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Hillary or Condy? (1 Viewer)

Who would you vote for in 2008

  • Hillary

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • Condy

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • Another Democrat or Republican

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Independent/Write-in

    Votes: 7 14.6%

  • Total voters
The only person that I would vote for is one who I believe is worth voting for. I won't cast a vote just to vote against the other candidate. I won't cast a vote for the lesser of two evils.
The only person that I would vote for is one who I believe is worth voting for. I won't cast a vote just to vote against the other candidate. I won't cast a vote for the lesser of two evils.

Now thats just stupid. So then if it came down to you the last vote. And you were voting for a president who was known to start war with little countries and the other was known to start war with bigger countries. You wouldnt vote for the one who starts war with smaller ones? Knowing that probably less people would die as a result of that. But no you would rather not even vote and whatever happens happens. Sounds kinda pasive to me. So why even follow politics? Becasue thats all its about is the lessor of two evils. No one person or place or thing is perfect. Its all the lessor of two evils.

Hillary 2008!!!

Rasmussen has both McCain and Guliani a few points ahead of Hillary in hypothetical matchups. I don't think they've added Condi to the mix but I wish they would. It's funny how almost nobody is considering anybody else other than Hillary to be the Democrat candidate now.

I honestly don't know if Condi would do it if the GOP drafts her to run. But she's smart enough, tough enough, and will have years of foreign experience under her belt by the time the election rolls around. Her conservative credentials are solid even though she is pro choice.

One things for sure, if those two are in the final matchup, it will be the most entertaining election this country has ever seen. :smile:
Hillary is just too stereotypically liberal. And overly feminist. I know Kelzie drools over that but, eh, me not so much.

And Condi?....................no.

So an independant. All the way.
The day hilary gets elected is the day our country will get run over by the chinese and the russians and it will all be her fault. Her husband has chinese and russian connections aand he will pass them to hilary to make the clinton family richer. I will never respect or trust a clintoon. NEVER!!!
Overrun by Russians you say? Hm...perhaps I should reconsider Mrs. Clinton....:mrgreen:
Oh come on Skil, you won't need to learn the Chinese alphabet if Hillary gets elected. She has way too much pride to screw up too badly. Just reading between the lines (and this is pure speculation on my part), I think she desperately wants the legacy that Bill screwed up for them and she has way too much ego to intentionally throw that away. Do I think she would make a great president? No. Because of her flip flops and taking all sides of some issues, I don't fully trust her. Because she is so liberal despite her current effort to morph herself into a slightly right of center Democrat, her track record is so liberal that there is no way she would take the country in the direction I want it to go.

But would she be a terrible president? I'm not convinced she would be. I just hope the GOP has the good sense to put somebody up really really good against her.
Overrun by Russians you say? Hm...perhaps I should reconsider Mrs. Clinton....

Lol mabe just the chinese now that I think of it. I think russia has enough problems figuring out what they are as far as gov and state. When they first establish their own gov then they can try to fight another one. :lol:

Sorry lenin
Oh come on Skil, you won't need to learn the Chinese alphabet if Hillary gets elected. She has way too much pride to screw up too badly. Just reading between the lines (and this is pure speculation on my part), I think she desperately wants the legacy that Bill screwed up for them and she has way too much ego to intentionally throw that away. Do I think she would make a great president? No. Because of her flip flops and taking all sides of some issues, I don't fully trust her. Because she is so liberal despite her current effort to morph herself into a slightly right of center Democrat, her track record is so liberal that there is no way she would take the country in the direction I want it to go.

But would she be a terrible president? I'm not convinced she would be. I just hope the GOP has the good sense to put somebody up really really good against her.

I guess thats a logical way of looking at it.
I guess thats a logical way of looking at it.

You, however should be worried. You're headed out to be career military. Her track record is not one favorable to the military. :smile:
This country will be dominated by the Chinese no matter who is president. With India coming in a close second. But that's cool, maybe they can take all the heat and pressure and responsibility for a while. Being number one isn't all its cracked up to be and everybody needs a break now and then.
Yea, I would never vote for Condeleeza Rice, even if she was the only one running. I would reluctantly vote for Hilary, because I believe she is the lesser of 2 evils. Both are for this Iraq quagmire.
V.I. Lenin said:
Hillary is just too stereotypically liberal. And overly feminist. I know Kelzie drools over that but, eh, me not so much.

And Condi?....................no.

So an independant. All the way.

Wait woah, back the truck up. I'm sorry, overly feminist? Where did you get this from. I don't think she's overly feminist.

Wait. You're not calling me overly feminist are you?!?!
Actually I've never pegged Hillary as a militant feminist type. Even Rush Limbaugh doesn't put her in the narrowly defined feminazi category. Nevertheless I would guess that N.O.W. and other feminist groups would probably be on her bandwagon and not on Condi's.
Kelzie said:
Wait. You're not calling me overly feminist are you?!?!
That would be me. Wonder if he got us mixed up?
Anyone who has to debate Hillary Clinton is going to have a steep challenge to deal with. She is incredibly cool under pressure. I don't know of another Democratic political figure who can express themselves on the spot with more clarity and reason. Excepting, perhaps Barak Obama, but I haven't heard him speak as much. We need to see more of him in the next few years though.

And she is far from overly feminist....sheesh.
Originally posted by V.I. Lenin:
Hillary is just too stereotypically liberal.
I thought she was a Centrist?
She desperate wants to be seen as one which is why she has been saying some very strange out-of-character things lately. Her voting record trips her up now and then though, and its tough to avoid sharp-eyed bloggers who catch her saying one thing to one group and then doing a 180 with the next, sometimes the very same day.

Hillary is big government liberal through and through. She would have more credibility if she just admitted it.
I like the sound of CLINTON/OBAMA 2008!!!

Originally posted by AlbqOwl:
Do I think she would make a great president? No.
Anything is better than Bush! I mean, George Bush.

Originally posted by AlbqOwl:
I just hope the GOP has the good sense to put somebody up really really good against her.
The only person the GOP has that can get the respect of a nation is John McCain.

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