being inhospitable to strangers and yes that probably means raping them but we can't extrapolate that meaning based on what we know.

Anywhere in the Bible where they have jammed the word homosexual in one of three words from original text that they repeated. The first is sodomite and a sodomite was someone who has inhospitable to strangers. The second is actually a term Paul made up and it's Greek which is arsenokoiti I'm not well-versed in my keone greek, so I don't know if that spelling is accurate. But what that word means is people that practice sex worship of what is considered Heathen gods if we look at it within the context of the word being used. And then we have the term malakos. Which has a different meaning based on really who you ask what it translates to is soft but colloquialisms really kind of change the meaning of that word like our usage of the word cool it doesn't necessarily mean low in temperature.

But then again you posted a good source

The word literally means 'man bed'. Some people think it has to do with what was the tradition in the society at the time of older men having a younger boy as a partner for pleasure. They had their wives for children, and a young male lover for pleasure. (I don't know how wide spread that was done)
I understand what you are saying. And, I know that I could not get into guys, even when I tried. But, we all know that people will make do with any port in a storm, when need be. Prison sex would be the prime example most people understand.

Like I said, I've known dozens of supposedly straight women play Bi for X period of time. Most end up living straight for most of their lives. Some, when honest, will say they where mostly experimenting or doing it for kicks. A few are probably actually Bi. So, my take from that is that "orientation" may be far more fluid than we think.

Orientation is different from action. The common misconception is that if you are attracted to women only sexually, regardless of your own gender, then you must be repulsed by the idea of sex with men.

To make an example, I don't like peas, but I will eat them if served, if only out of politeness for the cook. Brussel sprouts on the other hand repluse me, and I will refuse to eat them short of preventing harm to myself.

Likewise a person can be indifferent towards sex with the gender they are not attracted to. They might do so for money, or to please a mate/SO. It doesn't mean that they are fluid in their orientation or actually bi.

That said, I am not going to claim that it I 100% immutable. I know someone who has never, consiously at least, thought about sex with his own gender. But having recently encountered a MtF pre-op, whom no one has yet known she's trans until she tells them, he is now wondering if he is changing. But now that does bring up another question. What is one's orientation based upon. Is it what is between the legs? You couldn't do a MtF with a penis, but one with a vagina is alright?(for the sake of the question we'll set aside real vs fake vagina as that is a whole thread in and of itself) In other words the gender is more important than the sex. Or is it original body? The sex being more important than the gender? Maybe it differs between people and their orientation isn't changing as much as a unforseen aspect of it is becoming clear.

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I understand what you are saying. And, I know that I could not get into guys, even when I tried. But, we all know that people will make do with any port in a storm, when need be. Prison sex would be the prime example most people understand.
All people or some?

Like I said, I've known dozens of supposedly straight women play Bi for X period of time. Most end up living straight for most of their lives. Some, when honest, will say they where mostly experimenting or doing it for kicks. A few are probably actually Bi. So, my take from that is that "orientation" may be far more fluid than we think.
Maybe for bisexual people.

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