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Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President (1 Viewer)


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May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President | Crooks and Liars
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President

“Hillary Clinton spoke to a packed house at the Brooklyn Navy Yard tonight, as she clinched the Democratic nomination for President……………

………….. We believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls," Clinton declared. Turning to Trump, Clinton laid it bare. "Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be President and Commander-In-Chief," she said. "And he's not just trying to build a wall between American and Mexico, he's trying to wall off Americans from each other.

She called his slogan, "Make America Great Again," code for sending America back…………

Yes way back to the times and world of Archie Bunker…………

When the whites were in control…………..

And the others knew where their place was……..
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President | Crooks and Liars
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President

“Hillary Clinton spoke to a packed house at the Brooklyn Navy Yard tonight, as she clinched the Democratic nomination for President……………

………….. We believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls," Clinton declared. Turning to Trump, Clinton laid it bare. "Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be President and Commander-In-Chief," she said. "And he's not just trying to build a wall between American and Mexico, he's trying to wall off Americans from each other.

She called his slogan, "Make America Great Again," code for sending America back…………

Yes way back to the times and world of Archie Bunker…………

When the whites were in control…………..

And the others knew where their place was……..

You get your news from "Crooks and Liars"? Is that because you only vote for crooks and liars?
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President | Crooks and Liars
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President

“Hillary Clinton spoke to a packed house at the Brooklyn Navy Yard tonight, as she clinched the Democratic nomination for President……………

………….. We believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls," Clinton declared. Turning to Trump, Clinton laid it bare. "Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be President and Commander-In-Chief," she said. "And he's not just trying to build a wall between American and Mexico, he's trying to wall off Americans from each other.

She called his slogan, "Make America Great Again," code for sending America back…………

Yes way back to the times and world of Archie Bunker…………

When the whites were in control…………..

And the others knew where their place was……..

Archie Bunker was political satire and pro liberal in its outlook. Total failbucket there.

Whites in control, total race bait horse**** there.

Others knew their place, race bait and misogyny bait in one.

I give it 2:
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President | Crooks and Liars
Hillary Clinton Slams Trump In Historic Speech As Unfit For President

“Hillary Clinton spoke to a packed house at the Brooklyn Navy Yard tonight, as she clinched the Democratic nomination for President……………

………….. We believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls," Clinton declared. Turning to Trump, Clinton laid it bare. "Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be President and Commander-In-Chief," she said. "And he's not just trying to build a wall between American and Mexico, he's trying to wall off Americans from each other.

She called his slogan, "Make America Great Again," code for sending America back…………

Yes way back to the times and world of Archie Bunker…………

When the whites were in control…………..

And the others knew where their place was……..

That "we" doesn't include Barack Obama, the most divisive president in history.
You get your news from "Crooks and Liars"? Is that because you only vote for crooks and liars?

I allow myself the freedom.....with out the fear of being ostracized............ to seek/read from any and all sources for information and news..........

You seem to dismiss it as a source without ever reading what they have to say..........But rely on a RW rule that anything other than "approved" RW sources are lies., distortions, dangerous propaganda.......

But have you ever considered.........the folks who told you so are liars fearful you might begin to think for yourself.........

The source I quoted from reprints information from responsible and reliable news outlets........

The information is accurate, factual, and not manufactured facts...........

And if you were to read it......our would have to agree that is the case..........

But because you have been told never to read it......and it is your duty to disparage, demean, and deter others from reading other than reading from "acceptable" sources............you will be continue to be a slave to what other people say is the proper source and "right think" should be.......

You are a slave who no longer is allowed to think for him/herself...........or to question what you are told you must do/think/say to be a member of the "club, so to speak and free from the fear of being ostracized or banished from the "collective"........
What was historic about it? Seems like normal run of the mill political rhetoric to me.
That "we" doesn't include Barack Obama, the most divisive president in history.

I think you may be a tad on the side of hysterical in what other have taught you to believe is reality..........:lol:

But then it is what HR%C is speaking to...........or did you miss that?
Last edited:
What was historic about it? Seems like normal run of the mill political rhetoric to me.

