• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Hello. (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jul 5, 2013
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Political Leaning
Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.
Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.

Welcome to the asylum. Actually, it's not that bad here. So what news story led you to DP?
Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.


Greeting Morrigi.....Welcome to the Forums of Debate Politics.
It was some poll by Fox News about a considerable percentage of Americans would support a revolution, and was covered by RT.

With the original poll being from Fox, it is of course questionable at best.
Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.


Lots to keep you entertained here, just watch the cow pies, they're plentiful. :wink:
Welcome Morrigi, glad to have you here!

Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.
Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.

Are ravens or crows your favorite bird?
No, though they are interesting.
Hi. I found this place after googling something related to a recent news story, and it caught my attention. Always being interested in current events, politics, and debating, I figured I would take a look and register.

Excellent idea. Welcome to DP. :)

Have fun and enjoy the forums!
It was some poll by Fox News about a considerable percentage of Americans would support a revolution, and was covered by RT.

With the original poll being from Fox, it is of course questionable at best.

Welcome. I like you already. :lol:

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