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Homosexuality, Heterosexuality and the Choices in Between (1 Viewer)

How do you know? I mean, why 4,400 years? How was this discovered?

Do you also believe the Earth is flat if not why not? You're using the exact same amount of evidence you have of it being a couple thousand years old is people would use to claim that it's flat.

The earth is not flat because it is scientifically proven to be spherical. However, it is not proven to be millions of years old. Just because a theory is taught in schoolbooks does not make it factual.
Why should God use the measure of our days in which to create the universe? There is nothing to note whether or not those days were his or ours.

You assume we naturally were created with anything in our possession. We did not have the concepts of science or mathematics; they are not our inventions. We merely discovered them with time. Throughout history, despite discrepancies in calendar time, the day has always been a constant measurement of time across societies. In any work of literature, the day refers to our normal, typical, 24 hour night and day period. So why, in the original Book, would the word be any different?
How do you know? I mean, why 4,400 years? How was this discovered?

Measure the genealogy of Jesus from Adam to Noah and you find a time passage of approximately 1600 years between the two. Take that away from the 4000 years between Adam and Jesus added to the 2000 years since Jesus's resurrection and you get around 4400 years ago for the Great Flood's occurrence.
The earth is not flat because it is scientifically proven to be spherical. However, it is not proven to be millions of years old. Just because a theory is taught in schoolbooks does not make it factual.

NO, it's a fact it's over 4 billion years old. You do not know the different between a scientific fact, and as scientific theory.
The earth is not flat because it is scientifically proven to be spherical.
so why do you believe that science but not the science that says the Earth is older than the Bible claims.

However, it is not proven to be millions of years old.
it is proven to be older than the Bible claims. Fossil records prove that unless you just believe in last thursdayism.

Just because a theory is taught in schoolbooks does not make it factual.
so just because gravity is theoretical does not make it factual huh so you don't believe that?

Something is a theory because there is evidence to support it just not proof of it. I'm sorry but there's far more evidence supporting the Earth being older then the Bible says and absolutely no evidence of the magical genie hypothesis.

So you are cherry picking what science you reject based on how convinced you are.

That's intellectually inconsistent.
so why do you believe that science but not the science that says the Earth is older than the Bible claims.

it is proven to be older than the Bible claims. Fossil records prove that unless you just believe in last thursdayism.

so just because gravity is theoretical does not make it factual huh so you don't believe that?

Something is a theory because there is evidence to support it just not proof of it. I'm sorry but there's far more evidence supporting the Earth being older then the Bible says and absolutely no evidence of the magical genie hypothesis.

So you are cherry picking what science you reject based on how convinced you are.

That's intellectually inconsistent.

The problem with your response is that gravity is a law, something that can be tested and proven with no discernible discrepancies in results to date. Evolution has never been tested because it can't be tested. Scientists claim that it is because it happens over millions of years as an excuse. You can't prove that anything you find in the dirt had kids, only that it died.
The problem with your response is that gravity is a law, something that can be tested and proven with no discernible discrepancies in results to date. Evolution has never been tested because it can't be tested. Scientists claim that it is because it happens over millions of years as an excuse. You can't prove that anything you find in the dirt had kids, only that it died.

Why, you are giving misinformation. Evolution can be tested, and has been tested. Then there is the straw man saying about 'dirt having birth', because that is not what is claimed.
The problem with your response is that gravity is a law, something that can be tested and proven with no discernible discrepancies in results to date.
but it is still theoretical and that was your grounds for dismissing evolution. I'm sorry but you're being intellectually inconsistent.

Evolution has never been tested because it can't be tested. Scientists claim that it is because it happens over millions of years as an excuse.
Your understanding of evolution is so incredibly primitive and backward. It doesn't take you millions of years to see evolution. We can see it happen over several decades. Where do you think breeds of dog came from? Do you think Adam and Eve once they were expelled from the garden they just picked up a dachshund?

You can't prove that anything you find in the dirt had kids, only that it died.
good Lord this is profoundly ignorant. No I can't prove that things in the fossil record had offspring but I can tell you that they're different from things that exist now. But lack of that evidence doesn't undermine all the other evidence. It can be assumed that the biological organisms found in the fossil record didn't just magically appear.

