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Helen Thomas retires (1 Viewer)


May 20, 2010
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Political Leaning
Mediaite news says helen thomas has retired as of immediately. I say good riddance. Stuck her foot in her mouth once too often.
I'm sure Hamas is disappointed.
Your thread is formatted and prepared incorrectly? Where is the link and a quote?
Contributed nothing. Good riddance.
Title should read..

Helen Thomas "retires"
She needs to retire beacuse she's just too damn senile and she looks like hell. Open mouth, insert foot.
Another hate filled liberal piece of trash gone. Its a great day in the world of media.
Good riddance. She is a horrible reporter, tries to create news instead of actually reporting it, gets pissed when she can't spin things her way, cantankerous piece of ****. I'm so glad she's gone, hopefully she'll stay gone.
Good riddance. She is a horrible reporter, tries to create news instead of actually reporting it, gets pissed when she can't spin things her way, cantankerous piece of ****. I'm so glad she's gone, hopefully she'll stay gone.

The good thing, her entire "career" is now solely defined by this. She'll be remembered for nothing else, other than having one helluva mug.
The good thing, her entire "career" is now solely defined by this. She'll be remembered for nothing else, other than having one helluva mug.
Oh, she'll be remembered for other contentious things, like getting owned by quite a few press secretaries and for being a complete idiot. But this one is her legacy to own. Now if the rest of the hacks could implode maybe well get some real news again in this country so that our populace can wake up.
I hope this isn't considered 'piling on' but when the President's press secretary jumps on you, you know you done wrong. It was waaaaay past time for her to go.

And during a Monday morning briefing, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs also criticized Thomas, saying, "Those remarks were offensive and reprehensible. I think she should and has apologized because obviously those remarks do not reflect the - certainly the opinion of, I assume, most of the people in here and certainly not of the administration."

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Helen Thomas has retired, Hearst announces
Mediaite news says helen thomas has retired as of immediately. I say good riddance. Stuck her foot in her mouth once too often.
Contributed nothing. Good riddance.
Good riddance. She is a horrible reporter, tries to create news instead of actually reporting it, gets pissed when she can't spin things her way, cantankerous piece of ****. I'm so glad she's gone, hopefully she'll stay gone.

Isn't time conservative Pat Buchanan 'retire' as well?

MSNBC's Pat Buchanan defends Hitler. * Again . | Media Matters for America
On May 27, 2010, outside a White House Jewish heritage event, Rabbi David Nesenoff asked if Thomas had any comments on Israel. Thomas replied, "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine... Remember, these people are occupied, and it's their land."
She was then asked where the Israelis should go, to which she replied: "they should go home" to "Poland, Germany,... America and everywhere else."
Thomas subsequently issued an apology on her personal web site.... On June 7, 2010, Thomas tendered her immediate resignation from Hearst Newspapers and entered into retirement.

Helen Thomas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The woman is 90 years old.
Frankly (and this is where my lack of education and worldliness really show, I'm sure) I don't see anything all that grotesque about her statement.
It's an opinion. Everybody's got one.
I know less than nothing about the situation over there, but didn't most Israelis move to Israel from Poland and Germany and other European locales after World War Two?
I mean, that's one solution for ending the conflict in the middle east: they could all either move to America or else go back to where they were living up until fifty years ago. it's safe now. Never again would anybody be allowed to systematically persecute them for being Jewish, not in a modern, industrialized nation where equal civil and human rights are the order of the day.

I believe I asked once, a few years ago, why we couldn't just give the Israelis some land mass (a nice one, one of their choosing, not like the Cherokee Nation) equivalent to the size of Israel here in the US.
Everyone was really offended by my idea; nobody really explained why.
So many people of all nationalities, including many American sons and daughters, have died, are dying, and will continue to die, so that Jews can continue to occupy that particular piece of land.
Why would it be so bad if we ended the bloodshed by giving them an even larger and better one someplace else, where they won't be in constant conflict with their neighbors?
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The woman is 90 years old.
So what? She shot off her mouth currently, many people have never been forgiven even after saying something in their youths for things that were accepted at the time. The old hag does not get a pass for something she just said.
Frankly (and this is where my lack of education and worldliness really show, I'm sure) I don't see anything all that grotesque about her statement.
Uh, the Jewish people were forcibly removed from their homes in Poland and starved, gassed, beaten, and inhumanly experimented on and tortured in Germany, for no other reason than being Jewish. That is a bit grotesque.

