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hiya (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 13, 2005
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I recently registered to this forum, mainly cause of my interest in politics. I dont claim to know everything and all, but I do love to debate and hear other peoples opinions on important issues.

hopefully I will enjoy my stay here, I think I will go make my first real post now :)
Awesome name; Welcome to debate politics.
Comrade Brian said:
Welcome comrade, I seem to also be fond of your name. :2wave:
A prime example of the working class and employing class is any communist country where the people are starving and the rulers live in castles
Hmmmm...( Gets a rope ).........( Finds where robert ferguson lives )........( Hires hitman and gives him the rope ).......( 5 days pass )..........( robert ferguson found dead in his room )........( cause of death by choking and having rope tied around throat ).
Soviet_Guy said:
Hmmmm...( Gets a rope ).........( Finds where robert ferguson lives )........( Hires hitman and gives him the rope ).......( 5 days pass )..........( robert ferguson found dead in his room )........( cause of death by choking and having rope tied around throat ).

That could be a little tough, dont forget the second amendment.
robert ferguson said:
A prime example of the working class and employing class is any communist country where the people are starving and the rulers live in castles


There can't be a communist country

This is sort of happening in capitalist russia, the rulers are in the kremlin
robert ferguson said:
That could be a little tough, dont forget the second amendment.

Hey buddy, it's simply to commit murder, as long as you're not a U.S. citizen and can speak a European language, I could higher a hitman ( obviously in logic I wouldn't waste my money ) and leave for Russia, come back after 5 years, who the hell is gonna know? Or better, just move to Austria from Russia, problem solved, why would the CIA tract one person down for hiring a hit on one person, think about it, most U.S. murderers commit murder in blind rage, not planned at all.
Soviet_Guy said:
Hey buddy, it's simply to commit murder, as long as you're not a U.S. citizen and can speak a European language, I could higher a hitman ( obviously in logic I wouldn't waste my money ) and leave for Russia, come back after 5 years, who the hell is gonna know? Or better, just move to Austria from Russia, problem solved, why would the CIA tract one person down for hiring a hit on one person, think about it, most U.S. murderers commit murder in blind rage, not planned at all.

Yes thats true but it seems like a lot of trouble and expense just to knock off little old me.
galenrox said:
I don't allow white literature in my house
Haha. A Family Guy quote. Ingenious.

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