Then I must conclude you never listened to it/read the transcript...........and are relying on what others have told you to believe
Archie Bunker was political satire and pro liberal in its outlook. Total failbucket there.

Whites in control, total race bait horse**** there.

Others knew their place, race bait and misogyny bait in one.

I give it 2:
View attachment 67202417View attachment 67202417

Why did you seem to be so hostile?

Did I touch a raw nerve of doubt to what others have told you is true anb not as they instructed you to think?
Then I must conclude you never listened to it/read the transcript...........and are relying on what others have told you to believe
What are you talking about? It's in the title of the thread.
Then I must conclude you never listened to it/read the transcript...........and are relying on what others have told you to believe

No, he's right. It was just run-of-the-mill stuff. The usual cheap jabs and slights we hear from politicians of every stripe when they're in election mode.
I agree with her, mind, but they both live in glass houses.
No, he's right. It was just run-of-the-mill stuff. The usual cheap jabs and slights we hear from politicians of every stripe when they're in election mode.
I agree with her, mind, but they both live in glass houses.

If you listened/saw/read it......once must conclude you did not understand it...........

But thanks for sharing your opinion
If you listened/saw/read it......once must conclude you did not understand it...........

But thanks for sharing your opinion

You're kidding, right?
What was historical about it? The phrase, "... temperamentaly unfit to be President and Commander-in-Chief."? I'll give her kudos for that, using words that used to be used to describe women and powerful positions, but historical? No.
Hillary is more unfit then Trump. She's a crook and has been one for decades.
You're kidding, right?
What was historical about it? The phrase, "... temperamentaly unfit to be President and Commander-in-Chief."? I'll give her kudos for that, using words that used to be used to describe women and powerful positions, but historical? No.

If you have no idea.........why not ask the author of the news article what he meant............Did you even bother to read the link provided?
Hillary is more unfit then Trump. She's a crook and has been one for decades.

Stop with the pre-programed BS............and add nothing of substance to the string..........I would go so far as to say you never read the material provided..........But was just trying to toot your horn so some one might recognize you were here
If you have no idea.........why not ask the author of the news article what he meant............Did you even bother to read the link provided?

I have no idea of what? How some people can just accept on faith anything they read in a 'news' source that shares their bias?
There was nothing historical about that speech. It was a nice little choice of words on the part of the speech writer but the article writer is guilty of over-enthusiasm, at best. You don't seem to have much critical capacity when it comes to your favourite subject.
Whatever. You want to believe that speech had historical significance, have it. Winston Churchill would have been proud of that speech.
I have no idea of what? How some people can just accept on faith anything they read in a 'news' source that shares their bias?
There was nothing historical about that speech. It was a nice little choice of words on the part of the speech writer but the article writer is guilty of over-enthusiasm, at best. You don't seem to have much critical capacity when it comes to your favourite subject.
Whatever. You want to believe that speech had historical significance, have it. Winston Churchill would have been proud of that speech.

Why so the great push-back on the use of the word "historical" in an articles title.............. Where is the need for such an exceptional over reaction coming from?
Why so the great push-back on the use of the word "historical" in an articles title.............. Where is the need for such an exceptional over reaction coming from?

It's over-enthusiasm at best but dishonest at worst. It doesn't stink any less coming from a left-leaning site than from the right.
I hate fabricated news, about as much as I hate empty-headed condescension from faux intelligentsia.
It's over-enthusiasm at best but dishonest at worst. It doesn't stink any less coming from a left-leaning site than from the right.
I hate fabricated news, about as much as I hate empty-headed condescension from faux intelligentsia.

Lot's of big words will never support silliness as fact
If you have no idea.........why not ask the author of the news article what he meant............Did you even bother to read the link provided?

It's YOUR thread. You don't know what's in it?

This is the stupidest exchange I've ever seen. It is NOT historic, not compared to Andrew Jackson killing a man in a duel. It most it is histrionic.
It's YOUR thread. You don't know what's in it?

This is the stupidest exchange I've ever seen. It is NOT historic, not compared to Andrew Jackson killing a man in a duel. It most it is histrionic.

I must agree.........but not for the reasons you offer........

The replies are from folks who have never bothered to read the material and have no other interest that to make them selves feel good about themselves by mocking others

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