EDIT- As for the opinion point, straight news reporters do not get one. That is reserved for op-ed journalists.
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Uh, the Jewish people were forcibly removed from their homes in Poland and starved, gassed, beaten, and inhumanly experimented on and tortured in Germany, for no other reason than being Jewish. That is a bit grotesque.

EDIT- As for the opinion point, straight news reporters do not get one. That is reserved for op-ed journalists.

And they deserve restitution for that: lots of it.
Most of them lost everything they had, and had to start all over, those who survived.
The restitution, actually, should come from Germany and Poland, and whoever else was allies with Hitler.
They ought to be given land in Germany, to be set aside as the Jewish nation.

But since that's not happening, maybe they should be given land in America.
Anything, to stop this endless bloodshed they can't help dragging the entire civilized world into.
They're not going to be allowed to live in peace, where they are. EVER.
This is their fault, and their neighbors' fault, both.
Nobody's blameless.
How many millions of people are going to have to die, though, before they just move somewhere else?
They can have Israel somewhere else. The spirit of a nation resides in the hearts and minds of its people, not in the dirt it sits on.
They could perfectly easily transport the whole shebang to Florida, or Minnesota, or whatever region of the United States best suits their tastes.

Terrible things have happened to Native Americans, American Blacks, and many other groups of people in the recent past.
Many of them don't run off and form their own nation; well, some ex-slaves formed Liberia, but how well is that working out for them? The ones who stayed here are better off today.
I support Israel's right to exist.
I wish it could exist in a different geographical locale.
It would cost the world far less- in money and in bloodshed- to give the Israelis anything and everything they could ever dream of wanting in exchange for them agreeing to move "Israel" to a different geographical locale (preferable somewhere in the industrialized world), than it would to maintain it in its current location.

For what it's worth, i also believe native Americans and the descendants of American slaves and any other group that has had atrocities committed against it in the recent past deserves restitution.
Few seem to agree with me on that, however.
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And they deserve restitution for that: lots of it.
Most of them lost everything they had, and had to start all over, those who survived.
The restitution, actually, should come from Germany and Poland, and whoever else was allies with Hitler.
They ought to be given land in Germany, to be set aside as the Jewish nation.
First off, the SS took that land during WWII which was forfeited as the war was lost, Germany was broke so the U.N. gave the state of Israel to the Jews, that IS the restitution. Poland was not an ally, they were defeated and absorbed into the Reich, so they were not culpable in the aftermath of WWII.

But since that's not happening, maybe they should be given land in America.
People who want to live here can buy all the land their finances will sustain. We didn't commit the holocaust and we certainly didn't allocate the state of Israel, it was a unified U.N. action, we owe no restitution.
Anything, to stop this endless bloodshed they can't help dragging the entire civilized world into.
They're not going to be allowed to live in peace, where they are. EVER.
This is their fault, and their neighbors' fault, both.
Nope, in fact many muslim nations aligned themselves with the Axis as a way to facilitate the extermination of the world's Jewish population. So there isn't going to be peace until those who engage in the Jihad are dead.
Nobody's blameless.
Wrong, the Jews are quite blameless, if you want to point the finger it is at the U.N.
How many millions of people are going to have to die, though, before they just move somewhere else?
They can have Israel somewhere else. The spirit of a nation resides in the hearts and minds of its people, not in the dirt it sits on.
They could perfectly easily transport the whole shebang to Florida, or Minnesota, or whatever region of the United States best suits their tastes.
Their land, their choice, if others choose to attack them may those militants be permanently erased from the human existance.
Terrible things have happened to Native Americans, American Blacks, and many other groups of people in the recent past.
Has nothing to do with this subject.
Many of them don't run off and form their own nation; well, some ex-slaves formed Liberia, but how well is that working out for them? The ones who stayed here are better off today.
I support Israel's right to exist.
I wish it could exist in a different geographical locale.
Won't matter, fundamentalists believe that infadels should be slain, starting with the Jewish faith.
It would cost the world far less- in money and in bloodshed- to give the Israelis anything and everything they could ever dream of wanting in exchange for them agreeing to move "Israel" to a different geographical locale (preferable somewhere in the industrialized world), than it would to maintain it in its current location.
Completely false.
And they deserve restitution for that: lots of it.
Most of them lost everything they had, and had to start all over, those who survived.
The restitution, actually, should come from Germany and Poland, and whoever else was allies with Hitler.
They ought to be given land in Germany, to be set aside as the Jewish nation.