So something that I run across when I talk to YECs (young earth Christians) is several different theories for why there's a fossil record one of them is that God made the world look like it was 4 billion years old at all that stuff was just made to look that old and I'm sorry that's last thursdayism I can make the same claim that the Earth was created last Thursday to look as old as it did with us to have the memories and it would have exactly as much evidence as the claim that it was made 6000 years ago.

The other one I hear is that all these fossils we found are a result of the flood. The problem here is that God flooded the world to kill people and I could go along with it in advertently killed all sorts of animals but we would see those fossils together not separated by several yards of sediment. So there is absolutely zero evidence for this Theory and I used the word theory extremely charitably.

The Third and possibly the most hilarious is that archaeologists and paleontologists instead of digging up fossils they're actually sculpted them and made a T-rex skull and a bunch of different paleontologists sculpted the same skull over a span of hundreds of years. This is a conspiracy theory.

So none of these alternatives to evolution have any evidence whatsoever. They are just mechanisms for people to deny that evolution occurd.

As a Christian I want to give you some advice that will help you maintain your beliefs once you grow out of fairy tales. You should not place your faith so strongly and something that can be so easily disproven. Faith and supposed to be an anchor so placing it on shifting Sands or quite honestly not having an anchor at all will either render you atheist in a couple years or a science denying conspiracy theorist.

Just my advice take it or leave it.
The earth is not flat because it is scientifically proven to be spherical. However, it is not proven to be millions of years old. Just because a theory is taught in schoolbooks does not make it factual.

It sounds more likely though? A god that created the earth in 7 days? That sounds kind of weird to me. The earth being billions of years old, would make more sense.
The earth is not flat because it is scientifically proven to be spherical. However, it is not proven to be millions of years old. Just because a theory is taught in schoolbooks does not make it factual.

You're right the earth is not millions of years old; it's billions of years old.
The problem with your response is that gravity is a law, something that can be tested and proven with no discernible discrepancies in results to date. Evolution has never been tested because it can't be tested. Scientists claim that it is because it happens over millions of years as an excuse. You can't prove that anything you find in the dirt had kids, only that it died.

Actually theories may as well be law but it doesn't have enough evidence to be considered law. Instead of dismissing evolution as "just a thoery", which there are many things in the scientific field that is universally accepted that are actually thoeries, you must provide evidence that evolution shouldn't be considered a theory.
but it is still theoretical and that was your grounds for dismissing evolution. I'm sorry but you're being intellectually inconsistent.

Your understanding of evolution is so incredibly primitive and backward. It doesn't take you millions of years to see evolution. We can see it happen over several decades. Where do you think breeds of dog came from? Do you think Adam and Eve once they were expelled from the garden they just picked up a dachshund?

good Lord this is profoundly ignorant. No I can't prove that things in the fossil record had offspring but I can tell you that they're different from things that exist now. But lack of that evidence doesn't undermine all the other evidence. It can be assumed that the biological organisms found in the fossil record didn't just magically appear.

So something that I run across when I talk to YECs (young earth Christians) is several different theories for why there's a fossil record one of them is that God made the world look like it was 4 billion years old at all that stuff was just made to look that old and I'm sorry that's last thursdayism I can make the same claim that the Earth was created last Thursday to look as old as it did with us to have the memories and it would have exactly as much evidence as the claim that it was made 6000 years ago.

The other one I hear is that all these fossils we found are a result of the flood. The problem here is that God flooded the world to kill people and I could go along with it in advertently killed all sorts of animals but we would see those fossils together not separated by several yards of sediment. So there is absolutely zero evidence for this Theory and I used the word theory extremely charitably.

The Third and possibly the most hilarious is that archaeologists and paleontologists instead of digging up fossils they're actually sculpted them and made a T-rex skull and a bunch of different paleontologists sculpted the same skull over a span of hundreds of years. This is a conspiracy theory.

So none of these alternatives to evolution have any evidence whatsoever. They are just mechanisms for people to deny that evolution occurd.

As a Christian I want to give you some advice that will help you maintain your beliefs once you grow out of fairy tales. You should not place your faith so strongly and something that can be so easily disproven. Faith and supposed to be an anchor so placing it on shifting Sands or quite honestly not having an anchor at all will either render you atheist in a couple years or a science denying conspiracy theorist.

Just my advice take it or leave it.

You are blatantly wrong! Gravity is an established scientific law. Something is not a theory once it is proven to occur with constant results every time it is tested. What goes up always comes down, unless it is able to counter the gravitational force with enough power.

