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Hillary or Condy? (1 Viewer)

Who would you vote for in 2008

  • Hillary

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • Condy

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • Another Democrat or Republican

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Independent/Write-in

    Votes: 7 14.6%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by AlbqOwl:
Hillary is big government liberal through and through. She would have more credibility if she just admitted it.
There is nothing wrong with being a liberal. After seeing the mess were in because of conservative government in the wake of Katrina, a more liberal government is the way to go. Although, I don't want the conservatives to completely disappear. Both sides need the other to keep them on their toes (so to speak), and to keep them honest.
Billo_Really said:
There is nothing wrong with being a liberal. After seeing the mess were in because of conservative government in the wake of Katrina, a more liberal government is the way to go. Although, I don't want the conservatives to completely disappear. Both sides need the other to keep them on their toes (so to speak), and to keep them honest.

Many people who think they are liberal, however, would score more heavily on the right of center if presented a list of issues/ideas/values with no ideological identification attached to them. So even though the Democrats outnumber the Republicans in voter registrations, the truth is that Democrats are right of center in far greater numbers than Republicans have members who are left of center. That means the majority of the country is in fact slightly, moderately, or very conservative.

That makes it nearly impossible for an avowed liberal to get elected unless a lot more people are pissed at the GOP than are disgusted with the Democrats. And that is why Hillary has been working so hard to veil that hard core liberal image of hers and present herself as a moderate, even slightly right of center.

Condi has no such problem. Her fortune will rise or fall on the success or failure of the Bush administration in the eyes of voters--UNLESS, the Democrats put up somebody that just looks so much worse than any Republican could possibly be. (John Kerry comes to mind.)
This is the same Hillary Clinton who forbade our military personel from wearing their uniforms in the White House and publically berated soldiers who dared to defy her esoteric personal whims.

This is Commander in Chief material? :rofl

I would never ever vote for this liberal carpetbagging chameleon.

The day hilary gets elected is the day our country will get run over by the chinese and the russians and it will all be her fault. Her husband has chinese and russian connections aand he will pass them to hilary to make the clinton family richer. I will never respect or trust a clintoon. NEVER!!!
You really need to seek out professional help. Your posts are just so full of crap it's amazing, really.

Chinese and Russian "connections." Care to prove this slander or are you going to ask us to take your word on this BS?
Am I the only liberal who dislikes Hillary? She helped get GTA:SA recalled from being sold for christs sake. Trying to make herself look more conservative then she really is. I hate that woman. . .
26 X World Champs said:
You really need to seek out professional help. Your posts are just so full of crap it's amazing, really.

Chinese and Russian "connections." Care to prove this slander or are you going to ask us to take your word on this BS?

The Chinese connections were stronger than the Russian connections. Did you miss the flap over the contributions from the Chinese Buddhist Temple and the controversy surrounding Weng Ho Lee has never been fully resolved. In fairness to Clinton, I don't think we've had a president who didn't have some strange goings on with the Russians in this century.
AlbqOwl said:
Condi has no such problem. Her fortune will rise or fall on the success or failure of the Bush administration in the eyes of voters
So you're saying that Condi is a gigantic liar? What do I mean?

She clearly told Timm Russert on Meet The Press that she will NOT run for President in 2008. Therefore this is kind of a waste of bandwidth, you know?

One thing I am certain of is that Hillary most definitely is running and she has as good or a better chance of anyone else of getting elected, thank God!
We need to treat violent videogames likes tobacco and Alcohol. -Hillary Clinton

One of the biggest things that I don't like about the Republican party is those who are for censorship. Now with Hillary you guys can get the perfect candidate, you can get those qualities too, the perfect president for all you anti-gun, anti-movie, anti-videogame, safety loving appeasement promoters. The only thing missing is an outrageous religious cult and then my opposites would have it all!

The funny thing about modern democrats is that they aren't even liberal. Look up the definition of liberal, and about the only thing they represent anymore is being "generous to the poor", otherwise they are almost exactly opposite of liberal.

I'd like Condy to run.
If your a Conservative or a Moderate don't let Hillary fool you........She is pretending to be a moderate but make no mistake about it she is a big Liberal as was bill................

If you think we are putting money into failed social programs now it would be a drop in the bucket if she was ever elected president...Thankfully the American voters are way to smart for that......

