Navy Pride said:
"Slick Willie" fooled the voters in 1992.He ran as a moderate.
For someone who "condemns" name calling you seem to do it quite often. Are you incapable of writing something about the Clintons or Michael Moore or countless other Democrats without calling them names. Does that make you a hypocrite since you condemn others for Bush bashing?
BTW - What were President Clinton's margins of victory in his elections and how about his polling numbers? Clinton supports a war in the Balkans and zero Americans die. President Bush starts a war in Iraq and thousands of Americans (so far) are dead tens of thousands are maimed. Clinton ran the government to record surplusses and Bush ran it into record deficits.
Under Clinton less people lived beneath the poverty line than do today, and never during his presidency did the povery rate increase. Under Bush it's gone up four years in a row.
Under Clinton gasoline was less than $1.50 per gallon, under Bush we may never see less than $3.00 again.
Under Clinton the USA was respected and admired in most parts of the world. Under Bush America has never been more hated, more alone than we are today. To make matters worse those of you who are ardent Bush loyalists don't give a rat's ass how the rest of the world regards us. You're not smart enough to know that the world is shrinking and that for the USA to be successful long term economically we need to be part of the world community not scorned by it.
Bush used a war to get reelected, nothing could be more devious than sacrficing American lives to win an election.
Navy Pride said:
Clinton governed as a liberal...his first deed in ofice was to try and get gays to serve openly in the military.
What's a matter Pride? Are you unsure of your masculinity to the point that knowing that someone else is Gay would prevent you from being a soldier and doing your job? Does that mean that you're prejudice runs so deep that you would be unable to perform the job that you're being paid to perform? Does it mean that you do not believe in the Constitution where it says "All Men Are Created Equal"? Isn't it Unamerican to not believe that All Men Are Created Equal? Do you think that if you were in a tank with a gay man that he would be more interested in you than your mission? What are you afraid of, exactly? Is one a homophobe if they are unable to be in the same workplace as a gay person?
Navy Pride said:
The only reason this man accomplished anything was because he was made to do so by a Republican Congress and their Contract with America........
The only reason? Really? Can you provide some proof regarding what I consider to be an outrageous statement? Unless I'm misunderstanding your post I think it says that Republicans, according to you, deserve credit for every single thing that Clinton accomplished. That's quite a statement.
Let me guess? Everything that Clinton did right is because of Republicans and everything that he did wrong was because of Clinton? Isn't that what it means when someone writes:
Navy Pride said:
The only reason this man accomplished anything was because he was made to do so by a Republican Congress and their Contract with America........
Can you provide all the facts necessary to prove that "anything" that Clinton accomplished was due to Republicans? I'm sure it should be no problem for you, right? Just do us a favor this time and do not try to pass off sources that are tongue in cheek as truth like you did yesterday when you claimed that Howard Dean "Denounces Timing of Rehnquist’s Death."