There are levels of evolution.
Cosmic Evolution: The universe evolved from nothing
Elemental Evolution: The elements all evolved from one original element
Stellar Evolution: The earth and other heavenly bodies evolved over time from supernovas or other astronomical events
Abiogenic Evolution: Life evolved from nonliving things
MacroEvolution: Species evolved from separate species
MicroEvolution: Different kinds evolved within their own species

There is only evidence for Microevolution, such as multiple breeds of dogs or Darwin's finches, and yet scientists claim that those results prove the other six. If I find a cat skeleton that died 50 years ago in the dirt and a dog skeleton from 100 years ago, does that prove that dogs were ancestors of cats? No! All that it proves is that two different organisms died at different time periods and became fossils. It doesn't give any evidence that one evolved into the other and then died.
It sounds more likely though? A god that created the earth in 7 days? That sounds kind of weird to me. The earth being billions of years old, would make more sense.

It would also mean that life emerged from nonliving things. Does that make as much sense to you? And if that is how it happened, then why isn't it still? If evolution happened for so long over millions of years, why isn't it still happening? It's not like it would have stopped right as we rolled around.
You are blatantly wrong! Gravity is an established scientific law. Something is not a theory once it is proven to occur with constant results every time it is tested. What goes up always comes down, unless it is able to counter the gravitational force with enough power.

There are levels of evolution.
Cosmic Evolution: The universe evolved from nothing
Elemental Evolution: The elements all evolved from one original element
Stellar Evolution: The earth and other heavenly bodies evolved over time from supernovas or other astronomical events
Abiogenic Evolution: Life evolved from nonliving things
MacroEvolution: Species evolved from separate species
MicroEvolution: Different kinds evolved within their own species

There is only evidence for Microevolution, such as multiple breeds of dogs or Darwin's finches, and yet scientists claim that those results prove the other six. If I find a cat skeleton that died 50 years ago in the dirt and a dog skeleton from 100 years ago, does that prove that dogs were ancestors of cats? No! All that it proves is that two different organisms died at different time periods and became fossils. It doesn't give any evidence that one evolved into the other and then died.

YOu do not understand the difference between a law and a theory. The term 'law' is pretty much obsolete btw. A law is a description of what happens. A theory is a model to explain WHY it happens.

And, when it comes to talking about science, you really should avoid it, because your statements show a profound lack of education and understanding... for example' your 'cosmic evolutoin' is totally nonsense, because no one said 'the universe evolved from nothing' And, you also showing the sources of your information, creationist web sites that don't know what they are talking about.
How did we get on creation vs evolution anyway? I thought this about homosexuality.
It would also mean that life emerged from nonliving things. Does that make as much sense to you? And if that is how it happened, then why isn't it still? If evolution happened for so long over millions of years, why isn't it still happening? It's not like it would have stopped right as we rolled around.

It is still happening.

Examples of evolution happening right now - Business Insider

Humans are still evolving?and we can watch it happen | Science | AAAS
It would also mean that life emerged from nonliving things. Does that make as much sense to you? And if that is how it happened, then why isn't it still? If evolution happened for so long over millions of years, why isn't it still happening? It's not like it would have stopped right as we rolled around.

It is still happening we just can’t see it. We’ve only been on this Earth for 300,000 years

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Those are examples of adaptation rather than evolution. All examples had the genetic make up to produce the adaptation to begin with but was only brought into fruition by eviromental circumstances. What creationists want as evidence for evolution (macro evolution to be exact) is a mutation that creates something that didn't exist before. i.e. a dog developing the genetic make up and brain capacity to talk.
The problem with your response is that gravity is a law, something that can be tested and proven with no discernible discrepancies in results to date. Evolution has never been tested because it can't be tested. Scientists claim that it is because it happens over millions of years as an excuse. You can't prove that anything you find in the dirt had kids, only that it died.

Yes you can prove it but your understanding of science is so poor I dont see a point trying to explain it.
Those are examples of adaptation rather than evolution. All examples had the genetic make up to produce the adaptation to begin with but was only brought into fruition by eviromental circumstances. What creationists want as evidence for evolution (macro evolution to be exact) is a mutation that creates something that didn't exist before. i.e. a dog developing the genetic make up and brain capacity to talk.

Adaptation is the core of evolution.
Adaptation is the core of evolution.
True, however the theory claims that with adaptation, comes new features, like the ability to talk when according to evolution, no other lifeform on earth has for over 200 million years.

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