Thankfully she is such a polarizing figure and her negatives are so high she is unelectable
AlbqOwl said:
The Chinese connections were stronger than the Russian connections. Did you miss the flap over the contributions from the Chinese Buddhist Temple and the controversy surrounding Weng Ho Lee has never been fully resolved. In fairness to Clinton, I don't think we've had a president who didn't have some strange goings on with the Russians in this century.
Oh please! To suggest that Clinton is a secret Chinese or Russian operative is just plain old fashioned DUMB! DUMB, DUMB, DUMB.
Navy Pride said:
If your a Conservative or a Moderate don't let Hillary fool you........She is pretending to be a moderate but make no mistake about it she is a big Liberal as was bill................
And you're easily fooled, remember the solid piece of journalism you sourced regarding Howard Dean? You posted a story that was an obvious farce as fact and now you're smart enough to know that Hillary is fooling us? :rofl
Navy Pride said:
Thankfully she is such a polarizing figure and her negatives are so high she is unelectable
Oh really? Please post one of your famous sources that show us, in fact, that Hillary's "negatives are so high." You're a star at finding creditable sources so this challenge should be a piece of cake for you Pride. Or, are you just making it up again in the hopes that some people would believe you, just like Bush and Rove do when they make up talking points. Is that your little game?
26 X World Champs said:
So you're saying that Condi is a gigantic liar? What do I mean?

She clearly told Timm Russert on Meet The Press that she will NOT run for President in 2008. Therefore this is kind of a waste of bandwidth, you know?

One thing I am certain of is that Hillary most definitely is running and she has as good or a better chance of anyone else of getting elected, thank God!

Condi would be a liar only if she didn't mean it when she talked with Russert. Many, many politicians, including Hillary Clinton, have said they would not run or they would serve out their term of office if they did run, etc. and no doubt meant it at the time. But as time goes by and the pressure is put on them, they are bribed, coerced, bullied, or persuaded into entering this race or that race. Bill Clinton told the people of Arkansas he would finish out his last term as governor too, and then he didn't. Right now Hillary has a safe seat in New York, but if the 2006 Senate race starts tightening up, you can bet she'll say almost anything to get that last few votes she needs to ensure victory.
AlbqOwl said:
Right now Hillary has a safe seat in New York, but if the 2006 Senate race starts tightening up, you can bet she'll say almost anything to get that last few votes she needs to ensure victory.
I'm willing to take that bet! You just made a statment that I consider to be completely untrue. She said she would serve out her entire first term, and will, and has specifically not said she would her second term.

BTW - Bush has a better chance of getting reelected to a third term than Hillary has in losing her senate seat. This is NY State, people here don't buy into the RED STATE slander tactics nor do we get hot over abortion or gay rights because we believe in them. Mrs. Clinton is BELOVED in New York.

How much do you want to bet she wins again?
26 X World Champs said:
I'm willing to take that bet! You just made a statment that I consider to be completely untrue. She said she would serve out her entire first term, and will, and has specifically not said she would her second term.

BTW - Bush has a better chance of getting reelected to a third term than Hillary has in losing her senate seat. This is NY State, people here don't buy into the RED STATE slander tactics nor do we get hot over abortion or gay rights because we believe in them. Mrs. Clinton is BELOVED in New York.

How much do you want to bet she wins again?

What statement did I make that was untrue? I expressed an opinion as you have been doing. You stated something earlier to the effect that if Condi Rice ran in 2008, she would be a liar because she has said she won't run.

How about this then? Is Hillary a liar if she runs?

Monday, June 9, 2003 Posted: 7:16 AM EDT (1116 GMT)

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Former first lady Hillary Clinton says she has no plans to launch a bid to become the country's first woman president in the next two elections.

It has often been speculated the former first lady would make a bid for the White House, but in two interviews Sunday, she said she had "no intention" to run for president in 2008 -- and would turn down invitations to run in 2004.
Clinton said she is enjoying her current political role as a senator for New York.

"I don't have any intentions or plans for running," Clinton told ABC's Barbara Walters. "I'm flattered the question gets asked. I hope that it will lead to a woman running for president."

So far as your last comment, I don't have doubt in the world she isn't planning a run now and that she was planning a run then.
AlbqOwl said:
Actually I've never pegged Hillary as a militant feminist type. Even Rush Limbaugh doesn't put her in the narrowly defined feminazi category. Nevertheless I would guess that N.O.W. and other feminist groups would probably be on her bandwagon and not on Condi's.