But since that's not happening, maybe they should be given land in America.
Anything, to stop this endless bloodshed they can't help dragging the entire civilized world into.

Or how about the Islamic Imperialists just accept the 90% of Palestine that they already have? The Islamic Imperialists engaged with Germany in an expanisonist war in WW1, and again sided with them in WW2, they lost both wars and now they have to deal with the consequences.

They're not going to be allowed to live in peace, where they are. EVER.
This is their fault, and their neighbors' fault, both.
Nobody's blameless.
How many millions of people are going to have to die, though, before they just move somewhere else?
They can have Israel somewhere else. The spirit of a nation resides in the hearts and minds of its people, not in the dirt it sits on.
They could perfectly easily transport the whole shebang to Florida, or Minnesota, or whatever region of the United States best suits their tastes.

Terrible things have happened to Native Americans, American Blacks, and many other groups of people in the recent past.
Many of them don't run off and form their own nation; well, some ex-slaves formed Liberia, but how well is that working out for them? The ones who stayed here are better off today.
I support Israel's right to exist.
I wish it could exist in a different geographical locale.
It would cost the world far less- in money and in bloodshed- to give the Israelis anything and everything they could ever dream of wanting in exchange for them agreeing to move "Israel" to a different geographical locale (preferable somewhere in the industrialized world), than it would to maintain it in its current location.

For what it's worth, i also believe native Americans and the descendants of American slaves and any other group that has had atrocities committed against it in the recent past deserves restitution.
Few seem to agree with me on that, however.

Just so long as it isn't the Islamist Imperialists who don't have to pay them right?
Won't matter, fundamentalists believe that infadels should be slain, starting with the Jewish faith.

I'm positive it would matter if Isreal were in Illinois, rather than smack-dab in the middle and surrounded on all sides by "fundamentalists that want them dead".
For one thing, we'd be able to protect and defend their right to practice their religion without being pestered by said fundamentalists without having to leave home and travel halfway around the world to die in some godforsaken desert.
For another thing, I doubt said fundamentalists would give much of a crap what the Israelis did, if they weren't living smack-dab in the middle of them.
I don't recall Islamics traveling to Europe and pestering the Jews there in the years before World War Two.
Not that the Jews weren't persecuted plenty, but that was at the hands of Europeans, not Islamic fundamentalists.
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I'm positive it would matter if Isreal were in Illinois, rather than smack-dab in the middle and surrounded on all sides by "fundamentalists that want them dead".
For one thing, we'd be able to protect and defend their right to practice their religion without being pestered by said fundamentalists without having to leave home and travel halfway around the world to die in some godforsaken desert.
For another thing, I doubt said fundamentalists would give much of a crap what the Israelis did, if they weren't living smack-dab in the middle of them.
I don'ty recall Islamics traveling to Europe and pestering the Jews there in the years before World War Two.
Not that the Jews weren't persecuted plenty, but that was at the hands of Europeans, not Islamic fundamentalists.
Every single muslim nation that has honored a peace deal with Israel has sustained peace, including Egypt, Jordan, etc. So let's not pretend this is our responsibility, and I certainly am not going to entertain giving any more American land away.
Every single muslim nation that has honored a peace deal with Israel has sustained peace, including Egypt, Jordan, etc. So let's not pretend this is our responsibility, and I certainly am not going to entertain giving any more American land away.

I'd rather give my land away than have my son and millions of other American soldiers risk their lives to protect the Israelis' right to live on land over there.
I'd rather pay higher taxes; anything.

All of the allied forces- not just Americans, although the toll on us is the highest- are paying in blood for the right of Israelis to continue to occupy that particular geographical location, and we will continue to pay, in both money and blood, for the foreseeable future. No end is in sight. None whatsoever.

I'm just saying that it would be much cheaper and more practical in the long run to give them land elsewhere. The Bahamas. Anywhere.
it would be better for the Israelis, too. Safer. They could have a bigger, nicer place, secure amongst friends and allies on all sides.
Why not?
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