There's a real credible source- Rush Limbaugh. Please don't get me started on him. IMO, Hilary is too easily swayed. I mean, even at the height of the last Presidential election, she was totally against this war. She was liberal through and through. Right now, as she is trying to gather support from conservatives (unsucessfully, I think), she is now standing by the President on this war. I'll tell you this- come 2008, us liberals won't forget her flip-flops in a hurry.:smile:
AlbqOwl said:
What statement did I make that was untrue?
This one:
AlbqOwl said:
if the 2006 Senate race starts tightening up, you can bet she'll say almost anything to get that last few votes she needs to ensure victory
You said Hillary would "say almost anything" to get elected and I said that was untrue.

I think it is irresponsible to write that Hillary is, in effect, a whore for votes. I find that offensive, sorry. Saying that she would say almost anything to get elected would make her a whore, and that is just untrue.
26 X World Champs said:
This one:

You said Hillary would "say almost anything" to get elected and I said that was untrue.

I think it is irresponsible to write that Hillary is, in effect, a whore for votes. I find that offensive, sorry. Saying that she would say almost anything to get elected would make her a whore, and that is just untrue.

I'm just going by her track record which is becoming quite a long one. Even Democrats are becoming frustrated at her waffling and switching positions on various issues to boost her approval ratings. Do all politicians do that? Probably most do now and then; but not all. And you didn't comment on the CNN piece I posted about her saying she isn't running, If Condi changes her mind, too, will you forgive her too?
AlbqOwl said:
I'm just going by her track record which is becoming quite a long one. Even Democrats are becoming frustrated at her waffling and switching positions on various issues to boost her approval ratings. Do all politicians do that? Probably most do now and then; but not all.
Sorry, but I do not accept the "they all do" theory or logic.
AlbqOwl said:
And you didn't comment on the CNN piece I posted about her saying she isn't running, If Condi changes her mind, too, will you forgive her too?
Everyone is entitled to change their minds, of course! That goes for Condi too.
26 X World Champs said:
Sorry, but I do not accept the "they all do" theory or logic.

Is there something I said that makes you think I go with the 'they all do' theory or logic?
We need to treat violent videogames likes tobacco and Alcohol. -Hillary Clinton

One of the biggest things that I don't like about the Republican party is those who are for censorship. Now with Hillary you guys can get the perfect candidate, you can get those qualities too, the perfect president for all you anti-gun, anti-movie, anti-videogame, safety loving appeasement promoters. The only thing missing is an outrageous religious cult and then my opposites would have it all!

The funny thing about modern democrats is that they aren't even liberal. Look up the definition of liberal, and about the only thing they represent anymore is being "generous to the poor", otherwise they are almost exactly opposite of liberal.

I'd like Condy to run.

Thank you. We can do much better then Hillary for a democrat nominee. Please think about it. I'd rather vote for someone who was blatantly liberal then someone who is a liberal but pretends not to be. Screw Hillary and screw censorship.
Hillary is a carpet bagger.........she is not even from New York and has made fools out of all of you.........
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
Hillary is a carpet bagger.........she is not even from New York and has made fools out of all of you.........
What was it you said about Bush bashing?
Navy Pride said:
If your a Conservative or a Moderate don't let Hillary fool you........She is pretending to be a moderate but make no mistake about it she is a big Liberal as was bill................
But Bill wasn't a liberal. He was the most to the right in the bunch that ran that year. He is not even close to liberal, so your silly statement is meaningless. Wellstone was liberal. Jim Hightower is liberal. Bill Clinton is not.

Your claim is silly.
FinnMacCool said:
Thank you. We can do much better then Hillary for a democrat nominee. Please think about it. I'd rather vote for someone who was blatantly liberal then someone who is a liberal but pretends not to be. Screw Hillary and screw censorship.
If we could just get Jim Hightower elected. :lol:
Navy Pride said:
Hillary is a carpet bagger.........she is not even from New York and has made fools out of all of you.........
Hillary has done a GREAT job as our senator, hence her strong approval rating. Are you intelligent enough to grasp that we in NY elected her and will reelect her and approve of her performance?

Or, are you going to write stupid posts that attack her because YOU hate her? I realize that "approval ratings" and Republicans don't mix these days so we always get to hear idiotic statements like "It depends on who you poll" or "I don't believe in polls."

Well the bare naked truth is that Hillary's approval rating is over 60% and Bush's rating is barely over 35%.

BTW - What has Condy been elected to exactly?

Did you know that while people were drowning in Louisiana Condy was seeing Spamalot on Broadway? That was on Sept. 1st....3 days after the floods...and before she went down south for photo ops. Another compassionate conservative, right?

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